How I Lost Weight and Changed My Life Part 3 TOUGH MUDDER

in health •  7 years ago 

 Hi All,

 Last Post I talked about the start of my weight loss journey and implementing my plan. I lost 15lbs in about 2 months. This post I will discuss when the weight dropped off and what I did.
 To read any of the previous posts check here Part 1 and Part 2 

  As I had discussed I had decided to train for of the toughest race challenges the Tough Mudder. For the first 2 months of my weight loss journey all I did was run. I had no muscle so I started lifting weights as the challenge for Tough Mudder required upper body strength. Now I wasn't completely new to the gym. I had worked out when I played football and I had a simple weight lifting routine.  I will give you a breakdown of what I did to start.

 The lifting routine I did for each lift was as follows 4 sets with reps of 12,8,6,4 going up 10lbs each time. Since I knew I would be needing a strong upper body I broke my routine into different days for resting purposes. Keep in mind this weightlifting was in addition to the running I was already doing regularly.  

Here was the lifts at the beginning of my Journey.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Smith Machine Bench Press
Assisted Dip Machine

Tuesday, Thursday
Lat Pull Down
Sitting Rows
Shoulder Press
Assisted Pullup Machine

Since I was doing this alone without a spotter I had to be careful when lifting which is why I used the smith machine which allowed me to slowly and safely grow my chest. I was far too week to do dips or pull-ups unassisted and had to slowly build this up over time. Around this time I started to see serious weight loss. In the first two weeks I lost 10lbs doing the running and this workout plan.

 Next Post I will go into how this further evolved and also my experience with my first Tough Mudder.

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#sweet nice work!