The Harmful Parasite that is Living Inside of 250 Million Americans - Part 1steemCreated with Sketch.

in health •  8 years ago  (edited)

85-90% of Americans have a very harmful parasite living inside of them today. How did it get there? Who put it there? Why is it there?


I will answer all of those questions and many more. I will tell you how to rid yourself of this deadly parasite (forever) and I will share my personal tips for living a healthy life. I recently had a blood test and was told that my immune system was exceptionally high. That was no surprise to me but it is to most medical professionals.

I am going to share a self-test that you can do at home to see if you've got this deadly parasite living inside of you and I will show you how to get rid of it, naturally. I will also give you a quick history lesson, the type of history lesson that your Government does not want you to receive.

I have weaved a number of easter eggs into this narrative in the hope that this true story will resonate with a wider audience and reach people on the level that they are currently at - and in such a way that it may touch them and be a blessing to to them on their very own, and very personal journey.

While I will initially focus on the physical, and very real parasite that lives inside most our bodies today, please don't overlook the mental and spiritual parallel easter eggs that I am dropping, but will not delve into, just yet!

Health can essentially be broken down into three (3) core categories - Physical, Mental and Spiritual and I intend to cover all of them in this series but we need to start somewhere and physical will be the focal point of Part 1 (but don't miss the easter eggs).

I hope that this post will stimulate every person that reads it to stop, take a deep breath and contemplate the lessons, and parallels that can be drawn from history and how we can better apply them to our every day lives.

I hope that this series will be enlightening, thought provoking and uplifting - but most of all I hope that it educates and inspires you to live a happier and healthier life!

Truth Fears No Investigation - Let's Investigate

The parasite that we are talking about uses your body as its personal feeding ground. First it takes over your stomach before taking over your entire gastro-intestinal tract - forcing you to crave the foods that the parasite desires. 250 Million Americans have this parasite inside of them today and its symptoms come on slowly making it difficult to detect. The odds suggest that you are than more likely to have this parasite living inside of you than not.

This parasite comes from the most unlikely of sources, your food supply. I'm going to expose the manipulative practises of companies like Nestle, General Mills and Coca-Cola (just to name a few). These conglomerates have spent billions of dollars on false advertising campaigns in an attempt to cover up what they have done. It's a tangled web of bribery that makes your average politician look like a saint.

I am going to expose the major Government screw-up that allowed this to happen. What you are about to hear may shock you, but it may save your life so stick with me as we peel back the curtain in this shocking, and hopefully very educational and insightful expose!

Let's Begin in the Year 1900


In the year 1900 the death rate from heart disease was 10%. By 1950 it had sky-rocketed to 30%. People were dropping dead at an alarming rate and the masses could not figure out why.

Then on September 24, 1955, American President Dwight D Eisenhower suffered a heart attack that sent the nation into a media-fuelled panic that is not dissimilar to AIDS, Y2K, Terrorism, Ebola and many other media fuelled epidemics - how much was fact and how much was fiction in all of these cases is a story for another day, but I digress.

Two days after Eisenhower's heart attack on Monday September 26 the Dow Jones plunged 6.5% wiping $14 Billion of value from the market. This was the biggest single drop in history at the time, even bigger than that of the Great Depression.

Enter Poster Boy Scientist - Ancel Keys


Government researcher Ancel Keys (pictured on the cover of Time Magazine) was a Harvard educated scientist. Soon after Eisenhower's alleged heart attack Keys set out to discover why America had the highest rate of heart disease of any first world country in the world and the mainstream media propaganda machine was willing and able to take the citizens of America along for the ride.

Keys gave the American public a sense of hope that an honorable man was stepping up to the plate with a commitment to discover the root cause of heart disease.

Nothing could be further from the truth as you will soon see!

To be clear, for all that I know Eisenhower may well have had a heart attack and I am not hear to deal in semantics, but truth be told, unless you were in the White House inner-circle at that time you honestly don't know if Eisenhower had a heart attack or not.

The media may have told you that he did, but is that categorical proof and does anyone still trust the media today? If you can't trust the media today why on earth would you trust what the media told you 60 years ago when it was much easier to carry out a psyop, seeing that we didn't have the internet back then? I can categorically prove that psyops have been carried out for well over 100 years but that is a story for another day, I digress.

Keys discovered that Mediterranean countries (and Japan) had the lowest rates of heart disease and that their diets also contained the lowest amount of fat. Keys concluded that the American high-fat diet was to blame. The American people now had an answer, or so they thought.

1956 - The American Heart Association


In 1956 the American Heart Association ran a national advertising campaign in print media, radio and television informing people that a high-fat diet will lead to coronary heart disease. They recommended that everyone should eat a low-fat diet as they rammed the benefits of a low-fat diet deep into the American psyche, and the masses for the most part believed every single word of it.

The American Heart Association lied to you back then and like every other government agency they continue to lie to you to this very day.

