"Hello, everybody. I hope you're doing great. This week I got a quick tip, short and sweet, but super important. What you focus on expands. So, there is this little story about the two wolves that we have inside us, so we have the positive wolf, which is gonna create positivity in our life, which is gonna attract positive things and positive people and positive energies. We also have the negative wolf, or the diablo wolf, that will attract negative energy, the negative situations to us. The story goes on to saying that when you ask yourself who's gonna win, then the obvious answer is the wolf that you feed the most is gonna win over the other. So, if you feed the positive wolf more than the negative wolf, then obviously you're gonna have more positivity in your life and vice versa. If you keep on feeding the negative wolf, then obviously he's gonna win over the positive one, and your life is gonna feel negative all around.
It's really important to understand that what you focus on and what you feed your mind, your body, your life your energy fields, take it however you want ... your relationships, your identity, anything ... what you feed it is what's gonna be recreated. So, what you feed it it is what it's gonna create and what it's gonna expand into whatever you feed it to. Take your physical health for example. If you keep feeding your body junk food, then your body is gonna feel like junk food and it's gonna look like junk food, so you need to think about what you put in your body. When you put positive stuff, you're gonna reflect and you're gonna feel positivity, you're gonna feel good about yourself and in yourself. The same thing goes for the mind. Whatever you feed your mind is gonna be what is gonna be created by your mind.
So, if you feed negative news ... Every day at 6 PM you get the news and it's 95% negative, usually it's 100% negative, then your mind is gonna start to create that fear and it's gonna start to create that mentality that the world is crazy and everybody's gonna die and the world's going to hell. On the flip side, if you feed your mind positive stuff, good, positive stories, stories of support, stories of love, if you feed it with great conversations with people that you care about, then it's gonna create more of that, so it's gonna think that the world is great and that people can be trusted and we don't need war and we can survive or thrive on love. So, whatever you feed the wolf ... or whichever wolf you feed is gonna be the one that's gonna win and it's gonna take over. Remember that, that whatever you focus on and whatever you feed your body, whatever you feed your mind is going to expand and recreate in different forms.
I hope this resonates with you 'cause it's really important when you understand that. When you start focusing on what you want instead of what you don't want, when you focus on positive and when you focus on gratitude and when you focus on love and when you focus on positive relationship and when you focus on connection and when you focus on openness, that's what you're gonna attract into your life and that's what you're gonna recreate and you're gonna give people. If you always think positively, then obviously you're gonna express yourself in a positive way. There's also Dr. Wayne Dyer that kept repeating for years and years, we don't attract what we want and we don't attract what we need, we attract who we are. So, by being positive, we attract positive. By being negative, we attract negative. Remember that. Focus on what you want and focus on what is positive and feed your body, feed your mind, feed your relationships with what you want in exchange, meaning that give what you want to receive, and that's exactly what's gonna happen.
Whatever you focus on expands and is recreated by whatever inside or outside of your circumstances. I hope this helps you. I hope you're gonna keep this in mind next time you get a little slump. If you keep on focusing on the negative stuff, you're gonna attract more negative. If you simply flip on the positive switch ... it can be super small, but then one small positive attracts another, attracts another, and then before you know it you're day just has been flipped around. So, share that with somebody that needs to hear this message right now. Remember, sharing is caring. Leave a comment down in the comment section, like how do you think you're gonna use that little tip, that little tip of the week of focusing on what you want so which what you want expands and recreates into something even better? I wish you all the best. Namaste, with love. I'll see you next week."