CBD Helps Me Concentrate

in health •  6 years ago  (edited)

Growing up, I was always a fidgety child. I loved to move, whether it be running around, or dancing, or just playing with something with my hands. It's only natural that I would become a juggler; it is such a meditative act that lets me zone out and think more clearly. This has helped me immensely with my writing. It's difficult for me to stay focused on a single task for very long. Thus, I tend to work piece-wise, hopping between projects that have something different to offer my brain. I find I am most productive when I write a bit, then juggle, then write some more before doing something around the house.

These abominations didn't exist when I was young

But, this isn't always feasible. On our trip across the west coast, we would stop in cafes to use the internet. Because the battery in my laptop is on its way out, these were also the only times I could get work done on the computer. Having to cram everything I normally do over an open period of time in the span of a few hours was a difficult change for me. I couldn't just stop when my attention decided to start hopping across the room and start throwing my balls around the cafe.

I felt extremely frustrated when I discovered my old strategy would no longer help me. I even feared that I would have to take something like adderall in order to just function at an acceptable level of productivity. For weeks, I threw myself at my work with the highest of intentions, but it simply wasn't enough to stay focused for any significant length of time.

Then we went to a Christmas party in Ashland. It was being thrown by a woman who has worked as a healer for most of her life. During the hubbub of the night, I wound up talking to her about my problem. She recommended I start taking CBD oil every day, claiming it would keep my attention on what I wanted it to be focused on. She also recommended it to my girlfriend, who has back issues resulting from breaking her tailbone.

Both of us have found relief with CBD. She feels much more free, and can even do yoga now. As for me, I've never been so productive. I've almost tripled my word count every day (~1,500 words written each day to ~4,000 words written each day), while simultaneously getting more done each day. I've even started running again. I feel energized, but not stimulated. It's as if more sand has been put inside my hourglass.

Naturally, this much of an effect made me curious as to why CBD works for me. Apparently, many people who suffer from attention deficits have an endocannabinoid deficiency. If you're unfamiliar with the term, the endocannbinoid system is part of the nervous system, and is responsible for regulating a variety of physiological and cognitive processes in the brain and body. CBD works by binding to the neurotransmitters, directly interacting with dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is another neurotransmitter that is responsible for memory, focus, mental awareness, and mood. When someone has low dopamine levels, they have a difficult time focusing on any single thing. CBD helps the nervous system produce and release more dopamine.

Amazing how in-focus life is now

This is exactly what it feels like to me; I feel more relaxed and there is less of a “pull” on my attention from potential distractions. I am able to sit down and comfortably work for extended periods of time without getting lost on some side task or otherwise procrastinating. I notice a subtle increase in positive moods, but I cannot say if that is directly a result of the CBD, or a side-effect produced by the delight of being so productive.

CBD has also been shown to positively effect learning and motivation. I'm learning both Norwegian and Hebrew through Duolingo at the moment, and I've noticed a significant change in how well I retain new words and how streamlined the exercises have become. I have also noticed that I can recall details from conversations more clearly.

Because of this, I highly recommend giving CBD a try if you suffer from ADD/ADHD, or otherwise have difficulty concentrating. Or any of the dozens of chronic ailments that CBD is known to help with. It has helped both me and my girlfriend immensely without side effects. Which makes us happy to help her parents, who have recently started their own hemp-based business. They have brought relief to countless individuals (including pets!) in their town, and we want to help them bring this medicine to a wider audience.

Give their website a look, and if you like what you see, head on over to their store and pick up what you need for your relief!

As always, thank you for your support. It means a lot that someone is out there reading what I create. It makes me happy that I can help my family's business while simultaneously bringing good medicine to people who need it.

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Highly Resteemed

Thanks! Do you find CBD to be helpful with your condition?

Ive felt its benefits. Ive only done 1 small bottle so far. Nothing really touches my pain unfortunately.

What amount/dosage were you taking? I know your condition is tough, but there is a wide range of quality on the market. It's possible you got a so-so product and didn't accurately reflect the power of CBD.


Found it :). Interesting. I went to get more today cuz your post plus not so good here. They were out. I did feel some effects but not sure on quality or whatever.

How many drops is a dose? It looks like it says it's a 100mg (15mg/ml), which is a really low concentration. Plus it's a tincture, so the alcohol may have an effect on how your body absorbs it. We sell 500mg and 750mg of a full-spectrum isolate. It might have a better effect :)

I have a pretty ‘active’ mind and body myself. Though I’m probably not as bad as you were, or maybe I am?? I kind of have fun with it. Make the best of what I got in a way. I’ve been thinking about doin it but I need to get with my employer and I don’t know how the feds are when it comes to a commercial drivers license. Which I have to have for work also.
This is so awesome to see and hear of people healing themselves naturally. Taking another bite into big pharma.

Thanks! I agree, we should be as true to our authentic selves as possible. That's why I don't want to zombify myself with some amphetamine, or whatever a doctor would prescribe. At the same time, life requires us to be adaptable, and CBD is as natural as natural gets. No side effects!

A hemp-based CBD product should have no issues when it comes to any legal ramifications. CBD is non-psychoactive and is not tested for on any drug test. You have to be careful though, because some people sell CBD products that have been derived from the female plant, and thus has THC in it. If you decide you want to try it, order through us for guaranteed no THC!

You mean to tell me I don’t have to take a pill to counter a pill to counter a pill 😜😜lol

Nice!! Thanks for the info. I had no idea about the female and male plants.

Nope! Funny how the solution provided by the multi-billion-dollar-a-year industry keeps you sick so you have to buy more and more of their solutions, right?

Hemp = the male plant; typically the one used for things like rope and paper because it's more fibrous

Marijuana = the female plant; she's the one that flowers, which is what people smoke.

Just like crack dealers—Gotta have those return customers😉

I was big into the female plants in my younger years. Phew, glad it wasn’t the males 😜😜

never had straight cbd before.. been fractions of it in weed we smoke but be interesting to try cbd oil for a week.

It really has a big impact on my thinking; I've noticed my thoughts are more fluid, less jumping back and forth frantically. I recognize this as something weed does to me, but isolated it's very different without all the other effects. Definitely a huge plus for my creativity.

I personally have loved cbd's for when i have to give presenations to large groups of people. with CBD the anxiety is gone and I can just handle my thoughts and produce articulated responses to peoples questions! cheers


Definitely! There's a calmness in my mind that wasn't there before.
