What madness! These are the strangest manias of the people (+ enter)

in health •  7 years ago 

In the world there are all kinds of human beings with different characteristics and customs, but there are also those who have very curious manias and today we will present them to you to study if you are one of these maniacs.

It turns out that the mania is something common in humans and things like eating your nails or even, check the kitchen burner before leaving are part of the catalog of weird things that people do. However, there are people who carry these obsessions to the limit.

Trichotillomania: This rarity is more common than we think. And it's about the desire of people to tear their hair and eat it. It usually occurs in cases of a lot of stress.

Pharmacy: These people feel that they need to take many medications without them or simply have them at home for what might happen.

Eremiomania: It is the desire to find calm, which causes people to always be alone without having any kind of social relationship with anyone.

Aboulomania: It is the inability to make decisions in any type of matter, such as whether to drink coffee with or without sugar, or if you prefer to drink an orange or pineapple juice.

Doromania: Obsession for giving gifts. Beyond the obvious sign of great generosity, In addition to the economic ruin can bring serious problems to who suffers this mania. Because if people reject gifts they often feel very bad about themselves.

Enosimania: It affects especially very religious people. It is the belief that everything that is done is an unforgivable sin and they feel the need to go to church to confess all those sins.

Ablutomania: It starts by being a very common mania, and it consists of washing your hands every so often believing that your hands transmit many germs. The person increasingly washes his hands more frequently and starts using disinfectant products such as bleach. Some more extreme cases have led people from sanding their hands to try to cut them off. It can lead to serious mental problems.

Demonomania: These people believe that they are possessed. It can generate serious mental problems. This person acts as if she were truly possessed, imitating the behavior of emblematic films, such as The Exorcist, or The Exorcism of Emily Rose.

Onomatomania: Surely someone has ever happened to say a word has repeated in his head several times. Well, imagine if this would take you to the extreme of turning it into an uncontrollable mania. These people have the urge to repeat words in their head without stopping what prevents them from concentrating on almost anything they do and they are also almost unable to hold a conversation.

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