It gets worse - brochures were handed out to all school children informing them that they should be on a low-fat diet.

Indoctrinating children is one of the core tenets of the highly successful and subversive brainwashing that has been going on for centuries. Children largely believe whatever adults tell them so the best way to sway public opinion and beliefs is to slowly, and progressively indoctrinate each subsequent generation with the new beliefs, morals and values that the state wants them to embrace.

As the children become adults they are absolutely convinced that they are right, but the reality is that they have been suggestively programmed since the day that they were born and most of them will die without ever knowing it - this is why so few people can see the indoctrination taking place. It has been a process of slow, consistent and subtle indoctrination from the moment they were born. It only takes 15-20 years to radically change the beliefs of any society, I digress.

If you would like to investigate this topic further read Education and Indoctrination - Is There a Difference?

I also recommend that you listen to Yuri Bezmenov talk about Idealogical Subversion

I have dozens of other resources that I could link you to so if this is of interest to you please reach out to me and I will be more than happy share them with you.

Mixed Messaged - Designed to Confuse


Ancel Keys became a scientific celebrity overnight and he was featured on the cover of Time Magazine in 1961. In 1984 Time warned us about cholesterol and how fats including butter were bad for us. In 2014 Time backflipped and told us that we needed to eat more butter.

Without fat:

  • Your brain cannot function properly.
  • Your system cannot fight disease as effectively.
  • Your body cannot manufacture optimum energy levels.
  • Your joints (and the rest of you) is like a motor without oil.
  • Vision, cosmetic appearance and even temperature regulation, all start to fail.

Keys and the US Government Knew This

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Scientists and the governments and globalists that fund science knew all of this but they intentionally deceived the citizens of the world and manipulated data for profits because profits and your poor health are far more important to them - and nothing has changed.

Science is still lying to you.

Real foods were increasingly replaced with processed foods (from a factory) and the era of obesity and chronic disease began in earnest.

"Although doctors do learn some biochemistry, it’s not enough, and what little we do learn is not put in the context required to become relevant. Bottom line is I didn’t learn what hydrogenated fats were in medical school, and the doctors of Keys’ day would have had no idea either. So when Keys said saturated fat from butter and eggs caused atherosclerosis, he was intentionally misleading everyone by implying that he was speaking of the results of his experiments, when he was not.

But Keys did more than fool physicians into believing eating butter and eggs would kill us.

Keys also convinced doctors that eating polyunsaturated fats would help people live longer. This is how Keys managed to pull the wool over the eyes of generations of doctors – because he understood chemistry better than they did." Dr. Cate Shanahan

With this in mind (along with the plethora of other cases of scientific fraud that I have researched and witnessed) it staggers and troubles me that the vast majority of people continue to blindly trust science, medicine, education, corporations and government.

History has repeatedly proven that all of these entities, in their various guises have been conspiring against us via hidden agendas. History tells us that they continuously lie to us and that they are trying to deceive us, and even kill us so as to profit from our poor health (physical, mental and spiritual).

That is because the people that rule this world are psychopathic mercenaries with an insatiable appetite for power, money, control, deception, manipulation, corruption and I am convinced that they get pleasure when they see billions of people suffer for own their personal gain - because they do not know the meaning of the word empathy - how they can sleep at night is beyond me but I do know how their minds works.

How people can't see what is going on is much easier for me to understand - they are the people that I empathize with and hope to reach in my posts - most of them are too trusting, busy, distracted and the education system and media has not done them any favors.

Big Food Conglomerates


This infograph is a more modern day representation of the food conglomerates that currently control our food supply and it does not include the GMO, agricultural, seed, fertilizer, insecticide, supermarkets, transportation and packaging companies that play their role, and take their cut from the global food supply chain that they have designed and control 100% - never mind Big Pharma which profits when you are sick - this is very, very big business folks and I am only scratching the service.

The one sector that was not happy with Keys findings was the big food conglomerates of the day because their favorite way of flavoring their food products was by adding more fat. Food scientists had long known that fat was a flavor carrier that could efficiently, and inexpsensibably deliver taste and odour compounds from different parts of food while adding texture and mouth-feel that made food taste better. Without fat, their foods tasted like cardboard but now the public was demanding that their food be low-fat because they had been conditioned to demand it.

####Problem > Reaction > Solution springs to mind.

Sales of processed foods began to decline as people turned to more natural, lower-fat sources of food. If it didn't say low-fat on the label people stopped buying it. The Big Food Conglomerates scrambled to find low-fat alternatives that still tasted good.

They soon found something that was even better than fat - because it was also highly addictive.

Refined Sugar


As early as the 1950's scientists and doctors knew that refined sugar was not good for you. As far back as 1808 studies had conclusively proven that refined sugar was not only bad for you - but that is was toxic and dangerous for human consumption - way back in 1808!

Scientists knew that sugar not only had no nutritional value, they knew that it had negative health effects, that it was toxic and that it caused premature death.

