Why Haven't All The Doctors and Dentists Been Shot Yet?

in health •  7 years ago 

Despite the aggressive title, I started off my "walk n' talk" today talking about the importance of detoxification.

I went over how almost everyone is quite toxic in our modern world today. I discussed how we got that way. And I included examples like vaccines, heavy in mercury and mercury fillings as being major contributors.

I then went off a bit on just how evil the medical and dental profession is in general... and ended up wondering why most doctors and dentists haven't been shot yet.

I then got back on track and discussed the two best ways I've found to detox. The first being fasting. And the second being the incredibly intricate and long term detox of the type promoted by people like The Detox Dudes.

And I talked about how during the detox process you will go back and relapse through symptoms you had years or even decades ago as you remove the toxins which your body still stores.

Detoxing is not something you do for a week. It is a lifestyle and lifelong commitment. And, as I say in this video, it is totally worth all the effort.

Here are some of the things I mentioned in the video:

Detox Dudes: http://dollarvigilante.com/detox

TLC Tugger: https://tlctugger.com

MMS (not SMS... that's for your phone :P): http://www.mms-supplement.com

I hope the information in the video inspires you to looking into detox... and, not necessarily, shooting doctors and dentists. Although most of them do deserve it.

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Doctors.... my god... There are good and aware doctors... but my God...
Most diseases are healed by going raw vegan, detoxify and exercise etc etc.
They will say: 'But there is no peer reviewed paper on this' or something to the extent like that. It is like saying... 'The roof is on fire, let the fire department first do a peer reviewed study on it before we are going to put out the fire.'

Great talk Jeff, you are spot on here. I esp love the point about letting a fever run its course so the body can do it's thing!

Gonna try out the vegan way for a couple of weeks. Then see how I feel.

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Amazing, I just wanted to add to that.

Meditation is also a superb method which has several medical benefits of the human body and it's rarely looked into or acknowledged, nevertheless great post look forward to learning more.


I agree, just like our bodies - our minds need to have a good detoxing once in a while!

Meditation is something that I am trying to consistently practice.

This is a wonderful and inspiring message and i am greatful you decided to share it with the community. Detoxification is really the most neglected part of keeping a healthy lifestyle. Most people think it is not necessary or it is a waste of money and a whole lot. Did you know that new born babies carried about 200new foreign elements in their blood as shown as they come into the world? So how much more we who have been living for years in this same world? How much of these foreign elements di you thing resides in our bodies? I believe itbis time we took another and also serious look at the importance of detoxifying our systems. I work with a food supplement company(Max International) and we have some of the best products to help deal with this issue. Contact me if you are interested in getting some for yourself and family.

Western medicine has approached health from the wrong direction - they are always focused on treating the symptom i.e. the effect and not the cause. Then they give you expensive pharmaceutical drugs which will usually have more side effects which require more drugs to treat and so on ad infinitum.
Study the word 'disease' - it is when the self is not at ease - hence dis-ease. We need to heal the whole - the physical, the emotional and spiritual self.

I get sores like that too sometimes. I always thought they were bug bites, but I could be detoxing I guess.


Turns out several public people behind the Steemit website are openly mocking their users for having researched the dangers of pharma drugs/vaccinations.

I've run across thousands of people like this since before the internet. I think they will always be with us. I suspect some are paid, but it seems most do it to feel like they are right by parroting the establishment line.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey Jeff great video ! Check us out at STEEM PARK NYC

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Dr. Morse is incredible. People should listen to him on Youtube. He can heal the world, and he's doing it all for free on Youtube. After 4 years of daily coffee enemas (except for when I travelled or something else out of the ordinary like that) I finally stopped. My body told me it was time. I am now using Dr. Morse's herbs- the GI Broom tea and a stomach and bowel tonic. They work amazingly.

Those healing crisis' can be tough. I have had them both physically and emotionally. It's like stuff from your past that hurt you comes back up and makes you sad or angry. Then, it goes away in a day or two. But, you feel off and pretty terrible when you're going through it. Physically, I've had fevers and other flu-like symptoms as well as itching and headaches.

I was not "awake" when my children were born and I stupidly listened to doctors and allowed them to be vaccinated. Thank the Universe I woke up, but it's hard to forgive myself for allowing my children to be vaccinated when they were little. Forgiveness of self is way harder than forgiving others.

