[Stress & Mental Power] Five habits for being mentally strong

in health •  7 years ago 

Hi Steemians,

everybody of us knows stress. Whoever is afraid of his workplace or has problems in his relationship, runs the risk of getting sick. Stress is an expression tension of the whole organism. Stress is widespread in the world. A lot of employees feel overwhelmed by time pressure or exhaustion. Not surprisingly, we live in a performance society, whenever we find a time window it is filled with new tasks. Resting and relaxing phases, on the other hand, are permanently too short. Are happy and balanced people less prone to illnesses than those who suffer mental distress?

Yes, they are less prone to illnesses!!! Happy and balanced people are significantly healthier! This is proofed by the longest study on happiness!

Watch this:

TED Talk by Robert Waldinger: "What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness"

The question that many of you may ask: Can we train mental strength? A high degree of mental power certainly needs both: talent and training! Hence, yes we can! To some degree we can train it and here are some helpful tips for you!

  • Be resilient and accept failures. Nobody is perfect

  • Laugh at your misery

  • Get help when you need it

  • Try to get supported by loving family and friends

  • Don’t believe everything you think

  • Remember you will be okay if people don’t like you

  • Don't compare yourself with others too much, compare yourself with yourself overtime!

  • Accept changes in life

  • Practice emotional control by e.g. breathing techniques

  • Celebrate small achievements

  • When you wake up in the morning, say something positive to yourself

  • Practice autouggestion

  • Mediate

  • Start writing a diary

  • Get out of your comfort zone daily

  • Use visualization techniques to control your subconscious

  • Try to stay sometimes alone and use this moment just for you

  • Be thankful everyday

  • Believe in YOURSELF

And most important: find out why you are stressed!

Wish you all the best!

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