Fast forward to 1957 and research showed that foods manufactured with sugar was winning every single taste test hands down - but would the public buy it?

The conglomerates needed to make their move and they did this just like they have always done - they used the government, media, education system and scientific community that they had always been in bed with to deceive the masses.

Enter Professor E. V. McCollum


In 1957 the noted (or I should say notorious) Professor E. V. McCollum, whom the government, media and scientific community promoted as 'America's Top Nutritionist' published a book called 'A History of Nutrition' in which, despite of the fact that dozens of experiments and studies had been conducted since the early 1800's proving that sugar was toxic - McCollum argued in his book that all of the previous studies were flawed due to human error.

But where did McCollum get the money from to research and write a book of this magnitude? Few scientists have the money to fund the research that is required for a book (or study) on such a grand-scale. And let's be honest, with the title 'A History of Nutrition' it wasn't exactly going to fly off the book shelves.

A peek inside the cover of the book reveals that the publisher was 'Nutrition Foundation Inc. which was a front for the leading sugar conglomerates of the day - approximately 45 sugar conglomerates were in collusion.

And did it work - you bet it did - sales of sugar-laced processed food sky-rocketed as the book was marketed with the same ferocity that you see them market every other 'best-seller' today. All that they had to do was put low-fat on the label, add a heap of refined sugar and bingo, processed food was back in vogue.

McCollum failed the general certification examination, but was allowed to enter high school provisionally based on his habit of extensive reading and his memorization of standard poetry - Wikipedia

From an early age McCollum displayed a number of the attributes that are required to become a 'leading figure' in later life - he was not too bright, he was a parrot, he obeyed authority and orders, he was devoted to reaching a higher position in life and he was willing to sell his soul for money and recognition.

It doesn't take a genius to connect the dots and recognize how the game is played now does it? Granted, some leaders are very bright but under this type of regime they are all the more dangerous and difficult to recognize!

Advocacy runs deep at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

It began with founding dean William Henry Welch, who advocated for a new model of public health education for the twentieth century with emphasis on research and academics. It continued with Professor E.V. McCollum, who discovered vitamins A and D and took time from his research to pen columns in McCall’s magazine urging the nation to improve its diet. Source: John Hopkins website

McCollum became a Dean at John Hopkins Bloomberg and doesn't he look very regal in the portrait above - he was elevated far beyond his intellect and that is why he was selected, and why he sold out. He craved success and he wanted to be a scientific rock-star, no different to the pop-star scientists of today.

To be fair, the vast majority of scientists are very good people, with very good intentions and I acknowledge that - but the reality is that scientists work in silos that have been intentionally constructed around them and all honest scientists know that I am speaking truth. The byproduct of this environment is a self-perpetuating paradigm wherein the left hand rarely knows what the right hand is doing (unless you sit near the top of the scientific pyramid).

Unfortunately, the vast majority of scientists have been deceived by their very own scientific rock-stars and idols. They fail to ask good questions of their superiors whilst demanding great answers in return.

To be clear, I am not being disrespectful of science or scientists. They have a very important role to play but let's not elevate them to the status of demiGods as your government, media and education system would have you believe.

I am giving you an insight into how the game is played at the upper echelons and far more importantly I am encouraging all scientists (and all people) to ask the difficult questions and only accept answers that make total, logical and rational sense.

If they don't meet that criteria then you need to ask more questions and if they still can't meet that criteria then you need to consider rejecting what you are being told and be prepared to be fired, discredited and ostracized for doing so - it begins with you - it is far too easy to find sell-outs like Keys & McCollum and the buck must start with you, me and every single one of us on an very personal and individual level.

I hope that I have pricked a conscience or two!

Sugar is as Addictive as Cocaine & Heroin


A 2012 study by University of San Francisco Professor Dr Robert Lustig revealed that Sugar is as Addictive to the human brain as Cocaine, setting off the same dopamine triggers and forcing us to crave more and more of it.

The scientific community, your government and the food conglomerates knew this as early as 1808 (maybe sooner) - yet they began adding sugar to every food product that they could including bread, yogurt, spaghetti and even hot dogs. I am merely scratching the surface.

As the decades passed obstacles would invariably pop-up for the conglomerates - but on each occasion science stepped up to the plate and saved humanity.

Oops, correction needed - wrong script, how did that sneak into this post?

Science stepped up to the plate and saved their masters - you know, the conglomerates that own and employ them - at the expense of humanity - and to this very day nothing has changed.

Don't believe me? Keep reading as it gets worse!

1965 Fair Packaging and Labelling Act


The Fair Packaging & Labelling Act was introduced in 1965 and it required packaged/processed food to be 'honestly' and informatively' labelled. By this time the public wasn't so keen on sugar (which was why the Act came in) but that didn't matter as they simply hid the sugar by putting it into new forms and creating new names for it. That way the masses would not see 'sugar' on the food label and sales would not slow down.

