The world's most expensive drug

in health •  6 years ago 


US recognizes the world's most expensive drugs Rs 14 crore for single dose

The Food and Drug Administration in the United States has given the most expensive drugs in the world.

It is a medication for rare disease that destroys children's muscular mobility.

The price of this drug is $ 21.25 trillion (approx Rs 14 crores).

The drug was manufactured by Soulgenzma, a Swiss drug dealer, Nauterts.

Gene Takkar, a spinal muskular adrophy transmitted by gene therapy, is treated with gene therapy.

This medication will be used to treat children's muscles in the weakening genes.

At first you can lose movement capacity and then eat food and not be able to breathe.

It affects about 400 children every year in America.

Children will undergo a genetic examination for children below 2.

Gene therapy treatment with this drug is completed in one hour.

Insurance companies can pay up to $ 425,000 annually in five years. If the treatment fails, partial relaxation will be given.

The US has also approved another drug, Spitansa.

This is a drug that gives you four months instead of giving you one more time.

This drug is making $ 7,50,000 in the first year and $ 3,50,000 per year over the next year

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