Luckily, when my daughter was little, around 5 years old, she developed this major phobia about going to the dentist. My husband and I didn't force her to go, thank God. Then, I woke up and I was so glad that we all stopped going to the dentist because of my daughter and that my kids have no fillings in their mouths now. I know if we kept going to the dentist, he would have put mercury fillings in their mouths. That's what dentists do. They make money that way.

I wonder how many of us are walking around with mercury, a neurotoxin, in our mouths-three inches away from our brains- because the dentist "said" we had cavities and then drilled big holes in our teeth and filled them with mercury? I think many of us and our parents were lied to regarding that. Those dentists made money off of telling people they had cavities and then filling those cavities. The dentist in the small town where I grew up filled everyone's teeth. His kids went to private school. What a bastard. His karma will come him in blows. Anyway, cavities are totally healable. Never, ever, ever do a root canal. Those cause cancer. One site that has info about that is "The Truth about Cancer."

Regarding food, almost everyone over eats. People use food as entertainment instead of nourishment. People go out to eat and to bars etc...because they're bored. It gives them something to do. And, the food in those places is almost always the shittiest of shit.

You'll get this, Jeff: Today someone, knowing that I am into natural healing and true nutrition, made a point of saying to me, "Did you hear the Heart Association says coconut oil is bad for you?" Thier tone was sarcastic as in I was proven wrong because I have been an advocate of coconut oil. I said, "If you believe anything that comes out of the Heart Association's mouth then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you." Then, I felt a bit pissed and said that the "fucking AHA should be telling people to quit eating the putrified meat of dead animals if they gave a shit about anyone. Coconut oil is not the problem."

Another great video, Jeff. Everything you say totally resonates with me. I'm glad your wife is on board with you. It's very important that partners are on the same page, otherwise there's tension in the relationship. My husband got on board with me, too. When you walk your talk and people see the results, unless in they're in total denial-which most people are-then they will awaken, too.

Toll Jeff, du machst ech gute information.

can you write something about cancer. as i m not famous as you do jeff .i hope u have heard about dr tulio simonchini


It's sad and also understandable that many doctors and dentists are seeing what they do as a business. I guess the very real pressures of life take its toll on everyone. I have also heard a lot of how fasting can be beneficial and how clearing our system makes lots of sense.

I am very close to a vegan diet and already have health benefits. I just have a little way to go yet. It's hard taking that final step.

doctors shoot up youth will pharmaceutical drugs that causes permanent altering the brain. Ok so what a kid can't pay attention, man made drugs that contain methanphetamines (honestly don't know how to spell that) isn't the answer to ADD or ADHD

I think it's spelled methamphetamines

probably lol

Great video and information. Thanks for sharing, I agree with all you said 100%.

I actually feel pity for the doctors... they are as brainwashed as we were before we 'woke' up. They believe they have a good education but in actual fact they have been indoctrinated.

It's true, most have no idea about actual HEALTH! Until some of the old ways are let into western medicine it will only get worse and it will break. Many Dr's are also addicts of some sort because they know they don't have the answers. It amazes me that people still continue to follow these careers. It is not easy and is usually devastating to their lives. The medical field is GREAT for acute issues. Like emergencies and things that have to be done right away. Let the chronic illness be taking care of by real healing practitioners not DRUGS! The system just poisons people constantly. Big PHARMA kills more people then almost anything else every year...that's what the war should be on, but Pharma controls it all.

But pity, no they chose to get into a system of unhealth. No pity.

Upvoted and RESTEEMED :)

So glad to see you talking about MMS. I've been using it for the past 7 or 8 years and I tell people about it all the time, but apparently it's quite controversial - go figure. As a perpetual traveler, I carry it with me at all times. *one more great point about MMS, when my 15 year old dog had cancer (showed up on his vet tests as positive), I made an MMS remedy for him twice/day along with some other nutritional supplements and 3 months later, no cancer! The vet tried to say that it was possible that the cancer tests they originally ran were faulty - but the truth was that they could not explain it - even though I told them exactly what I did. @jeffberwick please keep talking about MMS. There are so many ways it helps people and animals!

If you have mercury fillings in your teeth, have been vaccinated, eat fish regularly, have been exposed to radiation or consume foods from China, you may have heavy metals lurking in your body. It is important for your overall health and wellness to be proactive in detoxing heavy metals and toxins.
I can recommend people look into using a Chlorella supplement to very effectively remove toxins and heavy metals from the body - I mix it into our fruit smoothies every morning and it works great!

careful with chlorella though...too much can be too much...I would only use it daily for a detox then stop.

