Weight Loss Tip: S.M.A.R.T. goals

in health •  7 years ago 


Hello everyone, how are you doing? Today, I’m just going to write out some weight loss tips on how to set your weight loss goals properly–>This Weight loss tip is going to be talking about the S.M.A.R.T. acronym when setting goals for weight loss. If your not familiar with this acronym it is used a lot in project management settings however you can apply to almost anything. So lets get started and see what these letters stand for.


So what does S stand for? That would be Specific. So obviously were talking about weight loss here so that is a pretty specific goal. So now the question is how specific 10 pounds or 50? That’s up to you. Any goal you are trying to accomplish has to be specific and cannot be vague.

Second, The M in the acronym means Measurable. Every weight loss goal that you make for yourself should be measurable in one way or another.Ways weight loss can be measured are by a weight scale or tape measure so this can easily be done with a $20 scale or a fitness assessment by a personal trainer.

Third, The A in the acronym means Achievable. All goals should be Achievable there is no reason anyone should make unrealistic goals.

Making unrealistic goals is a sure fire way to cause one to stray from their weight loss plan. So make sure that whatever your weight loss goal is you will be able to reach it with some good ole hard work.


Fourth, is the big R which is Results-focused. If you didn’t know already weight loss is usually pretty hard for most people so these goals need to be Results-focused meaning take no prisoners we want results and we wont take anything else. Every time you walk in a gym or grocery store the main thing on your mind is results nothing else.

Fifth, is going to be the letter T which stands for Time-based. So you always need to come up with that time table like hey I’m going to lose 30 pounds in 3 months. That goal is time-based and it falls under every other S.M.A.R.T. goal. I want to make one more point on this and that’s be sure to make micro time-based goals like I wanna loose 2.5 pounds every week and that will ultimately get me to my main goal of 30 pounds.


So I hope I have gave you another tool to work with on your way to a thinner you. Thanks for stopping by!


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Nice post and it's what I needed to hear! I'm guilty of starting my journey hard and fast multiple times and losing motivation quickly for not seeing drastic results only after a few weeks. I'll definitely bookmark this post and come back to it when I feel like I'm going down the same road again. Thank you.