When you move through the world of the upper and middle class, you will probably have noticed, that health is a huge trend. Its been coming on for years and seems to be peaking at the moment.
On my current travels I keep overhearing conversations of people, where just according to their appearance Id never guessed their interests in some quite esoteric topics.
Modern alternative health, including the subcategories of meditation and yoga have become mainstream.
It is of course a two edged sword. What starts out for many as a passion, to improve their own life, can take a life of its own in the modern capitalist oriented society, and take an almost cynic turn. I'm talking about instrumentalizing labels like organic, sustainable and natural to boost growth of sales. While the intrinsic capitalistic principle of infinite growth is one of the most draining factors to our planet, there is a certain irony, that these terms are now used in trying to succeed in that very same principle. On the other hand the a business setup focused on sustainability is now sell-able and at the same time good for the environmental health of the planet.
I first want to make an assessment on how the current trend is evolving, and to conclude, Ill give my own take on how sustainable and useful the way the trend is going at the moment is, and what alternatives we have, to make this health trend into something that not only benefits our pockets, but also is a truly precious addition to our culture, and evolution of the human race.
There is a certain almost unconscious believe in the group interested in modern health behavior that health is something that can be achieved, if only the right products are bought and consumed or exercised. This is a believe stemming from the way we grow up, promoted by marketers and investors that want to increase their revenue. To keep the capitalistic clockwork going, consume must be viewed as something that brings invaluable benefits to our life. It used to be mostly consumption of products that bring value to our social status and strengthen our sense of identity (driving a Mercedes car), help us feel part of a certain lifestyle or mood in time (drinking Coca Cola), or help us fill that bottomless hole of existential crisis (playing videogames). Now a days, as this obviously shallow wave of consumption has become a bit more transparent, people are actually starting to question what they want to spend their money on. People also have started to realize, that a healthy body and mind helps with leading a more fulfilled life, and is also a more efficient way to deal with that dark hole looming in the center of our being. Nevertheless its still the same premise of consumption = satisfaction. People tend to believe the quantity of supplements equals the outcome in health. They also tend to think, the amount of Yoga they do equals health. Like already mentioned… It is a necessary side effect to keep the capitalistic clock going, that the action of consumption it self, along the qualities of the product, has to be part of the health formula. What would happen, if we would just find that one product that works for us, be able to grow it our self and never have to spend a single cent on supplements or other health articles again?
While this is a pattern I believe to be not sustainable, and people who truly want health, I believe will level up on this, and start to find the real root of health. Then finally, we can move to a more mature relationship to our health, which enables us to thrive as a society.
So coming to my own view on all this…
Like I've already hinted at, I believe the current way of approaching health is not the final solution. It certainly has one big benefit, which is that it drives the research on different compounds and techniques rapidly.
The downside I want to point at is, that in my opinion it misses what real health is about. It is mostly about relaxation and accepting what is.
It is not something that can be consumed or bought, but something that has to be allowed. It is not doing, but non doing. Then, from that place we can start to implement health supplements, according to the signals our body is giving us. When we do Yoga, we have to look at the place we are coming from while doing it. While I do believe, and a lot of my articles revolve around that topic, that self-health care is the ultimate way, there are two exceptions that I want to mention.
One is the practice of holistic health practitioners including, but not limited to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and more modern conglomerates of these ancient practices. These schools have the benefit of having a complete system of how health works, but don't emphasize excessive consumption, but balance (one could say that infinite growth and consumption, like in capitalism is a strong Yang imbalance). In my opinion these systems are highly valuable, if practiced by a true master. It is hard to find one these days, but I promise if you meet one, they will not only help you heal, but just being around them will make you reconsider the whole way you live your life.
The other exemptions are what we today call Adaptogens. They are a class of herbs and mushrooms that are supposed to modify our physical system in a non-specific way beneficial to us. What that means in simple terms, is that they help to bring our bodies function in to balance. It is not entirely clear in western scientific terms how the mechanism of action of these substances works, but their beneficial effect has been shown in hundreds of trials. These substances often act as regulators in the ecosystem of the planet, as well as in our body.
I believe that these substances will become a regular part of our diet, as their true potential becomes more well known. There are many hardships on our health, that modern society puts on us. Things like air pollution, electromagnetic pollution, pesticides and heavy metals. All these things put a strain on our body. Adaptogens are the perfect natural way, given to us by nature to help us to adapt, evolve and get stronger. Once the Adaptogens have been in our diet for a certain amount of generations, they will start to trigger and imprint deep changes in our DNA, helping our species to permanently adapt better to modern times.
Before I'll leave you guys with that, I would like to make an offer here...
I've been looking into finding ways to expanding my sharing into some sort of dialogue. Mostly also because, every time I get to share, I learn something new myself.
I've found an app called coach.me, where I set up an account. I don't agree with all their concepts 100%, but it seems a good way to reach people. To get into their registry I will need to work with 4 people.
So basically I am offering to be of service to 4 Persons for free.
This style of sercive is chat based, but if anybody on here is really interested in working with me, and dislikes the chat-based format of coach.me I would be happy to go on 1h free video-call sessions with 4 persons active on the Steemit platform.
While I hope to eventually get some money as exchange for of my services, I am at this moment just at the process of exploring this field and gathering experiences. I have chosen the Steemit platform specifically to ask if someones interested, as I appreciate the open minded folk here.
In my services I mostly want to share different ways and application of meditation, and how to integrate it into every moment of life. For me meditation is not a technique, but a way of living. The way I practice influences how I approach every moment in life, and every decision I make. I am very serious and passionate about this topic, and I have done my best to roam the globe as well as the web to get the most accurate information about many old and new spiritual practices. If you want this will also touch on diet, how to deal with emotions, old patterns and how to have more healthy relationships. If you get on a phone call with me, we can talk about what ever topic you want. I have made it my life quest to dig through all that conditioning and come to a place of peaceful presence and joy in life, with what ever topics are part of it.
I'll link some articles that I published on Steemit, that kind of describe my view on the topic of meditation...
If your interested in this offer, leave a message below or send me a PM via Steemit, my instagram, or website linked in the profle
May the force be with you.