Some of these names were/are:

  • Agave Nectar
  • Brown Rice Syrup
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Dextrose
  • Evaporated Cane Juice
  • Glucose
  • Lactose
  • Malt Syrup
  • Molasses
  • Sucrose
  • and the biggest one of all - 'Made from Natural Ingredients'

What they didn't tell you was that all refined sugar is made from natural ingredients, as is cocaine and heroin.

1970's - Artificial Sweeteners


In the 1970's, and armed with new studies exposing the harmful affects of sugar the masses began to wake up and for the first time since the 1950's sales of processed foods began declining - but the conglomerates had already prepared for this by having their next weapon already locked and loaded - artificial sweeteners.

Perhaps the most notorious of these was Aspartame (G D Searle) which was more commonly known as Equal or NutraSweet. It was initially rejected by the FDA in 1973 and the story of how it later became approved by the FDA is startling for the uninitiated - but it is no surprise, and just business as usual for those of us that know how the FDA, CDC and all government agencies operate.

By the 1970's the diet craze was in full-swing and the diet food market was already a billion dollar industry. Another artificial sweeter called Cyclamate was banned in 1973 when it was found to cause tumours on tests conducted on animals.

But Aspartame's manufacturer G D Searle (today a subsidiary of Pfizer Pharmaceutical) was not having any of this as it wanted its drug approved by hook or by crook. Is it any surprise that the company that develops products to kill you was later acquired by a company that develops products that 'claim' to cure you?

G D Searle presented the FDA with 100 studies 'proving' that Aspartame was harmless - G D Searle funded every single one of these studies themselves - once again proving how easy it is to get scientists to lie, whether intentionally, complicity or negligently is not the point - the fact remains that the public is once again about to get duped by science and the public will again be the ones that pay the price for scientific fraud.

G D Searle knew that they would make billions of dollars if they received FDA approval so they invested a lot of time, money and resources into manipulating the data - it's an old trick that is still being used today.

Despite what the G D Searle sponsored studies said every independent study showed that Aspartame was toxic for human consumption. For the first time in history the FDA sought criminal investigation into a food manufacturer for misrepresenting the safety tests of a food product. What the investigation revealed was shocking.

Deceased lab animals from the tests were not autopsied for months or even years after their deaths so that rotting corpses would render any tumour data inaccurate. Other animals were found to have tumours cut out and thrown away only to have them labelled as 'normal' while any remaining tumours were labelled as "normal swelling'.

What follows next is a set of dirty political tricks that would have made Abraham Lincoln roll over in his grave.

Enter Samuel Skinner


G D Searle first arranged to hire the US attorney Samuel Skinner because he was leading the US investigation against them. Skinner resigned from the investigation and went to work for G D Searle - thereby stalling and usurping the investigation.

What kind of message does that send to the other investigators other than to encourage them to lie for their superiors? With the added incentive of knowing that the more that you lie the greater the chanceS of you being promoted?

A sane person could not make this stuff up but it gets worse as this is just Part 1 and I am only just warming up.

Enter Donald Rumsfeld


Later that same year (get this), Donald Rumsfeld became the CEO of G D Searle.

Rumsfeld appointed some of his top political buddies and proclaimed that he would get Aspartame approved within one year. Coincidentally Ronald Reagan had just been elected President of the United States and Donald Rumsfeld was part of the transition team that was charged with appointing a new FDA Commissioner.

So the CEO of G D Searle (Rumsfeld) had a say in who the FDA Commissioner would be while the company that he was stewarding was in a position to make billions if the FDA approved one of its products. Have you ever seen a bigger conflict of interest? Let's not forget the FACT that the product was also known to be toxic to humans since at least 1808.

They appointed Arthur Hull Hayes Jr and one of Hayes first acts as Commissioner was to appoint a 5 person panel to review the rejection of Aspartame. Three (3) of the five (5) panel members still voted not to approve Aspartame citing the animal tumours as a big concern. So Hayes then appointed a sixth (6th) panel member which tied the vote at 3-3.

Then Hayes decided that he, as the food commissioner (something he knew little about) would play God and cast the deciding vote which of course granted FDA approval to G D Searle's Aspartame. Shortly afterwards Hayes resigned from his position as FDA Commissioner and accepted a job at G D Searle that paid him 100's of thousands of dollars per year (in the early 1980's don't forget).

If you research the backstory into how Monsanto GMO's were approved, and the revolving door that exists between big business and government, you will soon realise that Michael R. Taylor, the FDA's Deputy Commissioner for Policy had worked as a Monsanto lawyer for seven years before joining the FDA.

Once GMO was approved Taylor resigned from the FDA and was employed by the United States Department of Agriculture. Taylor then went back to Monsanto. After serving four (4) years he left Monsanto to work at the 'think-tank' of Center for Risk Management.

This was Hayes reward for his servitude - think tanks, foundations and secret societies control the world but that is another story for another day. After nine (9) years at the think tank Taylor resigned and to this very day, he is Senior Advisor (handler) to the FDA Commissioner.

