How to overcome jealousy for good!

in health •  7 years ago 

I’m at so much peace in this very moment. My mind is finally still after many years of unsorted ever moving thoughts in my head. Hectically jumping from one topic to another without ever taking a break once. I was making up irrational situations due to misleading information, misunderstandings or just because I had no idea of what the actual truth really looked like.

Often this self-created irrational “reality” stressed me out so much, that I would react in a way that seemed overly sensitive to others. Looking back I would see it the same way as I changed my perspective NOW.

What am I gonna learn from today's blog post?

Well, I am going to talk to you about my realizations, rant and share my experience with you guys as I think I’m not the only one who has been dealing with feelings of jealousy and maybe this is going to help you in one way or another and change your mindset too forever!

When do we get jealous? - Situations

To name an example, which everyone can relate to at some point of their life: JEALOUSY in a relationship
No matter if that’s a friendship, love relationship or just someone you met at the store.
Feelings of jealousy and fear of loss have been an issue, I struggled with in the past. Do you catch yourself wondering

How am I ever going to fully overcome these feelings and finally move on?

This thought could be caused due to several different experiences you’ve made. One being lack of conversation and misunderstandings.
Situations like these can possibly enhance your feelings of jealousy and make it even worse. HERE’S were I am going to share my tips with you in order to prevent you from losing yourself in this vicious cycle. START by thinking about the following.

I’m gonna tell you if you keep reading ;)

Why are you even jealous?

Is there even a reason for your jealousy or is it fear, you’re struggling with?
Whenever I felt jealous before, I thought there was only one reason:

I didn’t know exactly what was going on and therefore I felt a fear of losing someone to someone else due to many different reasons that weren’t even real.

I thought trusting my this special someone would solve everything, but it didn’t.

So where did this feeling come from then?

Do you make up things and situations in your head that aren’t even real?

Think about it for a second. Is everything you’re afraid or jealous of reality? Or can you actually admit, that it’s mostly future scenarios or past memories you’re so afraid of?
In case you can relate to what I’m talking about, my best tip is to live in the present moment and act accordingly to what’s happening RIGHT NOW.

Why have I been jealous?

I actually feel very vulnerable to share this with you, but as I want this to be as authentic and helpful as possible for you, I’m gonna share my little secret.

I was very self concious in some situations, constantly comparing myself to someone else, who I thought was better than me.

Well, now I know that’s not the case. Everyone’s perfect the way they are and we’re all at different stages in life.

What has helped me to perceive this reality AS IT IS from an objective perspective?

Conversations, conversations and even more conversations. I thought, understanding the situation was the perfect solution until I realized that there’s no way in finding peace in words. I needed to learn, to look for peace within myself. This took some time, but eventually … I’m became who I am today. ME. LOVING. BEING. ENJOYING from a totally different perspective. I feel balanced, peaceful and open to everything that’s to come. I know I’m exactly where I need to be RIGHT NOW in this very moment. What’s meant to last, lasts. What’s meant to leave, leaves.

Accept. Appreciate. Live.

Finding inner peace

Inner peace, for me, can only be found when you trust. By trusting, I don’t mean trusting another being, but trusting YOURSELF. Without enough self worth, self love and self esteem it always going to be hard to find stillness and comfort especially in difficult situations.

Nowadays, I’m comfortable with myself, my decisions and things I can’t control.

How did I get out this vicious jealousy cycle?

Only recently, I realized that it was never about trusting my friend/ partner/ family. It always was about trusting MYSELF.
I noticed, that feelings of jealousy only occurred when I wasn’t satisfied with myself, because of whatever reason. Not being satisfied with yourself always origins in a lack of self love. As soon as you realize that you are worthy everything you wish, there’s no reason to be jealous anymore.

What is going to “threaten” you then? Nothing.
What are you afraid to lose then? Nothing.
Why? Cause you know, you’re good enough and worthy enough to deserve anything you “have” and you‘re so sure of your self worth that you don’t even question another person to leave you for something “better” anymore, cause there is no better than YOU.

Take a break and think about this mindset again:
There is nothing better than you being yourself.
You do not have to fear anything. Everything that’s here in this very moment, is supposed to be here.
Everyone, every situation and every circumstance is here to teach you something. The only thing you need to do is TRUST.

Trust in yourself ❤️

You could also be interested in my blog and my recent post!

Until next time be grateful, do what you love and follow your ❤️!

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Thank you for your article! 🙏
Here is another way to look at it:
Maybe jealousy is the feeling you get, when you have given away your power.
Maybe jealousy makes you feel so lousy, because it's a reminder, that your power is now somewhere it doesn't belong.
You have given away your power in different ways.
First, you gave it to your beloved: "Here you have my power. From now on, you are able control how I am feeling. If you love me, I'll feel good. If you don't, I will feel like shit"
Then you gave it to your worries: "Maybe I shouldn't have trusted the other person? Maybe he/she will betray me?"
Then you give it to your evolving pictures of betrayal and jealousy: "Oh... I knew, that this would happen... I should never have trusted this person..."
In it's last act, and if reality wants to teach you the final lesson, it will put you in a real life situation, where you realize, that all you have worried about is true and your beloved has really cheated on you.
Now if this happens in all it's brutal force, you may come to the conclusion, that "Love is not real" and "People can't be trusted" - but the lesson is a different one...
The real lesson is, that you shouldn't have given your power away.
So yes... all you said is true... self-worth is just another word for being in your own power.
It's the power of Love. Once you are standing so strong in your true power of self-love, you can even throw away the training wheels of trust - simply because you are this Love and it can't be denied or even doubted. Your stand is so strong and you are so much in your power, that you can see, that for trust to happen, there have to be two, while you know, that you are the ONE/TRUE/LOVE/POWER/SOURCE.
Much Love! (...and thank you so much for bringing this topic up!) ❤️

Oh my god, where do I even start?!😍
This is the most beautiful comment I have ever got. Honestly, i can’t even put my appreciation into words! You’re opinion on this topic is very interesting and I agree with you 100%.
This could be a blog post btw😂

I would absolutely love to get in contact with you more often! Could you send me an email to [email protected]?

Thank you my dear. I couldn't login here over the past hours - there seems to be some technical problem with Steemit today.
Anyway, I'm glad, that this is resonating with you and I will drop you an email soon!
Much Love! ❤️

Thank you so much, I’m looking forward to connecting with you 🤗

Thank you for an interesting post! I used to be extremely jealous but due to constant meditation and yoga practice, I practically overtook this feeling ;)

I believe loving yourself more...helps in overcoming jealousy....thanks for sharing.

Great efforts

nice very good post

Great words.