Foods that keep you away from sound sleep

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

It is a fact that we unconsciously live a life of our desires and focus on that which is proven that it is harmful but we no longer give time to think just once and say inside" it would be the last time, next time i will be careful about that. But my dear steemians does that next time come or we move on as the wave takes us just making promises and not sacrificing even for ourselves.

I want your apology here because you know very well that there is something in your favorite foods that creates hurdle between you and your sweet dreams and health, LEAD you to utter stress. if you are not fit by health than no yoga or any medicine can ever keep you fit. Why does a baby gets a sound sleep? yeah he does not fight with nature but as we grow up the precreated conditions drag him towards an unhealthy life full of stress and now the sound sleep is missed.
Milk and Dairy
(With reference to Google) One food group that can be hard to digest is dairy, mainly because of lactose, the sugar found in milk and other dairy products. lactose isn't digested properly, such as in people with lactose intolerance, gas and bloating result. And as rich in protein takes a long time to get approval from your stomach for complete digestion.

Pizza, the most chosen by all:
but this great cheesy treat is very harmful if not cooked with proper healthy ingredients or taken by street food. One pizza slice contains 34 grams of carbs, fats 10 grams,contains 12 grams of proteins per slice, along with a cup of shredded mozzarella cheese contains 25 grams of proteins, sounds doubled. Having a rich red layer of tomato sauce yap containing antioxidants such as lycopene, folate, beta-carotene, potassium, etc might create problems during sound sleep. I admit the fact that you have made a condition in your minds that you are madly in love with this colorful food which might have vitamins and minerals such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, phosphorus, calcium, and selenium depending on the toppings you select but remember it has some risks too. for the sake of that thing throbbing in your chest please try to enjoy pizza not more than three or four times a month. I advice all my dear Steemians we all wanna get success in our life so please keep a pizza in your mouth with lots of veggies, thin crust, lean meat such as chicken, and a limited amount of cheese. Also, ensure you do not eat it late at night before you go to bed because we need to struggle for 24/7 not for money but focused over our precious health.

fruit juices ![raspberry-3176371_1920.jpg]
if you really love fruit juice then it is great to start your sunrise with fruit juices but wait, No do not open the canned juice just take out your juicer blender and blend some fresh juice if you wanna stay longer with sufficient amount of glucose. yeah keep the canned juices aside or let them stay in the stores and Oh i forgot to tell you do not take them when you are about to sleep or they will make you stand up.

Soft Drinks/ Soda act like Orca the Killer Whale: ice-3208140_1920.jpg
We do not want to accept old age but alas we welcome old age, gray hair, lethargy, osteoporosis and many other unwelcomed things with the satisfaction of our taste buds. Here i request women specially to avoid soft drinks as they increase the possibilities of breast cancer. These drinks kill the functionality of our liver. Then what happens we have to visit the doctors. I have watched some videos on youtube where a woman is cleaning commode with that well known dark color cola now you can imagine what would be the reaction of those drinks to your soft body and sleep. Believe me I have lost #1 my sleep, #2 my bones thick calcium and my teeth...... O i was too obsessed with their taste too.

We are breathing in an era where we have lots of technologies to live life more smoothly but it is our bad luck that we are under pressure each fraction of a single second. Most of us find the only way to escape from stress in foods or i must say JUNK FOOD. but believe me it is a gateway to MORE stress and ill health.
when you are not fine and side by side you have to fight with your everyday routine then how can you move on between two of them. just select one of them. find in yourself ............
what is your first priority?
your taste buds satisfaction.
or your HEALTH.
These days when we are facing health problems then why we give preference to our taste buds. if we want to show killer success then we have to give preference to our health rather then our stomach satisfaction to reach to our target.

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