Weight loss going well...

in health •  6 years ago 


No... that’s not me in the picture - well obviously! I’m a guy! But it got your attention didn’t it!

The reality is that anyone who wants to lose weight and sticks to their plan can do it. That young lady in the picture did it. So can everyone else.

When I started my 16:8, I have dropped 8Ibs. Two weeks isn’t bad really - but not recommended I’m reality. The problem with losing weight quickly is that you can put it back on just as quickly if you go overboard on the food side of things > > the yo-yo effect. What you need to remember, it’s easy to lose weight - the real challenge is to keep it off.

12 stone 12Ibs is my weight now. I’m still aiming to get down to 11 stone but there’s a long way to go. Wish me luck everyone!!

Shadow supports me in my quest!

If you haven’t read my previous posts on weight loss - here they are -





It’s almost the weekend everyone! Two days in counting! Love it! Take care all and stay safe!


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