My teeth. (Oral health)

in health •  8 years ago 

Paying attention to your Oral health and hygiene is essential. In reference to the saying that health is weath having a healthy teeth is like having gold. Good structured and white teeth can give confidence a big boost. I'll start treating my teeth better if I were you.

Most of us choose to ignore the consequence of various bad habits which affect our dentition.

Habits like

  • Grinding hard candy with the teeth
  • uncorking a bottle with the teeth
  • clinching the jaw
  • consuming food with high sugar and starchy content on a frequent.
  • bearly making use of your tooth brush
  • Ignoring the dentist
  • smoking tobacco
  • sucking thumb or tongue

All the habits listed above are not only capable of ruining your teeth but also affecting your oral component.

  • bad breath (this a super ability to repel people)
  • cavity and tooth decay (which can be very painful)
  • weak gums
  • germs and diseases that will persist.
  • and more

Think about it, spending 2mins in front of your bathroom mirrow with a tooth brush, having a mouth wash atleast twice a day is a very little sacrifice to make.
I have a buddy who goes 4 times a day,declined to risk his already glaring dentition.
It is important to take your health seriously, be proactive about it. Because proactive is better than reactive



Work on your teeth like you've just been employed to do so.

Here is a couple of tips from experts to get you started.

*Brush your teeth last thing at night and at least one other time during the day with a fluoride toothpaste.
*Clean in between your teeth at least once a day using interdental brushes or floss.
*To check if you have bad breath lick your wrist, let it dry and give it a sniff, if it smells your breath probably does too.
*If you use mouthwash don’t use it directly after brushing as you rinse away the fluoride from your toothpaste.
*Quit smoking to help reduce the chances of tooth staining, gum disease, tooth loss, and in more severe cases mouth cancer.
*Make sure your toothpaste contains fluoride; it helps strengthen tooth enamel making it more resistant to decay.
*Change your toothbrush every two to three months or sooner if it becomes worn as it will not clean the teeth properly.

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Thanks for the info
Its very easy to forget to do the basic things you have listed, especially if you cant see the consequences immediately. And then down the line have to pay the dentist to have it fixed