This is the third and final part of my three-part series on #Mental-Illness
1. What is Mental Illness Today
2. What is Psychiatry? - Sigmund's Fraud Explorers
3. What is Schizophrenia? And why are we abusing our Shamans?
In this post I'll be exploring the role of "schizophrenia" in past societies as well as in our own today, and trying to shed light on this most ancient mental condition, its past application, and potential future applications in our world.
All Beautiful Gifs Borrowed From Here

First, let me dedicate the making of this post to somebody who was hugely influential in my most early thoughts on the topic: Terence McKenna

Schizophrenia is just a catch-all term for forms of mental behavior that we don’t understand. In the 19th century, there was a term “melancholia,” which we would now call bipolar depression, so forth and so on. But all forms of sadness, unhappiness, maladaptation, so forth and so on, were poured into this label “melancholia.”
Now, schizophrenia is a similar thing. I can remember an experience I had years ago, it was in the Tolman Library at the University of California, which is the psych library, and I was looking up some drug or something, and I just saw a book and I pulled it off the shelf, a book about schizophrenia. And it said, “the typical schizophrenic lives in a world of twilight imagining, marginal to his society, incapable of holding a regular job, these people live on the fringes, content to drift in their own self-created value systems.” And I thought... That’s it! That’s it! Now I understand!… Source
Indeed, in his 1991 talk entitled Eros vs. Eschaton: Living in the State of Twilight Imagining, McKenna was (to my knowledge) one of the first to raise the question of the seeming paradox of schizophrenic shamanism...
Is it possible that the Shamans of Old, who possessed the ability to communicate with the spirit ancestors and commune with the will of the spirits, were what we today call: “Schizophrenics”
There is a great phobia about the mind: the Western mind is very queasy when first principles are questioned. Rarer than corpses in this society are the untreated mad, because we can’t come to terms with that. A shaman is someone who swims in the same ocean as the schizophrenic, but the shaman has thousands and thousands of years of sanctioned technique and tradition to draw upon. In a traditional society, if you exhibited “schizophrenic” tendencies, you are immediately drawn out of the pack and put under the care and tutelage of master shamans. You are told: “You are special. Your abilities are very central to the health of our society. You will cure. You will prophesy. You will guide our society in its most fundamental decisions.” Contrast this with what a person exhibiting schizophrenic activity in our society is told. They’re told: “You don’t fit in. You are becoming a problem. You don’t pull your own weight. You are not of equal worth to the rest of us. You are sick. You have to go to the hospital. You have to be locked up.” – You are on a par with prisoners and lost dogs in our society. So that treatment of schizophrenia makes it incurable.
Let me just quote a a few more short passages from this most fascinating of talks, and after that I will discuss all the elements I've laid forth and add my own thoughts. McKenna added:
We have no tradition of shamanism. We have no tradition of journeying into these mental worlds. We are terrified of madness. We fear it because the Western mind is a house of cards, and the people who built that house of cards know that, and they are terrified of madness.

Imagine if you were slightly odd, and the solution were to take you and put you – lock you into a place where everyone was seriously mad. That would drive anyone mad! If you’ve ever been in a madhouse, you know that it’s an environment calculated to make you crazy and to keep you crazy. This would never happen in an aboriginal or traditional society. I wrote a book, I mean this has to be the wrap-up, because we’re over time – but I wrote a book called The Archaic Revival; I signed it tonight for some of you. The idea there is that we have gone sick by following a path of untrammeled rationalism, male dominance, attention to the visible surface of things, practicality, bottom-line-ism. We have gone very, very sick. And the body politic, like any body, when it feels itself to be sick, it begins to produce antibodies, or strategies for overcoming the condition of dis-ease. And the 20th century is an enormous effort at self-healing.

