Inner Terrain vs. Outer Terrain: Which Do You Emphasize for Good Health?

in health •  5 years ago 


Your Inner Terrain defines you and your state of health. Your microbiome, which consists of bacterial cells that outnumber your human cells 10:1, is the key to your health. This is why natural health and medical experts have declared that your gut is like your second brain. However, the last thing that Big Gov and Big Pharma want you to understand is how powerful you are. Stories of a bad bacterium or virulent virus are far more sensational, sexy and scary – far more of an easy sell – than the plain old truth that you have to work to consciously foster and create a healthy inner terrain to ward off disease. What money can Big Pharma make by telling you to carefully take more micronutrients (e.g. minerals, vitamins, enzymes, cofactors, etc.) to build strength? It’s far better for them if you believe the world is full of scary micro-creatures and diseases, and that there’s nothing you can do other than take their products – vaccines, synthetic pills, radiation and more. Yes, there is truth in both perspectives, but if you only focus on the outer terrain and germ theory, and minimize or forget about the inner terrain, you are playing right into their hands. The whole debate of inner terrain vs. outer terrain goes back at least to the days of Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bechamp in 19th century France, so let’s take a closer look at what happened there to understand where we are now.

Pasteur vs. Bechamp

French scientists Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bechamp became bitter rivals as they advocated completely different theories of disease and infection. Pasteur proposed the idea of germ theory which taught that disease was caused by pathogenic microbes which invaded the body. He pioneered heating substances like raw milk to very high temperatures to kill the germs (this technique named pasteurization is still used today and named after him). This approach went hand-in-hand with Western Medicine’s drug-based approach, since it’s all about killing the germs before they kill you. On the other hand, Bechamp proposed the idea of host theory which taught that microbes are opportunistic and only attack and gain a foothold in organisms which are already weakened. Bechamp saw germs as the footnote to the disease, the end product of a longer process which started with the person already weakening their inner terrain. This could have been done through lack of nutrition, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, stress, emotional imbalance, poor lifestyle choices and exposure to toxins. Bechamp realized that people already have bacteria and viruses in their bodies all the time, yet the balance of beneficial bacteria keeps the harmful bacteria in check.

So, according to host theory, you don’t ‘catch’ germs that make you sick. Disease-causing germs arise opportunistically and begin to thrive in you only after you have already developed an internal weakness or imbalance in your body. They are a byproduct of the disease, not the cause of the disease. Bechamp theorized that germs were actually the chemical byproducts, dead tissue and degenerative aspects of a body’s unbalanced state. He stated living entities called microzymas (tiny enzymes) created bacteria in response to host and environmental factors. I often avoid using the heavily-biased Wikipedia for information (and in this area it is very pro-germ theory, pro-allopathy and pro-vaccine), however in this specific paragraph it does a good job summarizing Bechamp’s idea:

“Claiming discovery that the “molecular granulations” in biological fluids were actually the elementary units of life, Béchamp named them microzymas—that is, “tiny enzymes”—and credited them with producing enzymes and were the builders of cells while “evolving” amid favorable conditions into bacteria. Denying that bacteria could invade a healthy animal and cause disease, Béchamp claimed instead that unfavorable host and environmental conditions destabilize the host’s native microzymas, whereupon they decompose host tissue by producing pathogenic bacteria.”


Germ Theory Triumphs; People Forget about the Inner Terrain

Germ theory prevailed over host theory in the minds of many at the time, especially within the medical community. Despite this, that it is reported that, on his death bed, Pasteur renounced germ theory and admitted that Bechamp had been right all along (“Le microbe n’est rien, le terrain est tout.” [“The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything”]). In my opinion, the acceptance of germ theory and the denigration of host theory has had disastrous effects for human health. It has conditioned people to be fearful of germs, to focus on the outer terrain and to look outside of themselves to antibiotics, petrochemical drugs, vaccines, radiation, chemotherapy and other allopathic interventions to save them from disease. Yes, there is a time and place for some of these measures, but the side effects are horrible, including vaccine-induced damage and the rise of antibiotic-resistant superbugs, a whole new class of microbes which are on the verge of rendering antibiotics useless.

Béchamp got the bigger picture. He understood it was all about balance. He realized the importance of the inner terrain environments we create. As mentioned above, there are many factors that go into the creation of your bio-terrain, but the primary factor is the food you ingest. Food is medicine. Food can either strengthen or weaken your bio-terrain, and that means the difference between supporting health and ease or supporting sickness and disease.

Virus and Epidemic Hoaxes: The Fear Racket

Over the last 2 decades or so, Big Government (via the WHO [World Health Organization], branch of the UN) has hyped quite a few virus epidemic scenarios, such as the swine flu hoax, the ebola hoax and the zika hoax. In all of these cases, there was a massive amount of fear and disinformation promulgated by the MSM to encourage people to buy the latest Big Pharma product to supposedly ‘protect’ themselves from a virulent virus. However, if you dug a little deeper, you found suspicious behavior by the CDC (not accurately counting all the cases), poisons being sprayed beforehand in the area (authorities sprayed the insecticide pyriproxyfen beforehand in the zika breakout areas) and even evidence of bioweapons (zika was a Rockefeller-created virus). In this context, it’s important to remember this quote:

“Traditionally, the power of medical sciences has been based on the fear of disease, particularly infectious disease.”

