Bottled Water Brands to avoid immediately!

in health •  8 years ago 

The following have fluoride in them and should be avoided!

Alhambra, Sierra Springs, Sparkletts, Arrowhead, Mount Olympus, Belmont Springs, Poland Spring, Crystal Rock, Crystal Springs, Shenandoah, Deer Park, Diamond Springs, Nursery Water, Hindley Spri, Ice Mountain, Kandiyohi, Puritan Springs, Kentwood Springs, Mayer Bros., Ozarka, Pure Flo, Zephyrhills.

And some safe bets for water bottle brands that don’t contain fluoride are: Aquafina, Crystal Point, Dannon, Deja Blue, Evian, Fresh Market, Great Value, Smart Water, Summit Mountains and Summit Springs.
Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain.

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Good to know, I had bought a filtration system for the house called Hague. The whole house system still contains Fluoride, but I only use it to rinse, bath, or shower in. I then have a Revere Osmosis under the sink that removes everything else especially the Fluoride!

The guy I use to replace my filters says that the best in the market is Aquifina, which contains nearly no particles.

Thanks for the info!

Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain.

Seems to?

You're right, who needs science...

Don't want to hurt the feelings of people who like fluoride! LOL