Phenomena as diverse as surrealism, body piercing, psychedelic drug use, sexual permissiveness, jazz, experimental dance, rave culture, tattooing, the list is endless. What do all these things have in common? They represent various styles of rejection of linear values. The society is trying to cure itself by an archaic revival, by a reversion to archaic values. So when I see people manifesting sexual ambiguity, or scarifying themselves, or showing a lot of flesh, or dancing to syncopated music, or getting loaded, or violating ordinary canons of sexual behavior, I applaud all of this; because it’s an impulse to return to what is felt by the body – what is authentic, what is archaic – and when you tease apart these archaic impulses, at the very center of all these impulses is the desire to return to a world of magical empowerment of feeling.
Yes, indeed. An archaic revival to say the least.
This is all happening, might I add, in a simultaneous and parallel conjunction to the neurotic race to trans-humanism, which is the death of the Human Soul and the 'Apocalypse' that many have talked about.
But on with the rest of this story:
What is Schizophrenia? And why are we Abusing our Shamans?

Quoting from Netdoctor
Psychotic illness appears to be caused by disturbances in the activity of neurotransmitters (mainly dopamine) in the brain. Schizophrenia is known to be associated with an “overactivity” of dopamine in the brain, and this may be responsible for the delusions and hallucinations that are a feature of this disease.
[An antipsychotic] works by blocking the receptors in the brain that dopamine acts on. This prevents the excessive activity of dopamine and in this way helps to control symptoms of schizophrenia and mania.
[An antipsychotic] improves symptoms such as hallucinations (hearing, seeing, or sensing things that are not really there), disturbed thoughts (such as having mistaken beliefs or feeling unusually suspicious or paranoid), feeling depressed, anxious, agitated, hostile or unusually excited, having a lack of emotion or becoming withdrawn.

That's a pretty spectacular admission. Remember lobotomies?
Yeah. It has just changed name. We use toxic chemicals now instead of big sharp pointy scissors because we’ve made “progress”.
It's worth noting that even though from our 'sane' eyes it seems like people with 'severe mental illness' are somehow impaired or disabled, it's most likely that we, the sane ones, are actually the impaired and disabled.
And probably for good reason... I'm glad that there is no stigma associated with being unable to see ghosts and other etheric & astral entities and other incomprehensible forms in waking consciousness...
Why not have that aspect of consciousness (mostly) relegated to a specialized class of naturally ordained shamans and seers?
I assume it would genuinely interfere with a lot of people's day-to-day interactions if ghosts kept rising through the floorboard and haunting everybody... But are people who do see ghosts rising through the floorboards “sick”? Or do they just have a special gift?
This is the key point I'd like to make: people with schizophrenia have just been labelled as such. When they are allowed to harness their abilities for good, they become gateways between the Spirit World of the Ancestors and the World of the Living.
And that is an aspect of consciousness that we repressed and suppressed for so long that people actually believe that we are actually all alone in this world.
Anthropologically Speaking
Spirits are as real of an experience as one can experience.
McKenna often talked about what he called “True Hallucinations”. Rumors were even circulated that Jim Carry would play the famed ethnobotanist and psychonaut in a biopic of the same name, although these appear to be nothing more than rumors. Wouldn't that've been fun though.

