Adderall Addiction - a love/hate relationship

in health •  8 years ago 

2017-07-03 18.15.28.png

I took my first adderall my senior year of high school. I took it during an ACT test, and I was instantly in love. I had never before felt something like this. My concentration increased dramatically, I had a sense of euphoria I had never felt before, and I just felt content. After this, I began taking between 3 and 5 pills a week until the end of the semester. It never really got out of hand, and I was not concerned about the addictive properties.

Fast-Forward to my second semester of college. I was doing quite well but was falling behind in some of my classes. I thought, "Adderall would be great for this!" I bought a few, and that feeling I had a year ago hit me with full force. I was hooked on it until I returned home for summer but again did not worry about prolonged use. That next fall, I started my sophomore year and started buying again. This continued to December. However, by the end of this "cycle" I knew i may have a problem.

That whole next spring semester i was popping them like candy, taking as much as 120 mg a day. I remember one day i was so dehydrated from the pills that I nearly passed out and was shaking. Adderall addiction is a vicious cycle that only ends up in depressed thoughts. It caused my school work to go to comeplete sh*t, and my personal relationships suffered.

I haven't taken it since May 14, and I feel I am just now returning to a sense of normalcy. The lesson here is simple: do not take this stuff recreationally and think you will be able to control it, it controls you always.


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Thank you for sharing.

It is weird hearing kids going to three day raves dropping E , drinking, smoking and adderall. I also find it sad kids are taking a drug to learn. What is going on!

This post reminds me the time I was taking benzodiacepines the withdrawal was horrible I mean it ... Good thing you stop taking those pills

oh boy.

The problem is your willingness to take drugs illegally.