Research every last bit of what I have written if this topic is of interest you as there are many more posts that need to be written about Taylor, Monsanto and the collusion and revolving door merry-go-round, ring-around-rosy, musical chairs charades that these puppets play.

People want me to believe that things have changed for better and that we can now trust our government, media, scientists, publishers and education system?

Give me a break!

Aspartame Now Approved by FDA


Soon after Rumsfeld's FDA ring-ins approved Aspartame - Diet-Coke hit the market as a weight-loss beverage that was loaded with Aspartame and sales sky-rocketed. In the first year alone the FDA received over 600 consumer complaints, reporting headaches, dizziness and other strange reactions to this new foreign substance that our bodies were never designed to digest. Don't forget about the tumours in lab rats as we will get to that later in the series.

But the food conglomerates had already won, and over the next 30+ years more and more of these refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, preservatives and other unnatural elements, including GMO's infiltrated our food supply creating a new, man-made diet that our bodies should never have been exposed to. Many of these additives are as addictive as cocaine and heroin, meaning that once you're hooked on them, your body (and the parasite that is living inside of you) craves it even more.

Closing Thoughts


Conglomerates hijacked your Government, money creation, the education system including universities and mass media centuries ago. Governments are 100% owned by conglomerates, foundations and think-tanks. Conglomerates continue to fund science today - please connect the dots.

With this knowledge, and my surmised history lesson in mind is it not time to ask some really big questions and demand really big answers?

We have to be very discerning when it comes to believing anything that pop-culture science markets to us as 'scientific fact' - science is very easily bought, more so now than at any previous time in history!

Notice how the scientists like Keys, McCollum and Skinner were marketed to the masses as the 'experts' of their day? Yet when we look back with the benefit of hindsight we can clearly see that they were lying to us all along. They were nothing more than bought and paid for slaves of the multi-national corporations that funded and elevated them into significance and positions of power - do you really believe that modern science is any different?

In your heart of hearts you know that what I am saying is true. You know that politicians and billionaires are corrupt - with that in mind can you answer these question for me?

  • Why do so few billionaires, politicians and CEO's ever go to jail?
  • Why do so many of them get promoted, re-assigned or cross-promoted after committing major screw-ups/crimes?
  • Why did your government bail out the banks leaving you (and future generations) to foot the bill?
  • Why does your TV screen bombard you with nonsense?
  • Can you explain to me why no-one got sacked after 9/11?
  • Can you Answer the 50 Questions about 9/11 that no-one is prepared to tackle?

The unfortunate reality is that the elites are working together behind the scenes with the express aim of putting every last one of us into graves and its high-time that every single one of us starts to ask really deep and meaningful questions and begin asking our family, friends and colleagues to help us answer these very logical, rational and reasonable questions.


Please don't try to sell me on how much more advanced we are today and how robust the scientific peer review process is as I will destroy those myths.

If you have questions, by all means ask them but please, don't enter into the conversation with a close-minded, militant position that is not open to discovering the truth.


You have only read the introduction of a very interesting story - one that I intend to develop further and while you don't yet know what this parasite is I promise you that I will reveal it and that this story will turn full circle to the point where its title will make perfect sense.

Thank you for reading my post and I hope that it was a blessing to you. I look forward to sharing Part 2 with you shortly.

If You Seek Truth You Have Found a Home

Join Me on a Journey of Discovery

No Topic is Too Big, Controversial or Off-Limits!



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well, that pretty much covers it. no need for me to post anymore.

just kidding.
thanks for the post.

Thanks for commenting @lifeworship - I love your work also - keep it up and never give up 😊

you might be interested in this. this is a radio program, which is the first place i ever heard of aspartame and monsanto, in 1988. the aspartame segment starts at 16:30. i hope this isn't just repetition of what you already know. Mae Brussell had lots of the knowledge, that is becoming well known today, back in the 70's and 80's.


I started listening to it but I haven't had time to finish it. I will though and I had never heard it before so thank you very much!

That was hands down the best article I've read today. No offense meant, but the title is a little click-baity and I guess the information on the parasite (and how to get rid of it) is part of the next installment?

Even without the parasite, this was great. I've been quietly saying many of these things to people my whole life, and I've been called conspiratorial and crazy for it.

Now I just say one thing: "They're all lying to you. Trust nothing, not even yourself"

I love your honesty and yes, the title is click-baity but I promise you that it will all come together in subsequent posts and then you will see that it wasn't click-baity at all.

I tried to incorporate it all into one post but it became to large. I could have chosen to do a hit a run post but that would not do this story justice and seeing that I am naturally a deep-thinking and creative person the story simply expanded beyond my initial expectations as I began writing it. It will all come back full circle but the joy is in the journey and discovery so please stick with me.

Thanks again, stay tuned for the next episode as it's going to get a lot more interesting.