– Peter Duesberg, author of Inventing The AIDS Virus

It’s also important to consider host theory here. What if epidemics were not really about the rise of a virulent virus but rather an indication of the collectively poor inner terrain environment of a group of people? What if they were evidence of mass poisoning? Jim West investigated these and other issues and came up with some startling conclusions:

“The vaccination programs are irrelevant to the decline of polio, while pesticides correlate perfectly with polio. The unfunded, ostracized theory of poison causality far exceeds all other theories in simplicity, exactitude, and directness regarding correlations within all data areas: dosage, physiology, etiology, epidemiology, economics, and politics.”

“Orthodox virology omits toxicology, and is thus void. Toxicological causation is obvious and toxicology is avoided by the media like the plague. Forget the intellectual, scientific intrigue of virology. Without toxicology, virology is a mind-trap. Virology is the deadly virus. Orthodoxy could claim that a “virus” has any number of fearful characteristics, but those characteristics are meaningless if the victims are poisoned. Without poisoning, perhaps the virus is a nutrient.  Perhaps there is no virus. Most likely, the “virus” is harmless human nucleic acid, rearranged as a response to poisoning, and thus always a test for said “virus” would be positive during periods of poisoning.”

“Epidemics are biomarkers for pollution.”

– Jim West

Heal the Patient, Not the Infection

We need to radically readjust our worldview if we want true lasting health. We need to lessen our fear of germs and bugs, and return to what we do have control over – our inner terrain. Health is not about killing germs, but restoring balance and strength so that germs cannot invade, infect or arise in your body again. Here is what one holistic and chiropractic health clinic has found works with their patients:

“Bechamp was indeed right when he said that as health returns to the patient, the germs and infections leave on their own and do not come back unless health becomes compromised again. We have found this approach to be very satisfying in terms of results for the patient.

We feel that it is a mistake to try to kill the infection directly rather than searching for the cause as to why that person’s immune system did not handle the infection on its own … We feel that if all you do is kill the infection without addressing the dysfunction in the patient’s immune system (which allowed the infection to manifest in the first place), the patient will simply become sick again at a later date.

Another problem with this approach is that in chronic infections you almost never see just one type of infection. When a person’s immune function becomes compromised, one infection such as a bacteria will open the door to other infections such as viruses, parasites, and fungi.”

Parallels Outside the World of Health

This idea of emphasizing the inner world over the outer world does not just apply to health. It is a key concept in other areas of life. For example, in the well-known book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey, the author lists 1 of the 7 habits as the habit of focusing on what you can control. The idea is to focus on your sphere of influence, because it is there you can make the biggest difference. Of course, your sphere of influence starts with you, even before it extends to your inner circle of family and friends. This idea is also summed up in the phrase think globally, act locally; it is important to have a broad view of the overall picture, but when it comes to doing, you have more control over actions at a local level. It can be disempowering to be constantly focused on how a tiny NWO cabal are plotting more and more centralization of power; it can be empowering to act in your community to thwart this agenda by pushing forward decentralization of power in whatever way you can.

There are also parallels in the sphere of spirituality, religion and life in general. How many people in your life do you know who are always looking outside of themselves for some kind of “salvation”? This could be in the form of drugs, sex, money, material acquisition, adrenaline rushes or the next romantic relationship; it could even be some patriarchal, judgemental “God” who allegedly promises them eternal life (+72 virgins) in the afterlife. Much of organized religion emphasizes that God is outside of you not inside of you, thus further promoting the tendency to look outside rather than to look within when confronted with challenges, obstacles or an existential crisis. Imagine if, by default, all children were taught to look within, and all people started to practice looking within, whenever a problem arose?
Conclusion: Time to Elevate the Importance of the Inner Terrain

It’s time to bring back host theory into our understanding to counterbalance germ theory. This doesn’t mean throwing out germ theory altogether, but rather lowering it to its rightful position so that our focus can return to building our health from within. According to current UN WHO stats, 71% of all deaths globally are from NCDs (non-communicable diseases). These don’t require synthetic drugs to wipe out a bug. That means over 7 out of 10 people are dying from preventable disease! This website highlights humanity’s predicament:

“Germ theory does not acknowledge how powerful your diet can be for preventing and treating diseases (especially chronic diseases or non-communicable diseases … such as cancer, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, etc.). Some drugs are needed for infectious diseases, which is a completely different category. Infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, polio, and tropical diseases are easily spread through personal contact, water, air, and even mosquitoes and flies. But even these are looking for a more opportunistic host — someone with a compromised immune system or area of internal weakness to exploit.”

All this is more reason than ever to look within, on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Fortunately, this is within the control of each and every person.

Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and FB.












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