How I have overcome my fear of dental treatment

in health •  6 years ago 

Hello my dear friends!

Are you one of those people who get shaking knees, sweaty palms, nausea and panic when it comes to dental treatments? Yeah? Then this post is dedicated to you!

I used to be a total dental treatment phobic. Some very, very bad experiences with dentists in the past made me freak out whenever I thought about the fact I had to go to a dental practice one day. Making an appointment even brought me close to fainting because my fear was so immense.

I won't tell you the details on why I was scared that much, because I am not here to tell you horror stories, but to cheer you up to be courageous and overcome your fear!

One thing:

If I did it, you can do it too!

The reason I started facing my anxiety was the fact, that I had to get a wisdom tooth pulled out. OH. MY. GOD!

When I heard about that fact, I felt like someone choked me while putting me in a very tight corset. No air to breath anymore. My happy mood was gone and made some space for an uninveted guest: Panic!

But deep down inside me I knew I had to do this one day, no matter what. I wouldn't be able to run from this fear forever as it is pretty obvious that we all have to go to a dentist from time to time. Even if it's a pretty rare case to some of us. But we all have to go one day.

So I thought to myself: "I need to face this fear and grow stronger than it! I don't want this feeling to control me and my life and health!"

And I started greeting my feelings as wise teachers and a chance to grow.

Let me share my way with you, so you can profit from my self-confrontation, too! :)

5 Steps to get rid of your dental treatment phobia

There are countless ways to overcome this fear, I guess. But here's my way. The following five steps didn't only turn my anxiety into bravery, but also strengthened my self-love. I hope it will do the same for you! :)

1. Self-love and motivation


It is very hard to go to an appointment, when you are a phobic and not 100 % aware of why you want or need to go there. You need to understand and feel why it is important to transform your fear, otherwise you'll maybe not be convinced or motivated to go to a dentist at all and prefer suffering over health.

But you deserver self-love and a good health!

This helped me a lot:

  • Remember that caring for your body is an essential part of self-love. It is not only necessary to do so, as the problems won't disappear by simply ignoring them, but also because being in a bad health condition and stucking in your fear is bad for your self-esteem and your psyche

  • If you don't visit a doctor because you are afraid that it could be unpleasant, ask yourself one simple, yet powerful question: Will it get better when I ignore it and wait?
    In most cases a dentist can help you much easier when you don't wait too long

  • Do you have any limitations or disadvantages due to your suffering? Is it hard to eat properly, are you in pain or do you feel insecure when you smile?
    Just think about how much quality of living you'll regain when you change that!

2. The right dentist


There are a lot of dentists out there. But not all of them are good, patient, sensitive and take your fears serious.

This is why many people have bad experiences, think all detists are cruel and sadistic monsters and, in the worst case, don't go to a treatment anymore.

But let me tell you one thing: There are many BRILLIANT dentists out there. You only need to find them and don't leave it up to destiny if you made an appointment at a good or bad practice.

  • Google for dentists who are specialized in treating phobic patients

  • Check the ratings and others people's experiences with that doctor

  • Visit the website and check out the photos to get a first impression of the practice and the team. Does it look only steril like in a clinic or is it even inviting? (My dentist's office looks very cozy, almost like a living room. That makes it so much easier to go there!) Do the people look friendly and sympathic to you?

  • Do they offer special treatments for phobic patients, such as laughing gas to reduce fear and pain, hypnosis, watching a movie while being on the chair or listening to relaxing music?

3. Be honest and talk about your feelings and wishes


A good dentist will take your feelings, fears and wishes serious. Make a first appointment to get acquainted with your potential doctor and talk to him openly.

If he or she knows how you feel and why you do so, they will understand you much better and will be able to support you on your further way to a good health and anxiety-free life.

You want to know about every step they make during the treatment? You need a break all 15 minutes? You need special music to keep calm? You get triggered by certain situations? Tell them! They will understand and try their best to avoid scaring you and will find the best way to make the treatment as comfortable as possible for you! :)

4. Mental preparation


When you found the right dentist it is time to face your fear and let go of negative thoughts and blocking experinces from the past that keep you from taking life easy.

