First of all, what is Organic Sulfur and why is it important in our diet?
Organic sulfur crystals are an odorless, white, crystalline powder that is highly soluble in
Organic Sulfur is marketed lucratively as MSM which is an abbreviation of Methyl/Sulfonyl/Methane. By organic, I am not referring to the organic term related to agriculture. When I say organic, I am referring to sulfur in its truly organic form, and which is fully bio-active. When people think about Sulfur, they think of the yellow stinky mineral that is mined. But there is another type of Sulfur, an organic version that we as humans are critically dependent on for our bodies and health. Unfortunately, the mass production of the foods we consume has essentially removed much of the needed sulfur from our diets.
Organic Sulfur is not a drug or prescription medicine. It is actually a nutrient, or a food that the body can consume. It is found in all living organisms.
MSM is sold commercially in a variety of forms like pills, capsules and powders. However, only the crystal format is considered 99.9% pure and comes without additives. The crystal format is also readily known as Organic Sulfur crystals and it provides the most bio-active, and organically active sulfur to the body of any food or known supplement.
With the help of regular intake of Organic Sulfur crystals, we can reverse many side effects of the broken sulfur cycle that may have greatly affected our health.
Why do stored, refrigerated or cooked foods no longer contain organic sulfur?
Most of the foods we eat, even organic fruits and vegetables, do not contain any organic sulfur and this is because these foods have been either stored during shipping, refrigerated, or cooked. The reason is because sulfur bonds with moisture and is therefore carried away when dehydration occurs. Also, with the introduction of the petro-chemical fertilizers in the 1930's, the benefits of sulfur were severely diminished and this is why we must stay hydrated and drink lots of water daily.
Furthermore, since the introduction of the petro-chemical fertilizers, which were created to replace manure as fertilizer and to create a cash crop for the petro-chemical industry, the oil based fertilizers have virtually destroyed the sulfur in the soil. And if we add to this the over-processing of our food supply, which served only to increase shelf life and profits and which made our food supply completely devoid of sulfur, it's no wonder that most North Americans are overweight, undernourished and hooked on pharmaceutical drugs.
How many people do you know that have joint, muscle and back pain daily?
It’s not just stress, it’s that our bodies cannot effectively support our muscles and joints with the amount of stress, and processed foods we eat, and as a result our bodies are simply breaking down faster.
What are the 6 most amazing benefits of Organic Sulfur?
1. Organic Sulfur detoxifies the whole body: It is used to repair cells, which have been damaged, as well as to promote the growth of healthy new cells by allowing the cells to transport oxygen more effectively. One of the most important features of Organic Sulfur is that it makes your cells more permeable. This means that it allows toxins and metabolic waste products to easily be moved out of the cells, while essential nutrients and hydration can be moved in.
2. Organic Sulfur increases flexibility: It increases flexibility in the tissues within the body, increases blood circulation and aids in lowering high blood pressure. It is highly effective in improving joint flexibility. Additionally, it helps to produce flexible cartilage and muscle tissue.
3. Organic Sulfur reduces pain and inflammation: It accelerates healing in the muscles and prevents them from becoming sore. Lactic acids and other byproducts can cause pain and soreness in the body. Organic Sulfur removes lactic acids from the body, which is why so many fitness professionals, and use pure Organic Sulfur for workout recovery.
4. Organic Sulfur strengthens hair and nails: Not only does it strengthen but it also increases the growth of hair and nails. Collagen and keratin are both critical for the production of healthy hair and nails. Organic Sulfur is the mineral that provides the sulfur needed to produce collagen and keratin.
5. Organic Sulfur improves healthy skin production and complexion: It helps keep skin healthy and strong to guard against premature aging and skin damage. It is necessary for collagen production. Organic Sulfur works together with Vitamin C to build new, healthy tissues. It is one of the main ingredients in moisturizing creams. Organic Sulfur can benefit all skin types and ages. It has been shown to be highly effective in the treatment of skin conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis (bear in mind that these conditions arise from a weak immune system which the Organic Sulfur helps strengthen).
6. Organic Sulfur naturally increases energy: Due to the increased permeability of the cells, less energy is required to deal with the accumulation of toxins. It also increases inflows of oxygen, allowing cells to create more mitochondrial activity, and energy, helping stop fatigue.