Evidence Of What Is Causing A Surge In Gluten Intolerance/ Celiac Disease

in health •  7 years ago 

I currently suffer from a gluten allergy, I cannot eat/drink many of my favorite foods - pizza, pasta, pies, beer, croissant's, just to name a few and I also have to take probiotics.

But for most of my life I have been able to enjoy those foods and drink beer, my gluten allergy happened all of a sudden, when I moved from my home country of New Zealand to live in Australia.

What is different about the food in Australia and New Zealand? Australia uses GMO's whilst New Zealand does not. (GMO's are imported into New Zealand but not grown there).

To be more specific it is the herbicide called Glyphosate that is sprayed onto 'Roundup Ready GMO crops'. I always had a hunch that it was the GMO's that were causing me problems and now I finally have evidence right here in the form of a study published on a reputable site.

I tell my friends and family about this but they give me this look;

fluoride stare.jpg

When we let the creators of agent orange spray chemicals on our food people getting sick is the result. (Of course Monsanto denies having involvement in agent orange)

One typical response I hear is that we are better equipped to diagnose gluten allergies and in the past we were not able to, suggesting that gluten allergies have always been present but no one realized, but to that I say you do not need access to to technology to realize you have an allergy to gluten.

In fact I saw a doctor when I first started having symptoms to see what was wrong with me, they ran all sorts of tests and were unable to figure out what was wrong with me, so I saw a naturopath and she suggested I had a gluten allergy, so I tried and gluten free diet and took probiotics and voila, my symptoms went away.

According to the study, glyphosate kills beneficial bacteria which prevents your body from properly breaking down gluten and on top of that harmful bacteria is highly resistant to glyphosate, check out this graph showing an almost consistent trend with glyphosate use to celiac disease reported;

glyphosate on wheat to celiac incidence.jpg

If this information would go more mainstream then the free market would..... oh wait GMO's are not clearly labeled, glyphosate is not mentioned on any ingredients list and we have crony capitalism (corporatism) so we really don't have a free market!

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Frightening all the harmful additives in our food these days!

Yeah sure is, all of our food is poisoned!