The overarching purpose of his discussions on this point were to try and bring credibility to the faculty of clairvoyance.
To legitimize and legalize the use and study of the abilities of The Third Eye.
What does the word schizophrenia even mean? From Greek skhizein ‘to split’ + phrēn ‘mind’.
What we are implying with this label which comes to us from the so-called science of psychiatry is that people with extra-sensory abilities have a split personality... They lack a certain kind of predictability, coherence, and linearity of consciousness.
Well what could this 'split' mind even be alluding to?
There is only one possible answer: the line between the ego-consciousness and the higher consciousness.
That's right. People with schizophrenia simply cannot maintain the delusion of the ego. Their neural and mental behavior is simply to advanced and complex to be able to sustain a credible ego projection that other's can identify with.
They are not and will never be who society would try to convince they are.
They are Infinite Consciousness as it exists in Nature.
They are Pure Flow, Pure Divine Will, Pure Experience
No mask. No face. No name.
Just Being.
This is incredibly threatening to which collective hallucination our society holds so dear?
The Frickin' Ego Folks.
This is really the crux of my argument and also the reason why someone reading this might be getting really torked by what I'm suggesting.
Is it really just me out here who feels that the ego is the real mental illness in our society?
It's a delusion that has very real effects on our health, wealth, mental abilities, the kinds of relationships we form, etc.
I mean, what are property rights based on? What is the the law based on?
It's the ego self-image that feels threatened by change, threatened by the unknown, threatened by anything that might undue its weak and measly claim on reality.
This is something that every ''schizophrenic'' person will be able to do:
To make our ego feel unsafe.
Why? Because to be schizophrenic is to have the qualities of an empath, of a seer, of a mind-reader... To be schizophrenic and to express oneself confidently in a non-threatening environment is to have harnessed the power of white-magic.
The reason the world seems so fucked up is because most of us are suffering from a mental illness that is so debilitating, it is causing us to mentally hallucinate false perceptions of ourselves that we use in our social-interactions to construct limiting and narrowly defined socially-acceptable parameters of behavior. This is all part of what Terence McKenna called the Dominator Culture and the Social Engineers who would want to enslave us to their egocentric agenda.
Direct Link :
Now, I'm not suggesting that all schizophrenia is the same or works the same. Again, it seems to me to be a completely artificial label that has very little bearing on reality outside than the 'psychiatric medical establishment' has just foisted it on people who can't hold a job, or pay the rent and the utilities on time. That really seems to be the defining criteria for 'is someone schizophrenic'.
Why has our society stigmatized and locked up the people who once were our shamans and healers?
Terence McKenna argued its' the same reason that natural psychedelics, such as marijuana and psychedelic mushrooms and cacti, have around the world been made illegal and research been banned. (There are signs this is slowly changing as public awareness and outcry continues to demand it to change.)
My Own Personal Experience
Supposedly, 'schizophrenia' runs in my family, specifically on my mother's side. In all likehood, from what I experienced revisiting past life memories in transcendental states of consciousness, it's due to the left-over Native American blood that still runs in my WASP family veins.
I have an uncle who was diagnosed schizophrenic who unfortunately is among those who's lives was robbed the pressures of the egocentric consciousness grid...
He went in a similar way as Kurt Cobain.
This was something that absolutely terrified my father, who upon noticing signs of my awakening, was convinced I was experiencing the early-stage symptoms of schizophrenia.

Whenever I spoke to him of my hallucinations (I experimented a lot with psychedelics during those years), and my deep sense of feeling connected to spirit guides that were surrounding me, he would fear for my health.
There was a time when he truly believed that I was going to need to be put on antipsychotics, and I honestly can't stress how damaging it is to a young person's budding awareness and metaconsciousness to have a trusted person, someone who is supposed to have your best interest's at heart, a guardian if you will, cast that shadow of doubt upon oneself.
It meant that I had to struggle with the possibility that everything I was feeling and thinking could be delusion. That my entire reality could not be trusted. That my experience, my brain, my body, my mind, we're all really messed up and giving me a very bad feed on reality...
Well, I never stopped believing in myself and my visions, though I did question them neurotically for years...
That was thanks to my mother (it's on my mother's side that there are schizophrenics, whereas on my father's side, they all have personality disorders), who never stopped validating my thoughts and feelings for an instant, no matter how far-fetched and outlandish they may have seemed.
And this is a point that I think needs to be reiterated...
Whereas when my crown chakra was blown wide open at the tender age of 18, and I experienced my Kundalini awakening, I was told by my most-trusted source, my mother: "God chooses the ones he wants."

I have many friends who also experienced this awakening, and the message they got was: "You took too many drugs... You're not stable. We are interning you in a psychiatric hospital for a few months and drugging you against your will..."
Well, whereas I have continued to progress spiritually and have even put away the drugs to embrace a more wholistic, healthy, alkaline and plant-based lifestyle, many of my friends are hooked to their "meds", indulge in excessive alcoholism and drug addiction, and desperately cling for dear life to their miserable jobs and miserable 'normal life'...
They've been fooled... And it's more than just one friend...
Some of them, who were my closest and most respected friends in my life... I can't even recognize them anymore...
They've become zombies... They are just addicted, miserable, mentally ill people...
Whereas they started out exactly the same as me...
This is how I know that this system does not work... Whether it is merely blind, or evil, or both... I cannot say...