I have now followed you, upvoted and re-steemed this article. You are doing a fantastic job. I don't think it's misleading at all. In order for you to get to the imbalance in the gut microflora with parasites, fungi and yeasts getting out of control, you had to explain how our food supply has been tampered with to feed these noxious organisms that can cross the blood brain barrier, wreak havoc and DEMAND to be fed. People say that they have food cravings for sugar. I would argue that they, themselves, don't have the craving. It's the bacteria demanding to be feed. We must starve out these noxious strains to create maintainable balance in the system.
In 2004, after almost 20 years of eating a low fat diet, that included aspartame, I was diagnosed with MS. I had to totally re-educate myself and adopted a paleo eating lifestyle which is low carb, high fat. I also eat cannabis everyday. I went from being blind with mobility problems to 100% fully restored function. I have never taken any pharmaceuticals to treat this autoimmune challenge. If I didn't wise-up to the truth, I have 0 doubt in my mind that I would be completely blind and in a wheelchair, now...13 years later. You speak the truth and I am a walking testimonial.

Thank you Rebecca - what a great comment and testimonial. I'm so glad that aren't on pharma drugs and that you found a way to manage your MS. Would you say that you're cured, or you are able to manage, control and slow it?

How do you eat your cannabis? Oil, butter, or other foods? How many milligrams per day? Do you take sativa or indica strains for MS?

I have a friend that cured his terminal stage 4 prostrate cancer. The doctors told him to go home and prepare to die. They offered him chemo of course but he refused it. He primarily used diet and cannabis oil to cure himself and he did a lot of coffee enemeas as well as some oxygen therapy. He believes that the food, cannabis oil and enemeas were the key.

Cannabidiols are amazing. Nature has all of the answers but Big Pharma can't patent plants which is a big part of why there isn't more research being done though but that has finally begun to change. Big Pharma practically wiped out homeopathy and replaced it with their poisons as I'm sure you know.

Doctors are very reluctant to use the word cured, but they can't explain why I haven't progressed with the disease.
By averages and statistics, I should be into the irreversible stages of the MS process now, meaning having regular attacks with no recovery or re-gaining of lost function between episodes. In my case, the prognosis was: "prepare to be blind and in a wheel chair."
Yeah, nice, I I stopped eating grains, sugar and chewing sugar-free gum, every waking hour of the day.
I started eating Indica strains with high THC percentages over 20% in the form of a fully extracted cannabis oil or RSO concentrates.
Today, I am all about varying my strain consumption so that I can take advantage of multiple strain profiles. I equally use sativas and indicas, now and I infuse them into medium chain triglyceride coconut oil. I am eating this by the dropper-full.
Oddly, my body responds differently to CBD and it throws my hormones into over-drive. What you would think, would be fantastic for me, as an isolated compound on its own, I have to mix with THC. That's part of the issues using cannabis as medicine, you dose it differently for each person's body chemistry.
I have 0 doubt in my mind, that your friend is alive today because he used food as medicine and healed his intestinal tract which let him restore balance to his immune system. I think that 95% of disease within the body starts with intestines that have become compromised and aren't working efficiently.

Excellent post. Following you now. BTW, even though we should be able to use 5 tags, if we use more than 4 (at the moment), the post only shows up in the first one. So you might want to cut it down to 4. Even better, selfishly I'd love it if one of those tags could be paleo. We're aiming to build up a quality body of work over there - around why a paleo or other real food diet is best and how to go about it. I think this series would be an asset to the tag.

Hi @kiwideb - I love Kiwi's, seriously and thanks for the 4 tag tip. Does the paleo crew have a chat room? I'd be interested in joining and collaborating. I'm following you now also 😊

Check us out in the paleo-trail room in Discord.

Paleo Trail is trying to encourage great content creation on Steemit by building a community of paleo diet writers. On the Paleo-Trail discussion group, Paleo dieters can meet other writers, get feedback on their work, and help others improve their skills.

i don't think this is click-baity at all. i was eager to find out what was the worm, and a little disappointed to find that it is some of my fellow humans, like Rumsfeld, i always knew he was a worm, but i don't think comparing these people to destructive parasites is deceptive in the least. i think the comparison is more than apt. i'm sorry some of the other commenters see it otherwise. the lies we are fed our whole lives are some of the most pernicious of parasites, the ones that live inside our minds. no scan can see them, no medicine can expel them, save the truth, and even that doesn't work most of the time. keep on helping others learn. if every good post were as "click-baity" as this, i would still upvote them all. i use metaphors and analogies all the time. i have no idea how this is different. i think some people are just nit-picky, and don't have anything else better to do.

thank you again.

This is disgusting but still an outragesus post, i like the way you write, the way you compose your taughts in this text. upvoted.

