Nono-Particle Silver Has Been Used To Kill Bacteria For Thousands Of Years

in health •  8 years ago 

Silver has been used as an antimicrobial for thousands of years. It’s a powerful antibiotic, attacking all kinds of bacteria in a three-pronged attack. Since disinfecting contaminated environments is the most effective method of halting disease. Silver could be a most potent weapon in the battle of antibiotic resistant bacteria that is becoming more and more common with the over use of antibiotics today
Silver has also showed great promise as an antiviral, in both attacking the virus and in inhibiting transmission
Colloidal Silver is the name it has been called for over a hundred years. Today in medical Laboratory circles it is called
Nano-Particle Silver. Silver’s promise as a method of disinfecting water of both bacteria and viruses as far back as the days of Alexander The Great has been and is being re-discovered again, his armies used Silver lined water casks to take water from the rivers in the lands where they were fighting. Because the silver was known to make the water free from disease and good to drink. Now we are learning through Lab Studies that is also able to kill Viruses Here are A Couple Lab Studies showing Nano-Particle Silver's Ability to kill different bacteria and viruses.


Nano-Particle Silver tests strains of Enterococcus

Silver Nanoparticles against bacteria that cause burn wound infection.

Effects of silver nanoparticles on Staphylococcus aureus contaminated open wounds healing



Silver has also been used to clear HPV warts:

H1N1 influenza A virus:

to give a better idea how it works. The drawing below is how Nano-Particle Silver attacks bacteria,

I hope this is helpful, I know it has been for me and my family, the number of times family members have been sick the the last five years has been dramatically reduced. :)15396_1464690283821025_8783785253502105422_n.jpg

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Not sure if true, but I have heard that battlefield surgeons in the Civil War would sew a silver dollar into a wound to disinfect it.

Yes that is true, Alexander the Great used Silver Lined Casks for his Armies to collect water from rivers in countries they invaded to ensure the water was drinkable. Silver has been known to kill viruses and bacteria for centuries.