"Most people don't realize it" - Jeff Berwick, classic quote

MMS is nasty. did it for about 6 months. So hard to swallow. It's one of those super controversial things that the FDA has put people in jail for.

Those who know how to heal and understand balance, understandably are balanced enough not to shoot anyone. Shooting people and knowing how to heal are somewhat mutually exclusive ;)

I agree completely with you on this Jeff, in fact I just made a couple of posts very similar to this but unfortunately being minnow bait, no one sees them.



Doctors and whole medical system changed, from the one that should help us to normal business...
the more people is sick the more money they are earning.
that is why they are poisoning us with chemtrials and with monsanto GMO.

you are no longer patient, you are not even a customer...
you are just simple milking cow.
For this reason I stopped paying money that I was donating for cancer research. As soon as I realised that they wont find the cure for cancer... because the whole cancer business would stop!

good article Jeff! I love you (not in the gay way)

they have the cures for cancers. Funding research is indeed funding big Pharma to create more drugs to give people more types of cancers.


You title is great, allthough I don't believe in violence. It says a lot

Most of these "doctors" are no longer in the business of healing us or preserving health. It is now our responsibilities to take care ourselves so we do not need to depend on people who don't have our best interest at heart.

because people worship authority like its a cross between Heroin and the best peace of ass they ever had!

Great and well written insights to general health matters. However doctors and dentist are asset to the world.

:) good pic... Follow me back @zuric

Doctors seem to be treating specific symptoms rather than looking at the overall health of the patients.

Mercury and fluoride at the dentist, nicest teeth in the graveyard!

This is good, this is about what steemit is about!

?? Did you watch the vid

Just wondering, which Dr. Morris on YouTube? Also, what about some folks saying grains are now bad for you? I was raised as an off again/on again vegetarian. We always assumed grains, especially stuff like brown rice and whole wheat bread were OK. Now people like Dr. Mercola and Dr. Axe are saying grains are terrible. Just trying to sort this all out. And really want to get into detoxing. However, I live in Taiwan and all the organic food is super-expensive and may even be fake. There are tons of vegetarian Buddhist restaurants here, but a lot of the food is some weird processed stuff and I'm sure the veggies are not organic.

Ultraviolet light comes from the sun at two main wavelenghts: UVA (ultraviolet-A) and UVB (ultraviolet-B). UVB is a "good" form, for helping a skin produce vitamin D. The UVA is considered a "bad" form, penetrating deeper into the skin and causing greater production of free radicals and cellular damage. The problem is that most sunscreens protect only against UVB rays, that is, those that produce the beneficial and protective vitamin D.
Important to clarify that the ultraviolet rays A and B are essential for health, but it is their excess that can cause damage. It is for this reason that I am not an unconditional fan of the use of sunscreens everyday.
First of all, it blocks the natural production of vitamin D through the skin. The second reason is that the person who passes a suncreen belevies to be protected and ends up staying in the sun longer than it should. And that is why, since the onset of suncreens in the 1980s, there has been NO decrease in the incidence (actually increased) of skin cancer. People continue to die of the most aggressive cancers as much as they died in 50 years ago. The truh is that suncreens prevent the most common types of cancer: basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Although not harmless, they are rarely fatal, but for melanoma, by far the most serious type of skin cancer, suncreens do not offer any protection.

I just found out that the doctor can do bad things and break his oath as a doctor.

Without doctors, my wife and son would be dead. Soooo, yeah nah.

I get what you're trying to say, but this is pretty over the top.

thx for sharing!

Good article and I am with you.

Hey Jeff. Group on steemit is tring to censor post. Check it out https://steemit.com/steemit/@baronious/the-libtards-have-arrived

Fuck a Programmed Doctor. Evil Souless Reptilians!

I think the key with doctors is not to just blindly accept whatever prescription they shove at you.

Some things require the "nuclear option" of antibiotics. Most things don't. If its just a drug to treat symptoms, you're probably better off finding alternatives instead of a chemical cocktail.

I subscribe to "Sangamon's Principle" which is "simplest molecules possible" when ingesting for health or for recreational purposes. Its kept me pretty healthy so far.

they are lucky cryptography exist, so I'd rather make these assholes all rich ~ but damn, they lucky as shit.

Follow Me At @mummedia as I vlog my journey to heal from the gnarliest prescription drug side effects ever and I am only 29 and struggling at the cellular level.



