Let the Sunshine Down Upon You: Practical Healthy Sun Protection

in health •  6 years ago  (edited)

As summer arrives and people turn to the outdoors, I wanted to put some important thoughts out into the steemit world about sun health.

We rely on the sun to sustain life on this planet and yet we are being taught to fear and avoid it. On one hand we can all agree that plants, trees and many creatures require the sun for health and vitality. On the other we are easily convinced to lather on man made chemical products and avoid the sun in fear of things like cancer and wrinkles. This system is not making us healthier. It could be argued that it's actually making us sicker. Like all other living things, we need the sun for health and vitality. The good news is that there are ways to achieve sun health without man made interventions.

The fact is, yes, we are vulnerable to sunburn and skin damage when we get too much sun. On the other hand we need good doses of unfiltered sunshine on our skin for health and vitality.

Be like a flower and turn your face to the sun ~.jpg

I'm going to talk about the key methods of natural sun protection including: Ingesting internal sunscreens with powerful foods that are scientifically proven to help us, building up melanin, our bodies natural sunscreen, and protecting skin safely.

The Power of Melanin

We were born with the power to protect our own skin. Imagine that?

Melanin, the tanned-skin pigment that we all enjoy, helps to prevent sunburn. It's our own internal sun protection system. We spend too much time indoors so we generally lose this protection over the winter and we need to begin the process of preparing for the sun by building up the melanin in early spring.

Melanin is powerful. It is capable of transforming damaging ultraviolet light energy into heat in a process known as ultrafast internal conversion. More than 99.9% of the absorbed UV radiation is transformed from potentially DNA-damaging ultraviolet light into harmless heat. source

When you skin starts to feel too warm, seek shade. Wear wide brimmed hats and long sleeved shirts and allow your skin to cool. Avoid the high noon sun and most of all introduce yourself gradually to the sun because sunburn is not good for the skin.

Internal Sunscreen

Eat your sunscreen? Why not! Before there was modern medicine, there was healthy sun grown food and it should not be overlooked when it comes to skincare.

We can create an internal SPF by consuming an antioxidant-rich rainbow diet of sun-grown foods. This paired with the gradual build up of melanin is vital to a healthy relationship with the sun.


Here are some of the foods and the benefits they provide when it comes to building up an internal sunscreen. source


A group of antioxidants collectively called carotenoids are commonly found in colourful and vegetables and are excellent internal sunscreens and natural anti-aging compounds. Foods with the highest levels include: tomatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, watermelon and canteloupe

Of all edible plants, goji berries have been indicated to contain the highest levels of carotenoids including
ß-carotene. Used for centuries in Tibet and Mongolia as a longevity and strength-building food, goji berries are
attributed to both long life and a good quality of life source


Isothiocyanates are sulfur-containing phytochemicals found in vegetables including: broccoli, cabbage,
brussels sprouts, watercress, turnips, cauliflower & radishes. Isothiocyanates are known for their anti-carcinogenic and cancer fighting properties.


Studies have show that some antioxidants have been documented to have more sun protection qualities than others. Vitamin C, Coenzyme Q10, and Alpha Lipoic Acid are three antioxidants that have proven to be strong sun protectors.

  • Vitamin C is found in foods such as: citrus fruits, mangos, strawberries, cauliflower, broccoli and potatoes.
  • Coenzyme Q10 id found primarily in meat products. Botanical sources include spinach, broccoli, peanuts, wheat germ and whole grains.
  • Alpha lipoic acid is found in: spinach, broccoli and brewer’s yeast.


Polyphenols are found in fruits, herbs and vegetables. Our major dietary source of polyphenols is beverages such as juices, teas and wines. Pomegranates and grapes (specifically the seeds) are a key supplier of Polyphenols as are green * black teas along with curcumin.

Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids enhance the immune system as they strengthen the skin’s barrier function. They include omega-6, omega-3 and omega-9. Essential fatty acids and can be found in “fatty” cold-water fish (omega-3s) and some plant-based sources such as papaya, broccoli and kale.


Kids & Alternatives

I know it's impossible to keep kids out of the sun until their melanin builds up suitably. Those quick sprays seem so awesome and convenient but when you look up the ingredients (seriously look them up) you might change your mind. I also know sometimes we need some extra protection when we must be outside and can't shelter ourselves from the sun.

If you want a safe alternative you need a lotion that sits on top of the skin rather than those that are absorbed into the skin. Look for a product that uses natural botanicals and Non-nanoparticle uncoated pharmaceutical-grade zinc oxide. This means the particles of the zinc powder are large enough to sit on the skin instead of being absorbed into the blood stream. There are DIY recipes and you can purchase this zinc oxide on-line should you find a suitable product hard to find.

There are many, many reasons to avoid synthetic sunscreens.

I'm not going to delve too deeply into the "evils" of chemical sunscreens in this post. My position on it is that we do not use them and we never will. We live an agrarian lifestyle and often spend from dawn until dusk outdoors. We practice what I've shared in this post and it works for us.


Here are just a few things that concern me about sunscreens.

  • Many sunscreens contain chemical ingredients that our skin absorbs. Some of the chemicals in sunscreen are carcinogenic and harmful to us. According to a report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) scientists found that oxybenzone absorbs into the skin. It is present in urine long after sunscreen has been applied. IT acts like estrogen in the body; alters sperm production in animals and has been associated with endometriosis in women. They have also stated that itanium dioxide was shown to cause hormone-like activity; reproductive system, thyroid and behavioural alterations in animals. None of this sounds good and the lesser harmful chemicals are also concerning. You can read more here

  • UVB rays blocked by sunscreens are the rays we depend on for vitamin D. In North American over 75% of people are deficient in vitamin D. We need to spend time with pure clean skin and the sun. source

Sun kissed food and skin, sounds quite natural doesn't it?

