Six Week Health Week Four (Win 380 Steem!)

in health •  7 years ago 

Week Four of the Six Week Health Challenge

As we move past half way on the Six Week Health Challenge, #sixweekhealth, I once again have to say a big thank you to Steemit - so many of you have been getting involved in this challenge since it started. We've had so many people joining in the challenge for a chance to win sixty Steem each week, but we've also had loads of people just supporting the content with comments and upvotes. Clearly Steemians and working hard to prioritise their health.

Last week was about how you look after your mental health and de-stress yourself. We had some great entries and you can check out the finalists HERE. Go and read those posts to learn about the quality you need to achieve if you want to be the person winning sixty Steem this week!

You can no longer enter for Week One, Two or Three of the Six Week Health Challenge but you can still check them out below and try them yourself! After all, getting healthy is what this challenge is all about, winning Steem is just a little extra bonus (read on to learn more about winning sixty Steem this week).

Six Week Challenge Week One

Six Week Challenge Week Two

Six Week Challenge Week Three

Week Four Challenge - make a healthy dessert

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In Week One we had some amazing entries with healthy recipes, but they were nearly all savoury apart from a handful of desserts. I don't know about you, but one of the things I find hardest is finding something that satisfies my sweet tooth, that isn't unhealthy. Changing unhealthy desserts for healthy ones can help you stay leaner, feel fitter and eat more healthily overall.

So this week, I want you guys to make a healthy dessert. Perhaps it's a firm favourite already, or perhaps find a new recipe to try - I don't mind. The best four healthy dessert recipes will be entered in to the final vote at the end of the week. The entry with the most votes will winSixty-Steem.pngfor themselves.

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A carb free lemon cheesecake that we made.

Want the best chance to winSixty-Steem.pngthis week?
Here is what good posts will be judged on:

1. Lots of good quality original photos

The point of this health challenge is to get involved yourself and to inspire others to do the same. If you post a bunch of stock images then that kind of proves that you didn't physically get involved this week or else you could have taken some photos. Posts should also have a few images - one or two just won't cut it. Obviously make sure they aren't blurry or dark.

2. Focus on step by step instructions

Some of the best entries in our first recipe challenge where those with clear step by step instructions. Including photos of each step is a great way to help us follow a long with your recipe.

3. Make a great recipe

First, make sure it's actually healthy. We did have some dessert recipes in week one but half of them were just normal cakes full of sugar and fat. We want healthy options. Second, make it interesting and creative. Just love brownies? Show us how to make a healthy version. Can't get enough of cheesecake? Find an alternative. We want solutions to our sweet toothed problems!

The food that we put in our bodies is so important, but that doesn't mean we have to eat boring tasteless food. Making healthy food interesting and inspiring will help us all eat better - and that's the goal of this challenge!


Rules for Entering - READ CAREFULLY!!!

1. Create a post with the tag #sixweekhealth about the healthy recipe you made this week.

2. You must follow @healthsquared.

3. Your post must include at least three photos.

4. Your entry must include Week FOUR and #sixweekhealth in the title.

5. You need to submit your post by 10.30am GMT on Wednesday the 21th of February 2018.

6. Again, make sure you tag your post #sixweekhealth to be in for a chance to win sixty Steem.


Remember, the top four posts in #sixweekhealth will be entered in to the final vote at the end of the week. The most voted for post (voted by you) will winSixty-Steem.png!

@sweetsssj has generously sponsored this challenge to help Steemians become healthier. She is putting forward half of all of the prize money with me (@healthsquared) putting forward the other half. If you haven't checked her out, get over to her channel and tell her that @healthsquared sent you! She has some of the most amazing posts on Steemit - you won't regret going to see her work.


If you're as excited to get involved as me, and want to have the chance to win a load of Steem, then type 'I'm in' in the comments below and upvote this post. Then get crafting your post (make sure you read the rules and recommendations carefully). Use the FINALISTS from last week as a guide for how good your post needs to be if you want to be in for a chance to win. It's going to be amazing to learn new, healthy desserts that I and look after my mental health and spread that with you guys.