I wish I could upvote your post to infinity @steemtruth, because it is the TRUTH.
Most food sold in our grocery stores in North America are nothing more than slow-release poison in a box, bag or can.
People need to learn that just because they can find it in a grocery store doesn't mean it's safe to eat.
It's daunting to know what's safe and what's not. I always say to people, if it's a food-like product that your great grandmother wouldn't recognize if she opened your cupboard or refrigerator, it's not real food.
Shop in the outside aisle of your grocery store. Stay away from anything sold in a box, a bag or a can.
Try to grow some of your own food, or buy from someone you know who has grown it. :)

All my life I had been the victim of doctors with misinformation and mistreatment of physical anomalies that I have. My teeth are misaligned by a dentist performing experimental procedures to "prevent future dental problems" I am deaf in my right ear from a surgery that was supposed to improve hearing in that ear. I've never heard as good as before the surgery. Now thirty years later, I am told the surgery was proven to be ineffective at best. I have a curved spine and was told I would be a cripple by forty if I didn't have surgery. I didn't have surgery, I am 56 and still walking. My sister is all but blind because of an inept ophthalmologist. Needless to say I don't trust doctors. Same goes for scientists that spout off theory and conjecture like it's fact. While your post is informative I will agree with "prufarchy" your title is deceptive and misleading. Are you any better than the entities you are demeaning?

I am very sorry to hear this @roswellrockman and while I have not walked in your shoes I have sincere and very deep empathy for the situation that you find yourself in. That is why I choose to blog about the medical profession, scientific community and government in 99% of my posts. I know that they are intentionally harming you and I am doing what I can to expose them for the psychopaths that they are.

If you read my earlier posts you will find a consistent theme resonating throughout all of them and while I may not have all of the answers that you seek today, I am quietly confident that I have the answers to many of your questions.

I am head and shoulders above the entities that I am exposing because I will tell you the truth and I am not subservient or scared of any person or entity. Please go back and read my earlier posts and start from the beginning as it will help you to gain a greater understanding of what my mission is.

Feel free to hit me up on chat and I will be more than happy to expound on them and answer any questions that you may have.

Consider following me as this in only Part 1 of the series and I needed to build the foundation of this true story in Part 1. This is far too important of a story for me take a cookie-cutter approach. We have been conditioned to expect immediate answers and that is sometimes our downfall.

Stick with me and give me the opportunity to piece all of this together. I doubt that you will be disappointed.

I have now started following you and will check out your previous posts. I was neither looking for answers or sympathy. I have moved on with my life. I was just agreeing with what was being said and sharing my experiences as examples. I did feel baited by the parasite title and that was the only criticism I had. Not sure how to "chat " from this site. I am currently at my store and I get spurratic moments when I can steem & Respond.

Click this link and then search for me using this query: @steemtruth

I hope that we can chat soon

Registered with steemit chat. But it does not acknowledge my user name, email, or password

You should not give out your steemit password - we have a posting key which is better for using on 3rd party apps. In fact I'm logged in with posting key all of the time as the worst that can happen is someone can post a blog or comment with my account.

Top right corner of your browser there is a menu - click it and it will take you to chat. It's been ages since I set mine up so I can't recall what I needed to do but someone has probably posted a blog so have a search for one if you're still having trouble.

I'm also on discord if that's easier.

Cool. I look forward to reading this.

A lot of Harsh Reality, LOVE IT!

Great comment and I'm so happy that you enjoyed it.

Fantastic article. I look forward to reading more.

I had no idea Rumsfeld had been a part of the aspartame debacle. He is a prime suspect in the 9/11 conspiracy with many inexplicable actions on that day according to this excellent video made by the Corbett Report:

Part is live and I'm working on Part 3 now.

Rumsfeld has a lot to answer for. I can't stand the man.

I don't doubt large corporations are playing the government for their own financial gain. That much is pretty obvious. However, your fear mongering is not helping. You have a click bait title about a parasite and then only mention it abstractly in your introduction and once in your conclusion as an aside.

85-90% of Americans have a very harmful parasite living inside of them today. How did it get there? Who put it there? Why is it there?

How did it get there? You didn't answer this.
Who put it there? Nor this one.
Why is it there? Nope. Not this one either.

I am all for freedom and speech and knowledge, but your post creates unsubstantiated fear in the reader. You are no better than corporations manipulating customers to buy their harmful products under the guise of health.

Gonna have to respectfully disagree here @proskynneo ...

I agree that it was a bummer that the parasite thing wasn't covered but, based on my understanding of what I just read, there's a lot of information necessary to get us there. Also, as a blogger they have to draw us in and then leave us wanting more. This author did that.

I also mentioned the click-baity title but I'm not even sure if this would count as click-bait, seeing as it was a full-fledged multi-part series. That's like getting mad at a three part series of book called "First encounter of the alien kind" because the first book sees no aliens.

I could be seeing this wrong, though. Anyone else have an opinion? I don't feel fear from this post, I feel like I want to read more. Isn't that a good thing for a steemit author?

Stick with me and when I have finished this series you can shoot me down as much as you wish. I don't think that you will be disappointed and I welcome you to do so if I have not tied this all back together into one very coherent and consistent story.

