My Yoga Tips for Sukhasana

in health •  4 years ago 

SUKHASANA (Easy Pose) is a very important asana in modern yoga.

Though called ‘easy pose’, this position is not easy at all. I must mention that it is not recommended if you have a knee injury. If you have no problems with your knees, this pose provides many benefits, like strengthening the back and legs and also calming the brain.


My personal tips:

  • sit by the wall, it is much easier to align the spine
  • Cross your shins, widen your knees, slip each foot beneath the opposite knee. Don’t tuck in the ankles. You must leave a gap between the feet and the pelvis.
  • Your pelvis must be in a neutral position, so find the balance by shifting your bottom
  • You can sit in this position for any length of time, but you must alternate the cross of your legs. I usually practice five breaths repetitions with my right leg forward and the last five with my left leg forward.
  • Practice makes it perfect. You will make many small adjustments as you practice. The repeated practice will tone your core muscles.


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