Who needs an office when...

in health •  7 years ago 

Get outside, enjoy nature and take in the amazing energy it has to offer.
We need vitamin D it is essential and so many of us don't realise one of the biggest causes of a lower state of mind and mood is from lack sunlight. Even if it is cold outside, if the sun is shining, go out and enjoy! :)
Currently working in the sunshine, England is being blessed with beautiful weather this weekend :D


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Looks like a good day to be outside with the dogs. Being outside always lifts me up. As you mentioned, after the winter months, being out in the spring (or summer) is something to look forward to.

The French Bulldog is incapable of reproducing naturally.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for that, she's not going to reproduce with any other dogs anyways, she's my baby. Plus she isn't a french bulldog she's a mix.