"Hey my friend, I hope you're doing great. This is my second video of the new blog that I've just launched -- I'm definitely on a roll! Two videos in a week so it's gonna stay that way, two to three videos every week to connect with you and to help you out to stop the suffering. That's the name of the blog so all the videos are gonna be about that subject '#StopTheSuffering' -- identifying those zones and those places where we tend to suffer and then I'm gonna share with you a few pointers, few strategies and techniques to free yourself from those lingering sufferings.
Today what I'm gonna talk about is there's an invitation that I want you to consider. As you can see today, you can see it in the back here, I'm set out to do some training videos. It's gonna be a great day and there, in those videos, I'm gonna do a video today about accepting, or not even accepting, considering all options. I talk about it in my book 'Know Thyself and Move Forward' and it's a book about overcoming procrastination. It's in four steps -- the third step is about listing all your options, every options that you can imagine. It's about really staying open and at least considering all options, because from an option point of view, only for the facts, an option is not wrong or right or whatever. It might be supportive or not, it might be doable or not, it might be reasonable or not, but it's not good or bad, it's not right or wrong.
The idea is to stay open and really consider all the options, because that's when you never know where another idea or another option will come from, and if you try to stick to only what you know, then obviously you're gonna keep on getting the same results that you already got in the past, and you're never gonna grow to another level. The message for today: stay open to all options. Another reason why I'm inviting you to do that, and I would love for you to stay open, is that through this blog I will present you with some ideas that will be controversial, some ideas will be alternative and I want you to stay open and consider them. Some of them are gonna be about physical health, some of them are gonna be about relationship health, spiritual health, healthy identity, healthy communication and what I would love for you to do is stay open.
Consider the options, do your own research. I'm not about like trying to sell you my ideas to fit in your life, it's really about sharing what I know, and probably some case studies and techniques, and then you have to find what works for you, what makes you vibrate and to stay with what sticks and then elevate to a new level, to grow within that process. But obviously, to do that you have to stay open to any possibilities, any options and consider them one by one and if they fit with you, then you accept them and you put them in motion. That's my message for today, a short video to invite you to stay open and consider all options and all ideas for what they are. They are ideas, they are not right, they are not wrong. Some of them will fit, some of them won't and that's great. You take what fits, you put them to good use and then you can move forward from there.
I wish you all the best. I want to hear you, well actually, read you in the comment section below. Let me know how is staying open helping you to grow and to find new ways -- to be open and to consider different ideas -- how does that help you on your path to either stop the suffering or on your path of growth?
Leave me a message, I'll be interacting with you through that... and now my arm is getting really tired. Yeah, I want to hear you and I invite you to stay open. I'm gonna go back to my filming for my new course 'Move Forward Now'. You can get all the information -- there's a link in the right sidebar, on the right. I wish you all the best, thank you for watching. Leave me a comment and if you know somebody that would appreciate or that needs to hear that message, then share through social medias with the link down this video, too.
Wish you all the best, thank you! See you soon! Bye bye!"