What are your thoughts on surgeons Jeff?

Very interesting video, I am agree with this alternative medicine and for sure those doctors and government hiding this from people ...and selling chemical that kills people every day

I asked my dentist about having the one mercury filling taken out and he sort of laughed and said mercury fillings have been proven by studies that they do no harm. He then said it is more harmful to take them out because then you have to dispose of the mercury which ends up harming the environment. He ended up by saying if I want to he can do it but I would just be wasting my time and money.

Interesting talk...I like all the detox stuff. I have been doing intermittent fasting and it feels great. The enema is what I feel like trying next. I didn't know you could restore foreskin, will look into that as I was mutilated for religious and cultural purposes. As always thank you for sharing @jeffberwick..upvoted and resteemed

Don't you know that you're toxic? :V

I completely agree with you. I loved your videos.

They will be shot dead along with the Bankers very soon after the coup.

Jeff, your dogs do not listen to you. Maybe you sould do it the way it is showed in this video:

Tell me about it man! I have an eye condition called keratoconus in which I am required to wear hard contact lenses that can be quite uncomfortable. And if I bring exercise up when talking to my ophthalmologist and the fact that on a day that I get a great workout my eyes feel much better it is like I've said nothing at all. My doctor dismisses it by not even responding. I guess during his brainwashing process he was never told that exercise affects circulation which in turn affects every part of the body including the eyes. It's a no brainer. A moron could figure that one out.

I agree Jeff, I just read a study of 300 cases of breast cancer, 93% of them had root canal. Its in this article if you would like to have a look.


Keep up the great work!

I'm following all your life stories here on your blog. I knew your work through the videos of "Anarchast" and I'm impressed by seeing this your "new phase". Congratulations on the life lessons exposed here, very good.

If only there was a way we could go back in time to when doctors and dentists didn't exist... when average life expectancy was 150... and people didn't die of curable, preventable diseases...

chinese shamanic medicine was the way...people capable of healing themselves and it is coming back!

Hello Jeff, so important to talk about detox!! Here is an post I wrote with tips to help people detox! I think you will love it and all those interested by detoxification!!


Cheers ;)

Apocalypse dentists are nearly all crooks. too lazy or unaccomplished for med school yet greedy for doctor pay. fluoride is litmus test of a dentist's honesty

Jeff, I am very happy you gave credit to my mentor Dr. Morses.

I did one treatment of MMS and stipped drinking sodas three days into it and i literally was mentally flushed of some bad aspects i hadof myself. MMS truly works and my fiance and i are working to cure her type 1 diabetes with MMS.

Absolutely right, and I haven't been to a doctor in over a decade who could either help me with anything I couldn't fix myself or tell me anything except the numbers of things in my blood. In most cases, an absolute scam and they know it.

Right!! Real shit!

My sister is a Dentist and I argue with her all the time about what she can and can't say cause of her License. Even when a Dentist wants to do good they can loose their ability to practice if they do so. Such a messed up system.

First off, just wanna say thank you for the content; your videos are consistently entertaining and informative. I enjoy the videos from your personal account more than the dollarvigilante, but both are very good.

I cannot agree with you more when you said:

Words are like spells

I think this is SUPER important. People hear things that others say and listen without question. People like to talk about what they think they know when they actually don't know anything. So much of what you talk about is against the norm, so it's easy to doubt and disregard. But, there really is a lot of truth in what you say, and if one were to take some time to do some research about such things, you will find a lot of truth that isn't conveyed in the mainstream.

Like the coconut oil statement.... How many people know that organic virgin coconut oil is highly beneficial and is an amazing substitute for sunblock..... There's no chance you will find that out in your magazines or the news. It's a scam like you say, they want you to buy their poison, they want you to be sick.

Again, thank you for shedding light on so many of the lies that are fed to people every day.
Someone has to shed light, so others can spread awareness.

You cold going in on these doctors Jeff lol. They don't know any better, they are just following the books, because Jeff, they are BOOKs for christ sakes, BOOKS!!!

heavy eye roll

Oi, new age naturopath detox nonesense. Modern age snake oil is what this is. A well spoken man hawking solutions that don't work to problems that don't exist.

Toxicity is a major problem in our modern world. From fluoride in our water to vaccinations, there is always concern about what exactly is entering our bodies. Detoxification, earthing etc are great ways to bring humans back to a state of 'normality' with our bodies and nature.