One of the benefits of apples for health is lowering cholesterol, the content of soluble fiber in apples serves to balance the fat in the intestine. So we can conclude consume apples on a regular basis can lower cholesterol in our body From the results of the study revealed that the apple is anti-cancer is certainly very effective to protect the body from cancer cells. The content of triterpenoid compounds that exist in the apple serves to prevent the growth of each cancer cell. Seeing the many benefits that can be obtained from apples, health experts recommend to consume apples every day. The content of anti-oxidants present in apples can boost the human immune system to build a natural shield from disease-causing viruses. And added with the content of vitamin C and fiber that there are apples make apples very good for consumption especially for those of you who want a strong immune system One of the benefits of apples for skin is to prevent skin cancer, the content of compounds in the apple serves to maintain the health condition of the skin from the inside so that the appearance of the enchanted charm that is very amazing. In addition to preventing skin cancer, the benefits of apples to the skin is to overcome the skin of acne and oily. This is because the content in the apple can equalize the pH level of the skin that decreases the level of oil production on the facial skin. Eye bags are caused because the eye is too used to see the object without being given a short break. If you are currently having problems with eye bags, you can take care to remove eye bags. How to remove eye bags by slicing small apple fruit, then paste the apple into the eye bags, but you need to consider in doing this your eyelid is closed.LOWERS CHOLESTEROL
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