What are the consequences of eating nails?

in health •  8 years ago 

Bacteria that cause disease

Nails have the ideal environment for bacteria to develop and proliferate. In fact, nails are one of the favorite places for potentially pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella, these are the most "popular" species that develop below The nails (both transmitted by raw foods).
As the person bites their nails, these bacteria are passed easily into the mouth and the rest of the body, where they begin to attack and create infections. Defecated, the nails are up to twice as dirty as the fingers can be, since they are very difficult to clean well and are the perfect shelter for lasbacteria.
Biting lasagne can increase the risk of getting a cold or other illness since you are putting your dirty hands in your mouth. It can also increase the risk of paronychia, or infection of the skin surrounding the nail, says RochelleTorgerson, MD, Ph.D., who is a dermatologist at the Mayo Clinic.
However, for some doctors, those who bite their nails have a strong immune system due, precisely, to the entry of these bacteria: the organism has been able to defend itself against them and is no longer diseased, that is to say, it has learned to create fangs, similar to when People eat snot.

Infections in the nails

People who bite their nails are at a high risk of paronychia, a skin infection that can affect the nails around. When biting nails, many bacteria, yeasts and other microorganisms can enter through a tear or hole, causing irritations, pain redness and a pus around the nail, that is the paronychia.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (ADA), bacterial nail-biting infections are more common than many believe.

Permanent damage

Biting or eating fingernails could result in temporary or permanent nail damage. Torgersonexplica that most of the nail occurs in the area of ​​the nail where there is a "white hill", also called the lunula. The nail comes out of it, as well as the area underneath the lunula that extends down underneath the skin. So if as a result of being bitten and eating your nails, you will end up with an infection in that area as important as the last one, it is very possible that you slowly begin to lose your nail, and although it probably grows again, believe us it will not be anything Pleasant while lapierdes or while growing again, since that part of the finger that is normally protected with the nail, will be in the open, and any rose or blow will feel great pain there.

Sometimes these effects can be simply temporary. An infection that lasts one to two weeks could give rise to a funny looking nail for a short period of time, she says. However, "it can also cause great permanent damage to the zone, so you could have a fingernail look very funny forever."

Aside from getting dizzy or eating your nails, some people also have the nerve to use the hand to push the cuticles of the fingers of their other hand (by logeneral thumbs). People who do this (pushing the cuticle so often and so aggressively) end up modifying the nail in such a way that it stays with horizontal ridges. "Explains Torgerson, in other words, it's a nail type that will not look good either.


If you have a wart, biting your nails is a way to increase the risk of spreading the warts to other parts of the hands. This is because the warts are caused by one of the many types of human papillomavirus (HPV), a virus that spreads like an infection. "The more heridastengas on your skin, the faster the virus will spread," said Ladermatologist.

Warts on the fingers caused by the human papilloma virus, or HPV, are common among children who bite their nails. (Here I am referring to the types of VPH that cause warts on the hands, rather than those that cause the genital warts and, rarely, cervical cancer.) These warts can easily spread to the mouth and lips while biting nails.

Dental problems

The habit of fingering your nails can cause your upper teeth to go out of natural way. This habit wears them out, weakens them, and eventually can lead to other dental health problems that can end up very bad. From the Academy of General Dentistry, the second largest dental association in the United States, it is estimated that people who bite lasuñas can spend up to $ 4,000 during their lifetime only in dental problems related to this habit.
The frontal teeth are the ones that are "in charge" of biting the nails. This increases the wear on the edges of the dental pieces and also increases the oral sensitivity due to the loss of the enamel coating.

As if it were not enough, our habit can also cause dental malocclusion (malalignment) and problems to chew or even sleep if the mouth does not close completely.

Decreases the quality of life

In an investigation conducted in 2014 revealed that people who bite nails have a worse quality of life, compared to those who do not have this habit. The quality of life is affected by the time invested in nail biting, the number of nails involved and those that occur in your nails. When you want to stop biting your nails and feel that tension of resistance, the quality of life decreases and negative emotions occur.

The level of deterioration increases with the time invested in biting the nails, the number of eyelids involved and those that report visible anomalies on the nails. Latency when trying to resist biting the nails, experienced by people who eat or bite nails, negatively influences the quality of life.

Difficulty performing some tasks

The dolomite used for biting the nails can make it almost impossible to perform such simple tasks as lifting a coin, untying knots, opening a keyring, opening a bag of goodies, among others. In some cases the pain or wounds become so deep that it even makes it difficult to take a pen or put on a pair of trousers.

Joint pain

Although it may seem strange, this craze causes pain in the cervical and mandible due to the effort that muscles must do to remove the nail fragments.

Emotional Factors

Low self esteem, shame and frustration are some of the emotional consequences of nail biting. Due to deformations of the fingers by biting the nails, one of the typical habits of those who nail the nails is to hide their hands. Beyond the issues of fashion, it is a mistake that nobody likes to see nails bites or matches.
Among the psychological consequences of this mania we find shame, low self-esteem, frustration and sadness.

In turn, it causes social problems, especially in women, who prefer to let their friends or acquaintances known for not following the canons of beauty stimulated.

Lack of growth

When launa is bitten to the deepest it takes a long time to grow again and, if lohace, it will be inadequately. This, for example, causes the fingers to not sevean well and affect the beauty of the hands.

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