in health •  6 years ago 

Because there will be a flu season and there will be a new shot you will be encouraged (sorry, did I say that? I mean mandated) to get. So what are your choices, really?

Believe it or not, you do have choices. One of them is to be prepared. Here is how I beat the flu last year, so successfully that friends started calling me up asking me to give them the remedy I had used on my whole family when we became sick. All I did was reading these two books, stock up on a few herbal tinctures and apply them following the guidelines for viral infections.

Yes, anyone can do it (although a good knowledge of herbal medicine or a consultation with a registered herbalist can help). Yes, you have to be careful about interactions with other drugs. And yes, herbal remedies work beautifully and are mostly completely non-toxic and very effective, for kids and adults.

You should be responsible for your own health. OR- you can just get the next (useless) shot, risk losing your health and still get sick, and then go to the doctor to see what other crap they can give you to repair the damage. But you know, it's your body so- your choice.
herbal antivirals.jpgherbal antibiotics.jpg
DISCLAIMER: I have no affiliation to the author of these books, just deep admiration for the century-old knowledge shared in them.

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I'll check if I can find this book on the web as a pdf file. Thanks.

Remind your readers that any flu shot is made to fight the flu of the previous season, but the virus has mutated, so the vaccination will do nothing for them.

Am resteeming you so that people on my blog also have your post to read, alongside with mine.

I returned because I read some of the other posts, esteemed ones also.

I do not know if you are aware that a number of children are returning to normal after certain treatment. More medicals?

No. They are given food that draws heavy metals from their body, so that it passes out in stool and urine.

If you cannot find what I am talking about, let me know...but if nobody is doing it in the UK, this is a wonderful way to help many children and their families.

Yes I know several people who are detoxing their child after vaccine damage, and the results are pretty consistent. Unfortunately some still remain in critical conditions, but even then there's some improvement. A friend whose daughter lost the ability to speak after her MMR is now starting to talk (at 12 years of age) after starting heavy metal detox. Pretty astounding, that's why conventional medicine will keep ignoring these stories

When I pass on a bit of info you already know, think of it as our way of passing on info to parents or other victims, who do not know.

Just imagine a parent who has already suffered the damage to their child comes to see what your post is about and he/she reads about there being a way to heal their child, that magical moment of joy, isn't it wonderful to think of us having helped heal a child and the hearts of the parents. I saw a vid of a little boy who had not spoken a word for over two years and 3 days after the detox, he told his mother for the first time, "I love you". Those are the moments that belong to angels.

Please do the same to my posts, it is nicer having a viewer give info, than to have me try to cover all bases on my own.

As far as my posts go, the same applies to all other (positive) comments by visitors.

Anyone who does believe the official line, please, no long negative comments - you are welcome to say you do not believe, but anything more than that, MAKE YOUR OWN POST. If you feel you have proof you are right, spell it out in your own post and who knows, maybe you will even make some money, as a number of 'whales' are anti anti-vaccine...

For steemit to thrive, we must all be tolerant of different beliefs and not attack their posts.

I do not get flu shots and I do not get the flu. I eat from my own gardens. I eat garlic. I eat oatmeal. I eat natural, organic, foods. I get sick less than people around me. I do not buy medicine, drugs.

What you are doing is unnatural and the gods of the globalists shall rant and rave against you.

I know it works, I experimented on 15 kids for nearly a year and it worked wonders. Healthy food means a healthy mind in a healthy body, as the Ancient Greeks used to say.