“‘Exhausted’, ‘hopeless’ and ‘hurting’ are the words that come to mind when I think of my mental state before meeting Niloofar.
If there is a silver lining to our ordeal, it’s the fact that we no longer visit doctors sitting in clinical, dingy rooms of (fancy hotel-like) hospitals for whom my daughter was a mere number.
These dreadful visits never lasted longer than 10mins. I was amazed at their scripted response and how quickly they went through symptoms, check up, diagnosis and prescription all within those 10mins.
I was at my wits end with Arohi’s constant sickness, frequent hospital visits, nasty antibiotics and sleepless nights.
She was diagnosed with allergic cough/asthma. No inhalers, antibiotics or anti allergy medications seemed to provide relief for 18 months.
My ears would perk up every time she sneezed. No, I wasn’t going insane. It was a trend I was just too familiar with. Every time she sneezed more than twice, it would eventually culminate into a nasty chesty cough that kept her (and us) awake at night. It goes without saying that as a mother I felt incapable and powerless to see my child suffer and sleep deprived. She was at home more than she was at nursery/school.
Arohi is not fully cured but is on the mend and has made huge progress thanks to Niloofar. The hospital visits are non existent and most importantly I feel more equipped, and prepared to deal with her illness, thanks to all the remedies.
Come what may, I know I have those remedies right in my home, neatly tucked away in a box.
Yes, I do guard them with my life! :-)
I believe in Homeopathy and in the essence of it. Homeopathy treats the patient not the disease. To me, these remedies are much more than sugar pills, they are hope in a bottle :-)”
Ekta; mum of Arohi 3.5 years old, India
Ekta and Arohi’s story is not an isolated one by any means. I will be following the family’s progress closely and I am sure more good news will follow in the months to come.