We believe that every person should be able to further develop mindful mediation and conflict management skills and to have a positive and transforming impact on society. Please note, that this course is a truly interactive one and that each student benefits from a personal tutor who supervises the progress and gives individual feedback on assignments.
Sounds like a deepstate/ NWO /opensociety foundation front set up, if you ask me.
Nothing like getting a useful idiot to promote the evil agenda..
for example...
Mario Appiano, PhD
WMO Continental Advisor
".... I attended a NLP Master Trainer course at the NLP-University, Santa Crux, California, U.S.A...."
from skepdic.com
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is one of many self-help programs that emerged in the 1970s and '80s but whose popularity has waned somewhat in recent years. NLP might be seen as a competitor with Landmark Forum, Tony Robbins, and legions of other enterprises promising to teach the masses the key to success, power, health, and happiness.
Robbins is probably the most successful "graduate" of NLP.
If you shop around, you'll find NLP Practitioner Certification Training for under $100 and only a couple of days of your time.
Fuckin' hell - 2 days and you're an expert ! LMAO!!!
Another NLP presupposition which is false is "If someone can do something, anyone can learn it." This comes from people who claim they understand the brain and can help you reprogram yours. They want you to think that the only thing that separates the average person from Einstein or Pavarotti or the World Champion Log Lifter is NLP.
NLP is said to be the study of the structure of subjective experience,
ergo ....it's all postmodernist bullshit.
Some people are so stupid gullible