  • Get aware of the fact that just because some doctors are bad, not all doctors in the world are automatically bad. There are also a lot of unfriendly cashiers but that dosen't mean that all the cashiers in every shop are this way and going shopping is hell , right? It's just the same with dentists. A lot of good ones suffer from the bad bad reputation they get due to the misbehaviour of some of their collegues. Give the right guys a chance, they deserve it. And you deserve to be happy and healthy!

  • Don't judge or fear your feelings. Look at them objectively and greet them as old friends. They are not here to harm you, they are here because they want to keep you from getting treated wrong again. Be thankful for that warning system but tell this voice inside your head calm and friendly that it dosen't have to take THAT much care of you anymore, as this is a whole new situation and time for a new evaluation

  • Meditate to find your inner balance, learn how to control your thoughts instead vice versa and let go of what happened to fully appreciate what's to come

  • Repeat the reasons why you want to go to the dentist and that you deserve to be healthy and happy and create a new life without fear

5. The day of the appointment


When you are nervous before going to your appointment, don't judge yourself or get absorbed by the fear.

  • Remember that it would not help you or your fear to cancel the treatment (in contrary!) and how proud and relieved you'll be when you are finished!

  • Tell yourself that you'll reward yourself after being at the dentist for being so brave.

  • When you stand infront of the door and feel like getting a panic attack or want to leave again (believe me guys, I know that situation very well!), count from 30 to 0. This will distract your mind from your fear, stop the downward spiral in your head and help you to enter the practice relaxed.

  • Be aware that if there is anything happening you don't agree with, don't feel comfortable with or that overwhelms you it is your right to say "STOP!" at any time. You are safe!

  • Remember why you chose this dentist (good repuattion, specialized in treating phobic patients, very good first impression and talk...) and the fact the he/she wants to help you, not harm you

  • Take something with you to bridge the time while waiting. A book, a smartphone with games, music to listen to, knitting things... When you are busy, your head won't be able to think so much negative stuff and scare you

And last but not least:

  • Be proud of yourself that you made this appointment and got so far! Applause to yourself! You made a BIG step towards an anxiety-free life! Be aware of that and look how it feels to be stronger than your fear! :)

I hope my way in overcoming my fear of dental treatments will help you as much as it helped me. I got my wisdom tooth pulled out pretty relaxed 2 weeks ago and it was an amazing experience! Why? Because my detist is simply fantastic and I had NO pain at all! I didn't even need a single pain killer after the treatment and I totally got rid of my anxiety. And that feels GREAT! :)

I wish you all the best! Be brave, be free, be healthy. You deserve it! :)

Yours Linda

Source of pictures: Pixabay Pexels and Unsplash

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Great post @endorphoenix. Consulting a doctor is so important when the pain increases on a right time so that, it will immediately cure or treated by medicine. There are also so many remedies for dental treatment. If I get free time, I will make a post on dental treatment remedies. ☺💚
Take care! Love, light and peace.

Aaaaaw thank you so much for your touching praise and love my dear <3
Yes, I also think that it is so important to care for yourself in time :)
Even if we don't like going to a doctor or prefer alternative healing methods, we sometimes need to visit one when there's no other chance. Overcoming the fear and doing what has to be done is so importnat for your selflove, I guess :)

Oh wow, I am SO excited to read your post on dental treatment remedies!! :) <3

Thank you very much my lovely soul sister! :) <3 Take care of yourself, too :-* <3
Love, light, peace and countless blessings and good vibes <3
Namaste wonderful soul!

@endorphoenix you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!

Thank you so much @flagfixer!! What a beautiful act of kindness! I am very sad people start flagging others for no reason. It is so wonderful to read, you try your best to help the victims of those trolls. Thank you very, very much again! I appreciate your help a LOT!!! <3