Chronic kidney Disease (CKD) is a condition in which the kidneys are unable to filter blood as they should. This leads to build up of wastes or toxins in the blood causing other health issues like cardiovascular disease, anaemia, and bone disease
How do the kidneys work?
The kidneys are bean-shaped organs located just above your waist in your back. They perform the vital role of filtering waste products and fluids from the blood. Your body’s entire blood supply flow through kidneys every two minutes. In addition, the kidneys:
- Balance the fluid and chemicals needed by your body.
- Get rid of toxins and waste products from your body.
- Help produce red blood cells.
- Help control blood pressure.
- Turn on vitamin D production to keep your bone healthy.
Cause of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Glomerulonephritis
- Polycystic kidney disease
- Birth defects
- Immune disease e.g Lupus.
- Kidney stones
- Repeated urinary tract infections.
- Viral infections eg HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C.
What are the signs and symptoms of CKD?
- Anaemia
- High blood pressure
- Bone disease
- Muscle cramps
- Itching
- Blood and/or protein in the urine.
What are the risk factors for CKD?
- Uncontrolled high blood pressure
- Diabetes
- A family history of CKD
- Being older
- Race...African, Hispanic, Asian.
- Smoking
- Blockage in your kidney
- Overuse of pain relievers containing aspirin, ibufrofen, naproxen (NSAIDS)
- Taking street drugs, expired drugs, herbal medicine.
How to prevent and treat CDK
a) Visit your doctor and ask for appropriate and urine tests to know if kidneys are working properly.
b) Exercise for at least 30mins 3-4 times weekly.
c) Eat healthy foods that do not contain much starch and fats
d) Control your weight
e) Reduce alcohol and avoid smoking.
f) Avoid buying fake drug. Buy genuine.
Treating the cause of kidney disease properly is an important part of treatment. If the disease is considered severe, dialysis treatment may be needed for a short time. Where the disease is irreversible and lifelong replacement of kidney transplant is considered.
In conclusion, kidney disease have been rampant in our communities mostly as a result of untreated diabetes and hypertension, viral infections and misuse of drugs and herbals. Identifying your risk factors and preventing development of chronic kidney disease will prolong our lives.