What are the importance of lemon..

in health •  7 years ago 
  1. Helps reduce high blood pressure.

  2. Improve PH level of the body. The more advanced PH level, the more capable the body can fight with the disease.

  3. The uric acid is helpful in reducing the problem.

  4. Make your skin beautiful and clean.

  5. Remove the blinking of the book. Those who have this problem, drink 1 teaspoon of lemon juice mixed with half a cup of water.

  6. Extraordinary effect of removing kidney stones and pancreatic stones.

  7. Helps reduce weight quickly. Pebbles fiber in lemon, which controls the appetite.

  8. Lemon water is very good for pregnant women. It does not just keep the woman's body good. Rather, the baby's baby is much more beneficial. Lemon vitamin C and potassium helps in the formation of bones, brain and body cells of the baby. Due to mother's absence, the disease remains away from the pest.

  9. Helps prevent dental problems. Toothache reduces.

  10. By fighting cancer, enhancing cancer prevention.

  11. Increases metabolism or digestion. It also has the effect of reducing weight.

How to drink: - Drink hot water mixed with a glass of lemon or ripe lemon juice in the empty stomach in the morning. If you want to add honey Mix 1 lemon juice in a large lemon and then add a lemon juice.

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