But it's broken. It doesn't work.
I personally have long been able to tell my Dad to eat a chill pill himself, and relax about life, as I'm doing great now.
My heart and my mind are still connected, and I'm more peaceful than I ever was throughout my teenage and early adult years... And I have a bright future ahead of me.
And it will be a future of great expansive and deep, esoteric thought and practice...
It will be a life guided by healthy behavior, the absence of suffering, and ultimately, enlightenment.
It is my most honest hope that by accumulating wisdom, and continuing to strive for the Light, as appears to be the natural course of my life as well as so many others, as long as we do not consciously stray from this path by making foolish mistakes and thinking in a paranoid and 'schizo' fashion: (And by that I mean simply getting trapped in the delusion of our egos)... is to release all hold and grip on the ego and become a Mystic... Or if you prefer... :
An Ascended Master

And this is why I believe we absolutely MUST stop abusing our Shamans...
We must put this message out that just because people are experiencing things that are not 'normal' does not mean they are insane...
It means they are waking up.
There was a great TedTalk about this by Phil Borges entitled Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening
direct link :
I invite you all to become aware of this, and to learn as much as you can.
And with these thoughts, this concludes my 3 part series on the state of #Mental-Health in these post-modern days...
I know there is still so much to be explored on this most fascinating of topics, but it unfortunately will have to be left for many follow-up posts entirely dedicated to the subject.
But if I can leave with you with a few concluding thoughts:
1. Mental illness comes from egocentricity
2. We are so much more than our behavior
3. We are not what other people say or think we are. We are 'our experience'. Consciousness is merely the Felt Presence of Immediate Experience, to quote Terence McKenna.
4. 'Schizophrenia' is merely a catch-all umbrella label that has been placed on the cognitive and mental behaviors of people who we do not currently understand.
5. Human being's are awakening and their consciousness is shifting from an egocentric state to a state of Higher Consciousness.
6. All suffering is caused by the ego. It is the most powerful delusion or 'spell' to affect mankind.
7. To have peace within ourselves, we must let go of the ego, and embrace and life our lives fully in the moment.
And that about does it.
Thank you for reading and taking time to participate.
Please leave your comments below and let's participate in a discussion about this!
With Peace and Love in my Heart for you All
Thank you for reading and taking time to participate.
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Nice post but I think you have taken time to really emphasis on few points lemme ask do you still cosidered the termed schizophrenics to be gifted when they try to hurt themselves or people. And what about the people multiple personality disorders is it still wrong to lock them up when some of their manifested personalities hurt people , their loved ones ,when they become dangerous to even themselves
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Hi @giftessiet
That's a very good question
Obviously I agree if somebody is a threat to other people or themselves some kind of restraint should be applied
But it's worth noting that in the US people with mental illness are 16 times more likely to be killed by police, and 10 times more likely to be in a prison than in a hospital. Source
In other words, especially with regards to schizophrenia, it's much more likely that schizophrenics are getting beaten up, harassed, tossed in jail, sexually abused etc, than they are doing all of those crimes to healthy people.
As in: A lot more likely
In reality, somebody with schizophrenia or ''multiple personality disorder'' is much less likely to go around committing crimes and doing damage than regular people, and when one studies why they do crimes, it's for the same reasons as healthy people.
So agree, as long as we can demonstrate that they are sane (i.e: they know the difference between right and wrong), then we can and should treat them like human beings and validate their gifts rather than locking them up, hurting them, abusing them, and the like...
If they really are a threat to themselves and others well, then we should probably find a solution...
But it's a shame that it has to even get to that point, especially when we know that they have a gift and have simply been so attacked and mind-fucked by our society that they are completely lost and afraid
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I'm not surprised about the fact that most violence committed by schizophrenics occurs in residential (meaning institutional) settings. Violence is often the result of feelings of great pent-up anger, anger that is considered unacceptable to express. Here's what Carl Jung said about anger: "Thank goodness for anger, which gives my soul a way to communicate that I am NOT an object."
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this is amazing. at a loss of words. magnificently done.
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Hey @rok-sivante
Thank you so much! Your comment really means a lot to me
I'm so glad it resonated with you, as it's something that's incredibly important to me as well.
Sending much peace and love your way,
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Agreed! Wow! I needed this : )
Highly rEsteemed!