Let me know if you have any questions,

Yours in health,
Coach Ben #coachben #sixweekhealth

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I will be thinking of what to post for this competition. Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

Thank you for getting involved @cookit! This must be your ideal challenge :p

If we want a healthy life so we should follow healthy life style rules.

Indeed! Thanks for the comment @introvert-dime, nice to see you again :)

very very true

I wish I heard of this contest before. I guess next time! I'm following from now on!

Don't worry, many new people join each week. Can't wait to see your post :D

Hey Steemit friends!

You have a little over 48 hours to get your submissions posted for Week Four of this challenge. Good luck!

Yours in health,
Coach Ben

I'm very glad these type of contests are coming to Steem! Upvoting people for the great work that they do! I am excited and will be doing my best to participate :)

Great to have you involved @jfitmisc, can't wait to see what you post!

Thanks for all the motivation!

You joining in @stockhausen? :D

Hmm, not sure about that though :D :D

I'm not motivating enough then... ;)

This is my 2nd time of joinning 6 week health. Thanks for organizing this. I love dessert so much.

I love this! I JUST recently started getting back on track with my health and have been cutting out sugar and eating healthier. I cant wait to share it with all of you!

Yes! :D Sounds amazing. Can't wait to read it

It's a wonderful challenge
I will participate

Well done for getting involved. Thanks for joining in!

  ·  7 years ago 

Woah, just posted the Week 4 - dessert a moment ago. Hopefully, @healthsquared and @sweetsssj will like my healthy dessert recipe :D

I'm in!!
I'm thinking to leave my link of this contest here, is this allow?

I never knew that such tasty looking and gorgeous dessert can be healthy way to go @healthsquared

Thank you @rabihfarhat

Ur most welcome keep sharing such good quality posts 👍🏼

I'll try!

Trying it out, but no best way to live than being a Vegan!

So show us a healthy Vegan dessert then!

On it sire!

Ah good! I'm on vegan whenever I can. But i got very less choices or i lack of knowledge about healthy vegan. So hope you can share some simple vegan recipes and dessert!!! Thanks

Oohyeaah! :-)

Glad to have you back mate - loved seeing the posts about your training and stuff last week!

Thank you. I'm going back to training after a little illness. I think it will be a millet cheesecake with raisins😀 Pozdro!👊

your this post make mu hungry i love food

So make some and show us in the challenge!

yo sufro de obesidad con tan solo 22 años por problemas hormonales y era adicta a los dulces, fue difícil comenzar tener una vida sana, pero al ver los cambios al dejar el azúcar refinada en tan solo 1 mes siento el cambio, ahora busco alternativas mas sanas a la hora de preparar dulces.

That's great! Make a post about some dessert alternatives you've tried without sugar for us :D

me dio hambre.


Hello, incredible I love this new challenge, I'm inside.

:D glad to have you in again @marialara, always a pleasure!

A challenge that I will certainly love doing;) taking out my recipe book from now on.

Brilliant :D Get cooking!

Thanks you for informasion

Thank you for reading. Will you be joining in the challenge?

Living a healthy life requires a healthy meal. I think am in for this contest .

Great :D Can't wait to read your entry

I love to cook, but to decorate the food I'm still not proficient, please guidance.

Keep it simple and neat!

  ·  7 years ago 

@healthsquared Wow, luckily the deadline is on 21st Feb, so that I have some time for the preparation (Tomorrow is Chinese New Year and I will be busy until 19th Feb lol)

For this week, I will try my best to think out a healthy dessert (even though I'm not with desserts)

I try and give enough time for everyone to join in. Perhaps you'll find a recipe that changes your mind about desserts! :D Can't wait to read your entry

I'm in...always!

Great to have you involved again!

Que mejor que un postre saludable bajo en azúcar gracias por esta gran idea

Thank you for the comment

I am in, but I must say that again"you haven't interested in my 3. week post yet." I spent a lot of effort and time on this topic. As if There were a mistake about my post?
Thanks for your interest @healthsquared

I read and enjoyed your post - I'm not sure what makes you so sure that I didn't read it?

