For what it is necessary to drink carminative funds

in health •  7 years ago 

Vetrogone funds are medicines that are designed to remove gases from the body, delivering a person from the meteorism of the gastrointestinal tract. They act by destroying gas bubbles.

Veterinary funds are of several types:

  1. On the basis of medicinal herbs: seeds of dill, hips and caraway, mint. In the good old days for babies in the pharmacy sold dill vodichka. They gave her babies to drink so that the gazik did not press on her tummy and did not disturb them.
  2. Medicinal preparations of factory production. These include no-shpa, festal, mezim, espumizan, etc.

The causes of flatulence are as follows:

  1. Little children swallow the air in the process of feeding. This happens in the early days of the baby's life.
  2. Reaction to certain products. For example: the intestine of an adult does not perceive milk.
  3. Therefore, this product causes such an unpleasant reaction as flatulence. The same reaction of the body to bakery products, sweets, etc.
  4. Violation of the micro-flora of the intestine.
    Поэтому при появлении такого явления в идеале нужно обратиться к врачу, чтобы выяснить его причину. Это первый шаг. Второй шаг - пересмотреть сое питание и исключить из рациона продукты, которые ваш желудок таким образом игнорирует. Попутно можно временно решить проблему с помощью народных средств - отвара укропа.
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