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Thanks so much @Frankbacon! <3
I hear that! Sounds like you and I are learning the same tricks these days!
Peace and Love,
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My brother disappeared for many months, finally turning up dead, by an act of suicide. It was only later that we discovered writings that showed how delusional he was. My mother's best friend was undergoing a Jungian analysis at the time and she asked my mother to loan her my brother's writings to show to her analyst. She returned with a message from the analyst I'll never forget: "Tell your friend to understand that her son died of an illness. There is a certain form of schizophrenia that kills. It may kill by suicide or by homicide, but that form of the disease only has one outcome. Your friend's son was killed by his illness."
The analyst also asked my mother's friend to give her a book, "Surviving Schizophrenia: A Family Manual," by E. Fuller Torrey, M.D., considered perhaps the top expert on schizophrenia in the US. Back when my brother died it was a fairly slim book, as not much was known about the disease at the time, although its few pages were packed full of the amazing humanity of its author (who is, yes, a research psychiatrist!). All the members of my family read it. I even felt the need to purchase my own copy, which I kept under my pillow for many months, as it offered me such needed solace and relief from my emotional pain. A revised and updated version of the book was published in 2013, and it is now 479 pages! I can't recommend it highly enough.
Aside from just recommending it to anyone who is seriously interested in learning about the disease, I also mention it to highlight the fact that Sigmund Freud's theories about schizophrenia occupy exactly one paragraph in the book, in a section entitled "Obsolete Theories." Here is that paragraph:
For the first half of the twentieth century, Freud's psychoanalytic theories were prominent in the United States. Freud taught that bad mothering causes schizophrenia. Freud himself knew almost nothing about the disease and avoided seeing patients who had it. In a 1907 letter, he acknowledged: "I seldom see dements [dementia praecox, or schizophrenia] and hardly ever see other severe types of psychosis." Four years later he wrote: "I do not like these patients [with schizophrenia]...I feel them to be so far distant from me and everything human." Any mental health professional who still professes Freudian beliefs about schizophrenia should be regarded as incompetent." (Empahsis added)
Freud's ego, like your father's (from the sound of it), was a very frail one. The Buddhist fix on ego is the one I feel is the most accurate. Ego is, in fact, the sum total of all our defense mechanisms! And at heart, what are we defending ourselves from? From that queazy, sickening awareness just below our consciousness that there's no "ground beneath our feet," as Pema Chodron,the Buddhist nun, puts it. "We're always looking for a permanent reference point, and it doesn't exist," she writes. "Everything is always changing - fluid, unfixed and open. Nothing is pin-downable the way we'd like it to be. This is not actually bad news, but we all seem to be programmed for denial. We have absolutely no tolerance for uncertainty." (Pema Chodron, Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears, pp. 17-18)
When the ego isn't firmly in place (and for people with personality disorders, that is generally the case - at the core of the disorder is an ego plagued with deep, unutterably painful shame), that shifting nature of reality equates with madness, and it is avidly feared and to be avoided at all costs. In essence, it was this that provoked the split between Jung and Freud, the master and his protégé. (Freud even referred to Jung in the early phase of their relationship as his "son".) When Jung encountered Freud's underlying fear and resistance to acknowledging that what we call "reality" is just an illusion (or at the very least, entirely relative), and his great need to put ground under his feet by insisting on his ultimate and definitive understanding of the human psyche, Jung knew he could no longer work with Freud as his vision, and indeed his own psyche, was too frail. This was a deeply tragic realization for Jung. In his later years, he wrote about how sad it made him to have been unable to get to a point of reconciliation with his former mentor...
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Thank for sharing...
Your testimony means a lot to me
Hopefully we'll have further opportunity to discuss it xx
Peace and Love,
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There are so many thought-provoking passages in this post that I'll be submitting several responses. The first one I'm led to offer is this quote from Marcus Borg's book, Jesus: Uncovering the Life, Teachings, and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary (Harper San Francisco: 2006).
"Jesus was from the peasant class. . . . His use of language was remarkable and poetic, filled with images and stories. . . . He was not an ascetic, but world-affirming, with a zest for life. There was a sociopolitical passion to him . . . he challenged the domination system of his day. He was a religious ecstatic, a Jewish mystic, for whom God was an experiential reality. . . . Jesus was an ambiguous figure—you could experience him and conclude that he was insane, as his family did [Mark 3:21], or that he was simply eccentric or that he was a dangerous threat—or you could conclude that he was filled with the Spirit of God." You're on to something here, Hae-Joo. Your mother was right: God does come to get the one He wants.
