Treatments for Viral Hemorrhagic Fever

in health •  2 years ago 

According to the Arizona based Truth For Health Foundation, treatments for Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (VHF) which included both Marburg and Ebola are:

1. Triple monoclonal antibody therapy, Inmazeb, which is the most effective treatment we have at this time, at least for Ebola.

2. The US Army Field Manual for medical treatment used by US Special Forces, recommends the drugs; Albendazole and Mebendazole, which are both FDA-approved ‘de-wormers’ along with Fenbendzole. Fenbendzole is the same class of medicines as above, but is an approved Veterinary product, not approved for human use. Mmmm… so once again we might have to go for a good old ‘horse dewormer!’

3. And, of course, in the absence of access to the above, practitioners in other countries have reported the clinical effectiveness of using Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin for viral hemorrhagic fevers, with dosing similar to therapy for COVID. No wonder they’ve worked so hard at stigmatizing these two wonder-drugs to get them taken off the shelves.

Supplements and Neutraceuticals

  • Vitamin C (in oil): 5000 IU AM and PM
  • N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) 600-1200 mg daily
  • Glutathione, Co-Q-10 and resveratrol
  • Vitamin C with bioflavonoids 2000 mg
  • Magnesium 400 mg once or twice a day
  • B complex
  • Zinc sulfate 220 mg daily (50 mg elemental zinc)
  • Quercetin
  • Green Tea
  • Monolaurin (derived from coconuts)
  • Immune boost Mushroom complex powder (Lion’s Mane, Turkey Tail, Reishi, Maitake, Chaga etc.)
  • Aspirin 81 mg prevention dose, 325 mg full-strength anti-platelet dose (to reduce risk of blood clotting. If abnormal bleeding is happening, do NOT use aspirin, or supplements that have anticoagulant effects such as Vitamin E and fish oils).
  • Blackseed oil (N-sativa seed)

Chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) is the leading agent used for environmental decontamination to control the spread of Ebola outbreaks in West Africa by the US Military. Chlorine dioxide solution has been used safely and effectively in cleaning and sterilization efforts in the medical, agricultural, and industrial communities for decades.

Personal Hygiene, cleanliness and decontamination strategies are also critical to reduce the spread of any infectious disease including any of the Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers.

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