in health •  7 years ago 

Safe hands medical care

The hospital that broke this feat of removing surgically the largest fibroid ever diagnosed in history.

located in lagos in Nigeria, safe hand medical care diagnosed and carried out a surgery which removed the largest fibroid in the world which weighed about thirty five cm in length and 32cm in diameter.


It is a general notation or believe in africa that an ailment of this kind could be caused by a curse or spiritual forces. However, that shows the differences between developing and developed countries the differences in healthcare services and technological advancement.



After years of living in excruciating pains, the degenerated fibroid was extracted. Degenerated in the sense that the blood vessels supplying the fibroid could no longer perform its function and as such, the woman faced excruciating pains. it wad also gathered that 32 other smaller fibroids were removed surgically but all thanks to science alas, the woman is today free.

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