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I really want to thank you for this post! My brother has got the diagnosis schizophrenia and I know exactly what you mean! Its so sick how the society has become so inhuman!
Thanks bro!
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Couldn't agree more!
Again, every time somebody is diagnosed with schizophrenia we are literally labeling them with a meaningless and harmful tag... The truth is they will never fit in that box...
Better yet, if they learn to discover who they truly are, and learn to channel their energies for positive, they will become incredibly important people
I wonder how many of the world's greatest minds would have been diagnosed with schizophrenia had a psychiatrist gotten his dirty mitts on their brain
It's bullshit!
Take good care of your brother!!! <3
Peace and Love,
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Thanks! I agree again and I guess that many people today with diagnosis schizophrenia would be really talented people that society could learn a lot from if they would be seen as an asset instead of an problem. They are often higly sensitiv and intelligent, like my poor brother! =(
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I totally hear that!
Don't worry! It's just a matter of perspective
As they say, one man's rubbish is another man's treasure!
Many will not look past the 'facade' of your brother's 'illness'
But to those who will see past his 'odd' and 'strange' behaviors, they will discover a soul filled with immense and vast treasure troves of wealth and wisdom
It takes a special kind of human being to be so adventurous with their mental processes!
You'll never find someone like him getting bogged down in the triviality of Kim Kardashian's ass or obsessing over the new brands and consumer products...!
And Thank God for That!
I hope you'll be able to help your brother to learn to believe in himself!
He must be in a terribly difficult phase right now from the sound of it... Feeling very secluded and lonely... It will pass! He must keep on his path and keep journeying further and further!
As long as he has strong family and loved ones who care about him and want to protect him, He Will Be Fine!
Peace and Love @starwatcher <3
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Vaslav Nijinsky was possibly the greatest dancer who ever lived. His leaps were reportedly unbelievable - he could jump so high that he could cross his feet TEN TIMES back and forth before landing. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 29 and was hospitalised off and on for the rest of his life. He was at times delusional, sometimes catatonic and exhibited a sort pf word-salad thought disorder. He was treated by several of the big name psychiatrists of the time, including Adler and Manfred Bleuler and his wife apparently consulted with both Freud and Jung. In his diary he wrote: "I love life and want to live, to cry but cannot -- I feel such a pain in my soul -- a pain which frightens me. My soul is ill. My soul, not my mind. The doctors do not understand my illness." The diary entry was signed "God and Nijinsky"
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This is very nice.
Both the videos are great.
Thanks for sharing.
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Hey Smartgeek, thanks a lot for stopping by!
I'm glad you got something out of it!
I love listening to Terence McKenna, he's one of the most lucid and deep thinkers I've come across!
A little heavy on the weed and shrooms but we can forgive him that! He still contributed so much knowledge to so many different fields!
Hope you will discover more of his work as he was incredibly prolific :)
Peace and Love
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This is beautiful.
I'm so sorry about your uncle.
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Thank you Ellie <3
Don't worry, he's in a better place now!
(Probably reincarnated as me! Hah!)
Onwards to the Light!
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Very interesting info, I will read everything later. Upvoted and resteemed.
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Thanks Lightproject!!
Much appreciated for the Resteem and bringing more people here!
Been looking at your own content which I like very much, will be checking in periodically ;)
All the best,
Peace and Love,
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My brother disappeared for many months, finally turning up dead, by an act of suicide. It was only later that we discovered writings that showed how delusional he was. My mother's best friend was undergoing a Jungian analysis at the time and she asked my mother to loan her my brother's writings to show to her analyst. She returned with a message from the analyst I'll never forget: "Tel your friend to understand that her son dies of an illness. There is a certain form of schizophrenia that kills. It may be suicide or it may be homicide, but that form of the disease only has one outcome. Your friend's son died of his illness."
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I like it
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Cool! Thanks :)
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Watching this long enough can cause you a headache lol😵
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Sorry about that, I get your point lol! ^^
I'll be more gentle with the gifs next time! :3
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