I am sure that you read but In generaly when you read then upvoted our posts. Unfortunately, this time you haven't upvoted

Nope, I haven't upvoted any posts. Just because I read something doesn't mean it gets an upvote!

good post. I like it.

Thanks @olegas89

A carb free lemon CHEESECAKE!?? What!!! Need that.

Sort of cheating - it has no crunchy base. But it's still really good.

You take 1 tub of fat free cottage cheese, juice and zest of 4 lemons, 3 eggs and your choice of sweetener (eg. Splenda or Stevia). Blend that all together, put in small ramakins and then bake in a bain marie for 45 mins on about 180 deg C. Maybe I'll make a proper post on it one day soon!

You joining in the challenge @foovler?

When I have the time I would. Will try to...

I am so in

Wooo! Can't wait to see your entry.

I love this, I will love to start this week

Thanks for sharing

Thanks for getting involved - I'll look out for your entry!

It's great, that there are useful and delicious desserts))) I'm curious to see the recipes!

Yes, I think after all the recipes have been submitted I might make a big post including all of the posts and authors so we can all find and try the recipes!


wow she so cuttttttttttttttte

Thanks @sarahkhann

Nice idea,combination of creativity with healthy foods.. thinking I will join this contest @healthsquared

Great to have you @mikemaphu, can't wait to have you involved

Can I write more than one entry?

You may yes, but only one entry per person can make the final four :)

Great contest. Would be participating.
I'm in.

Great to hear!

This is a good contest,its good to eat healthy, i have been doing a fast on snacks for the past one month,trying to get back in shape.

Sounds awesome. Can't wait to read your healthy dessert recipe!

Cook something that taste meaty and chewy and takes more calories to digest than it has per gram. Health +100

Hopefully you don't put meat in a dessert!

It doesn't have to be meat to be meaty. Maybe there's a tree bark that tastes like meat and chewy like a.. a.. have you ever tried dudhbari? it's a juicy sweet, but not that sweet, treat. I had some when I was in Nepal. unforgettable. ok meaty, chewy, juicy and takes more calories to digest than it has.

I love the idea of a health challenge. Eating clean and working out are super important to me and I love that so many people want to improve their lifestyles. I have an 8 year old son and he's been hanging out at the gym with me since he was tiny and he loves to workout and play sports. I hope this love is always with him!

I am not any kind of cook so I won't be entering the challenge lol but one of the best healthy brownie recipies I've had was made with cocoa, balsamic vinegar and black beans and it truly tasted just like a dark chocolate brownie!

What? Why not enter? I want to know your brownie recipe!

lol...when you put it that way I may have to!

Hi, I'm in

Great to have you in @martere :D Excited to read your post

Hi doc I am totally In for this contest.

Glad to have you involved! Good luck

Great competition
I will participate

Its a pleasure to see this food, im discovring many terrific things on steemit ofcourse its due to professional people like you, would like to see more

Hopefully you'll see hundreds of entries this week on amazing food! :D

sure I ll be always here and checking your posts, have a wonderful day my collegue

this is so good

Thanks @exrakib

I can't wait to see all the desserts created by Steemians. Thank you @healthsquared for organizing this and showing that sweets don't have to be full of sugar and fat. Yay!

Yeessss! Exactly. Finding ways to have desserts that aren't full of fats and sugar makes eating healthily so much easier. Nice to see you again @loveself

Go, go, go!!! 😃

Welcome back!

yes, I would love to take participate in your contest. All the best for your contest. Will make a good healthy recipe. @healthsquared

Can't wait! Thanks for checking it out and getting involved too :)

Healthy Lifestyle is very important nowadays, it saves our time and money plus the quality of life improves.


Excellent @healthsquared I have many recipes, I will gladly share it.!I'm in!

Brilliant :D Lovely to have you back @darlenys01!

Hello I love @healthsquared to participate above all with desserts, it's my hobbie.I'm inside0.

Perfect! Can't wait to hear about your healthy dessert.

I’m totally in. Thanks for the motivation to get my raw food chef hat back on;). Excited to see what other healthy dessert come out of this contest.

A raw food dessert sounds like an awesome idea. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

Hi, I'm in

Great to have you involved @rendoncarl!

