The prescription of a cold

in health •  8 years ago 

In most Parents, will feel sad if the baby is sick. One example is a cold. Colds will often attack in infants and toddlers, to grow up. If you get sick in this case the cold, will make the baby feel uncomfortable and even become fussy because of it.In addition, due to colds, usually the baby's nose is blocked, the condition of the body can be weak, and the baby will be difficult to calm.

Here's how to cope with colds in infants, among others:

  1. Breast Milk (ASI)

Mother's milk (ASI) is a nutritious mening for baby. Baby ageunder 6 months generally does not require any treatment other than breastmilk to fight viruses and bacteria. Breast milk contains various antibodies. These antibodies play a role in helping the baby's body to form the immune system against various types of microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria. It also at once provides benefits to the baby so avoid the danger of dehydration.

  1. Elevate baby's head

Similar to adults, when the baby has a cold, should the baby's head position is elevated. This is so that the nose shaft is getting closer to the upright position.Most at the time of a cold or flu, inhaled nappers tend to inhibit the process of breathing, as well as infants. So the baby can become uncomfortable. Therefore, by elevating the position of the head, the relief of the baby's breathing and the cans make the mucus easily flow out of the nasal cavity.

  1. Honey

Recent research shows that honey is very good given to children with colds and coughs and helps children to sleep more soundly when sick. It is said that honey is safe for infants aged 1 year to 5 years old. In addition, honey has a sweet taste and tend to be liked by children. Honey with darker color has high antioxidant content. How it is given half a teaspoon in children aged 1 to 5 years, and a teaspoon for children aged 6 to 11 years. Honey should only be given to infants over 1 year.

  1. Dampen the air

Wet and warm air can help lower nasal obstruction due to colds. In infants, we can do this way. We can moisturize the air by using a humidifier with a variety of scents. If it is not there, we can make an alternative for a moment to enter the bathroom and accommodate or turn on hot water in a closed condition bathroom for approximately 15 minutes. This will make the water vapor will be trapped in the bathroom so the air will feel moist and warm. After that, the nose will be relieved and make the baby feel comfortable.

  1. turmeric

turmeric is a plant that contains penicillin and is very powerful to overcome stuffy nose in infants. how to make a thin turmeric slices, then the slices are diolesin to the bridge of the nose slowly, in a few moments will feel relieved nose and make the baby feel comfortable.

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