You do raise a good point though. I could have written a better ending to this post and I will now go back and see how I can improve on it.

Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it.

Honestly, it was a very compelling, well-written post. I'd just steem on to the next part of the series.

Ok, ok... more honestly... I just want to read more.

thanks @prufarchy and I'm pleased that you enjoyed reading the 1st post. I am working on the next one now!

Let me be clear, I am glad you are getting the information out there. I have read other articles on the subject in the past and they substantiate the narrative you are sharing. My preference is the gather the facts and draw my own conclusions. I tend to interpret sensationalization as a tool to hype a topic when the facts don't quite substantiate the claim. In your case, I think the facts more than substantiate your claim and no sensationalization is need. The sensationalization then hurts your argument because it makes me wonder why you feel you need to sensationalize the article. But this is just my personal preference. I encourage you to finish your series and I will consider your argument as a whole rather than the parts.

Excellent article.. can't wait to read part 2.

I am curious whether fruit sugar is feeding this parasite you mention considering I have cleaned up my diet considerably over the past 8 years, however my body craves sugar so I still consume plenty of organic fruit and have noticed I am quite lethargic and suffering from chronic fatigue.. wondering if this can be connected? If you are knowledgable about this I would love to hear your views. Thank you

I'm so pleased that you enjoyed the article. When you say that you have cleaned up your diet what do you mean exactly?

Everyone has a different starting off point - depending on their current health status, but my approach has always been to firstly cleanse the body with the aim of getting the system back into balance ASAP. Everyone needs to do this IMHO because if you don't it makes the journey so much more difficult.

Once you have cleansed your system it is then a matter of maintaining it and i have a specific routine that I try to follow. Not religiously mind you as I am not always super-disciplined and I enjoy eating many different foods but sugar is something that I try to keep to a minimum. When I do consume more sugar than I should I try to balance it out with other foods that neutralize the sugar. When I know that my system is out of whack I do another cleanse and this routine has been working for me.

Too much fruit (even organic) is not good for you. It causes many health problems and it does feed the parasite. Your symptoms of cravings, lethargy and fatigue are classic signs of the the parasite and while I am not a health professional I think that I may be able to steer you in the right direction.

Stay tuned for my next post and in the meantime feel free to ask any questions.

Thank you I appreciate your insight.. I would like to hear more about how you cleanse your system. Also interested in which foods neutralize and balance out the sugar intake.

I completely agree, a clean diet is all relative. Just like everything else in search of truth it has been like peeling back the layers of an onion. About 5 years ago I removed all processed foods and replaced them with a high carb low fat diet mainly from fruits since it was easy, healthier and still tasty although Ive been aware of candida and how this diet was probably not the best.

Around two years ago I reduced my fruit intake to around 35% of my diet and began incorporating healthy fats mainly from avocados, ghee, coconut oil, hemp seeds, almond butter and bone broth w/ marrow making up about another 35%. The remainder of my diet comes from grains and protein in the form of quinoa, millet, wild salmon, organic pasture raised chicken and eggs, and a bit of grass fed red meat. Also around 3 months ago I started drinking distilled water which Ive heard some very interesting things regarding detoxification.

The fruit is the one part I've struggled with. I regularly start my day off with a big smoothie consisting of bananas, mango and worst of all dates which satisfies my sugar cravings. I know I need to cut this out however it is almost like an addiction since Im always looking forward to it.

This is a really good article, if only everyone was this well informed, or this interested in finding out the truth. I was just wondering if you'd thought about dividing this into smaller posts and re-posting this information? It's excellent, but I'm certain a lot of people on here would find it a bit long. Seems a shame when you've clearly put a lot into it! Thanks for sharing, and keep it coming :-)

Looking forward to part 2!

Dear @steemtruth, I've loved many of your articles and today wish to share with a facebook group I'm managing. I hope you won't mind and if you wish please feel welcomed to join us there. Steemit Mastermind Group.

Thank you @kenistyles and sorry for the slow reply. I've been away. I don't use FB but if I decide to I will join the group. I am thinking about it as I've been invited to join other groups and that is appealing. I just have a disdain for FB. I really appreciate your invite and that you've shared my content with the group.

All the very best!

@steemtruth Absolutely respect and innerstand your position on the situation over "there". I too have similar sentiments about FB, simply now that I am there at family request. I do my best to share truth and steward people through the groups towards steemit. I do however acknowledge that every moment spent over there, whilst being watched is also time taken away from creating here.

I love your writing and please sir, keep doing your thing. You've covered some important topics and we will look forward to reading more. Many thanks.

Good on you @kenistyles and thank you for the encouragement. It really does mean a lot and I'm very humbled and grateful. Keep in touch as I might set up a new FB profile when I have some time and give it another try but it will be mainly be for the groups if I do. My content tends to be viewed as non-FB friendly unfortunately.

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