Master chef @healthsquared. Regards Steemit @launglilawangsa


Thanks for such an interesting challenge here I leave my participation I hope you like it:

Thanks for getting involved @hermelindat :D

Can't wait to submit earlier if you gave me permission @healthsquared because last night I prepare my own desert for this huge contest. waiting for you response. then I can submit right now.

Of course! You can submit anytime before the end of the contest :)

Thank you for your conformation can't wait to submit hihihihi.

Happy to participate in this new challenge this week, I hope you like my recipe and are encouraged to do it.

Great post @dayana82, thanks for getting involved :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

during all the challenges I participated except for the first week and it seems that neither @sweetsssj nor @healthsquared have been able to read my post. Anyway, there is my participation with great enthusiasm waiting to be taken into account a-necessity-but-eating-healthy-is-an-art

Lovely to have new people joining in with the challenge :)

i like making soymilk :D

It's a dessert? :)

Great contest promoting healthy eats! Great idea/concept.

If I was a participant, my fave healthy dessert would be lowfat blueberry cheesecake using Greek yum! Unfortunately, I bake in 'spells' right now, I'd rather just have a slice or two served ;+).


Well that's mean - teasing us with the idea of such an amazing dessert and then not making a post about how to make it! :p

Lol...I've never made it! Perhaps, someone has a recipe and will enter it into the contest! ✌!

Great customisation - thanks for your awesome post :)

Hi! What day ends the fourth week?

Wednesday 21st Feb and 10.30am :)

Thanks for getting involved! :D

Welcome it's my honor

Keep the spirit alive, my friend

I will try! :D

Thank you for taking the time to make your entry :D

I'm in

Glad to have you in @doumerromero :D

Gran postre, se ve apetitoso. saludos desde Bqto-venezuela. chef. Nestor. @noog

I'm in the contest, excellent competition.

Can't wait to read your post :)

Excellent initiative @healthsquared, I'm participating in the contest. Thank you for allowing us to show our creativity in these wonderful desserts that also help us to take care of our health.

Thanks for your kind words @mildreduh, I can't wait to see what you post!

I'm in! I finally get to share some of my homemade herbal recipes. I have been reinventing the brownie for five years. No crack white-sugar. No bleached flour, and no hormone dairy.

Look for my post this week, Week FOUR!

Sounds like it's going to be really creative, can't wait to read!

I suppose my recipe may have been too creative!


@healthsquared Thank you for the challenge.

Great the challenge of this week and I will see what I can do to eat a healthy healthy dessert.

Every week your posts are much appreciated. Thank you for helping to inspire others!

Nice one...I'm in.

Looking forwards to reading your entry!

I'm in.

Can't wait to check out your post! Good luck

Thank you for the info~^^

Thank you for reading!

100 % upupupvote for this optic my dear!!!!

I am just now ready with it and I hope everything will be delicious and healthy for you!!!
It’s a secret healthy Tipp :-)))
Thanks for this nice idea!
Huggies to ya
Let me know what you think about!
I also put in a lot of informations about the Ingredients:-)))))

Glad to have your light and enthusiasm involved again @akashas, thank you so much for joining in and inspiring us all!

My dear @healthsquared 🙏🏼🤗💫🌹thanks. Hugs to you and the crew!

Hugs Hugs Hugs :D

@healthsquared becaus of this nice subject i wanna ask ya if you allowed only one post or maybe a daily also? because I do everyday nice healthy stuff. if its cool i would post tomoorow the next. hugs

You can post as much as you want :) Just only one post from each person can get to the final four!

nice, i have done a nice easy surfer snack so i will share it with you soooon :-*

I'm in too! but I forgot to let a message here:p

I am participating with my healthy recipe.

I'm in! Just a bit late but luckily still within the time period. Good luck to all!

I just read about the challenge, just in time to be part of it. I'm a food blogger and new on steemit so I'm pretty excited about everything this platform offers :)

My second time joining sixweekhealth challenge :) hope @healthsquared & @sweetsssj will take a look

good luck in judging desserts😀There are many of them. Dont forget to my😜