"Hey, folks. I hope life is treating you very well. This week I have a really simple message but it's still a profound one and it comes from maybe about 10 years or even 15 years back, there was a one-hit-wonder that it was really nice music, a little bit of upbeat music. The gentleman that was speaking on the music, he wasn't singing. It was strictly speaking, and his message was basically wear sunscreen. Obviously, I'm sharing this message today with my puffy, red-burned face. The idea is that throughout the song, the gentleman was saying, maybe this is going to happen, maybe that is not is going to happen, maybe this, maybe that. You never know. You never know what's going to happen. But wear sunscreen.
Obviously, what I want to share with you is deeper than to wear sunscreen. It's mainly about the information that we get, let's say the insights or the tips of everybody around us. Sometimes it fits with what we're doing and sometimes it doesn't. But how do we know which tips and which guidance to follow, and which one to just pass and move on?
The idea is that we have what we call a mind/body connection. The mind is usually the thought process, so it's when you're thinking, and your body is mostly, well it's not mostly it's 100% living in the present. So your mind, your thought process, can be in the past, can be in the present, can be in the future so you can worry about the past or regret the past, worry about the present, or have some kind of anxiety towards the future. But to have a really present and a really quiet mind, not even quiet but at least relaxed mind and a really profound and insightful mind thought process, it has to be in the present. Your body, it cannot live in the past or in the future, it's 100% in the present. So the mind/body connection is when your mind and your body connect and sends you the same message that you understand it in the same way, then you should follow that message, whether that message comes from your inside or from an outside source.
For the purpose of this video, let's talk about the outside source. When somebody comes to you, everybody that comes into your life for a split second or a lifetime, they come in bearing messages for you. When somebody comes into your life and your thought process or your mind and your body aligns to agree that you need to accept that person, then you should do it. If one of the, either your mind or your body or both, agree that you shouldn't trust that person or you shouldn't let that person in your life, then obviously you need to agree with that and to follow that tip and that message. It's going to happen maybe somebody that you meet on the street and within your body, you feel that this person is off-putting, or in your thought process, in your mind, the first thing that comes to your mind is like, "Oh, this person is not trustworthy or I shouldn't connect with that person," then if that's what is in your mind and in your body, then you should stay away from that person.
But sometimes, the message is not super clear, so you have to really think about maybe sometimes your mind judges and then your body reacts in a different way and then you have a mixed message and you're wondering what should you do. In that situation, let's say your body says yes and your mind says no? You can explore further what your mind is saying or what your mind is seeing. Maybe your mind is triggered by some past event and it doesn't see really clearly. Or maybe it's vice versa. Your body is just reacting on an attraction level and the body doesn't see what the future offers and then it sends mixed messages.
Either way, when you have outside tips, somebody delivers you a message, that's one way, a really powerful way to say, to understand, if you should follow that tip and if you should accept that message or not. If your body and your mind say yes at the same time, then by all means, accept that message. If one of them says no, then you can explore further, and if both of them say no way Jose, then, of course, you need to discard that message or that tip.
Coming back to "Wear Sunscreen," obviously I didn't listen to my body and my mind on that one. I literally got burned a little bit all over my body after a short afternoon at the beach. Obviously I thought about, the first thing that came to mind when I was invited to the beach, was to wear sunscreen. Actually, the song that I will share just under this video, I'll share the link to that song and you can explore that a bit further, but that song came into my head about wearing sunscreen. That was in my mind and obviously I said, well, it's okay, I'll be all right. Just a quick short walk on the beach and that's it. And even when I got to the beach, the sun was blazing hot and my body was saying, "You need to protect yourself." That's the message that my body sent me.
When I got to the beach, I actually thought again of that song, "Wear Sunscreen." But I didn't, so I spent a short span, maybe not even a couple of hours, on the beach, but under the blazing sun. We sat down and we had a good conversation. I went into the sea to swim a little bit. Then, obviously I got home later that day, the first thing that I noticed in the mirror is that I was red all over. Again, the song came in my head, "Wear Sunscreen." I didn't. I didn't listen to my mind, I didn't listen to my body, and what came out of it? I literally got burned by that message. So, this is a funny way to be brought back to reality and brought back to the basics. I thought about sharing it with you today. Don't do like me. If your mind and your body tells you to wear sunscreen, please do so you won't get burned and you won't be dehydrated and you're not going to have a headache for 24 hours.
The idea's that it's not about listening to everything that comes from the outside. It's about listening what's in the inside. What is the answer or the connection or the reaction that comes from the inside? Whatever we listen to from the outside, music, a tip from somebody, even somebody that we love and that loves us back, sometimes it doesn't fit for us. The idea is really to consider what's coming from the outside and really focus on what you feel inside. What is your thought process? What is your mind, the reaction of your mind and the reaction of your body? If they're both positive, please wear sunscreen. If they're both negative, obviously just discard it. If they're sending mixed messages, you can look into it deeper and see what's really going on there.
I hope this helps, the "Wear Sunscreen" message and the message about listening to your mind and body connection to really know if that outside tip is good for you or not. I hope you enjoy your week. All the best. Namaste and see you soon."