I think it's time we stopped fearing the sun and instead start trying to understand how to harness its power for our health and vitality. I know that sunshine make me feel vibrant and alive. It does not matter if it's in the depth of winter or on a hot day - It feels good. It's a lot easier to apply creams to our skin and to allow others to dictate what's best for us than it is to take a mindful approach and be personally accountable for our well-being.

I just want to stress the importance of taking care of yourself. I really don't think we can trust anyone who profits outrageously from selling us things to "protect our skin". Give it some serious thought and do some extensive research. It's a very interesting subject and I've only covered a fraction of what studies and researchers know.

The benefits of taking control of your own health and vitality are immeasurable. It's its very difficult to argue against the fact that good nutrition, time in nature, and sunlight is a solid foundation for good health.

Additional Sources:
source1 | source 2 | source 3 | source 4

[@walkerland ]
Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
Homesteading | Gardening | Frugal Living | Preserving Food| From Scratch Cooking|

You can also find me at: walkerland.ca | Facebook

Photo copyright: @walkerland



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I use shea butter which a friend brought me from Ghana - organic, homemade, virgin. Apparently, shea butter is the only thing that protects the skin from hot African sun, none of the other stuff works. You can get unrefined shea butter in organic shops.

I also agree with you that we need the sunshine, it's part of healthy life. Since I live in the UK where sunshine is a deficit good, whenever it comes out, I just get out and stay there, preferably in the middle of the day :D

A lot of oils are wonderful for the skin and shea butter is so lovely and nourishing for the skin. Its so nice that you've got a good source for it! I believe that many of the pure oils have a small amount of spf naturally built in. I remember when carrot oil was sold as suntan lotion -- I think it had an SPF of 4. I loved that stuff when I was a teenager.

Carrot oil for suntan - makes a lot of sense! Thanks for the idea :D I never knew, will look into it!

Once again, another great article with tons of great information. I appreciate the levels you go to in sharing your knowledge with others. I've added this to the Sotall Directory so everyone can benefit from it.

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. I really appreciate it. Thanks for all you do to share information that empowers people! :)

I take an in-between approach. I hate the way sunscreen feels on my skin, so I generally don't put it on, and I can get away with that under normal circumstances around here. If I go down South though, with my rather fair skin, I simply have to use it if I'm going to get to enjoy the beach at all. I appreciate the tip on the more natural products though; I'll have to experiment and see if they'll work for me ;-) Maybe that would end my ongoing sunscreen opinion battle with the Husband, haha. It drives him crazy that I don't religiously put it on daily😂

I'll look up the product that we keep on hand for when we have to work outside in the noon sun. I have really pale porcelain skin so it takes a while for me to build up that deep melanin base. https://www.livinglibations.com/default/products/sun-care/everybody-loves-the-sunshine-with-zinc

Thanks!! So cool to read a label and not see unpronounceable mystery ingredients! They make that sound delicious enough to eat ;)

Wonderful post! Living in southwest Florida we have sun every day...and we are outside just about every day. Hats are standard! Your information about food is so valuable, good to know that what we eat everyday can also provide protection. I love it, thank you!

this is such fantastic advice which more people should see, the power of the food we eat is amazing and so are our bodies in looking after themselves as long as we feed them with the best food possible. great great post resteemed xxx

thank you! It really does come down to common sense. I used to be terrible at "pushing through" to meet deadlines and all of that and I was forever getting sick. We've got to stop listening to what we are told to do and instead start tuning into what our bodies are asking for.

I could not have said that better myself x

LOVE that you can eat your sunscreen! I never really considered the aspects of foods we eat have the vitamins we would need to help fend off the UV sun rays.

It seems as though where our health and wellness is concerned it always comes down to the quality of what we nourish ourselves with. Such a simple things and yet we've got it SO messed up right now!

Oh I know.. all the preservatives in this and the prepackaged foods full of so many possible chemicals. Saddening...

If people would stop eating those foods and cleanse their systems... just imagine how good they would and could feel

Your post gave great information. I am trying my best to go totally natural and trying to stay away from as much chemicals as possible. We live in a world with too many chemicals. Great post!

Thanks! I am quite passionate about this. I have always been into all natural products and foods, I was lucky to have a strong influence in this area growing up. Unfortunately for me there is no choice. When I am exposed to chemicals, even hugging someone who has used a strong clothing detergent makes my skin break out in rashes and my breathing becomes difficult.

I sometimes wonder if our bodies weren't so busy combating all the chemicals we are exposed to every day maybe everyone would simply be healthier and more able to fight off illness.

I agree, we live in a world with far too many chemicals!

thanks for this excellent post~ you've been featured in this week's curation digest @the-hearth :)

amazing post walkerland! thanks!! xx wren

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Every time I read your articles, I am blown away with your knowledge. I am like the blind hog that finds an acorn from time to time and am happy to know, that without my knowledge, I have been helping myself! LOL Silly story about charging our Vit D batteries. I met a lady in camp last year, she was all about building energy and re charging. She suggested we raise our shirts and bare our bellies and chest to the sun. Direct hit to the "solar Plexis" We felt silly, but it really felt good! I think most any thing done in a positive manner is of great bennifit. Thanks for sharing.

Its funny because everything I wrote is simply common sense isn't it? It's not surprising to me that you were doing this all along. It's smart living.

I really love your story!

I think most any thing done in a positive manner is of great benefit.

I agree completely. All that good energy is powerful. I would love to meet someone that understands those sorts of things. It fascinates me. I think I'll have to give that a try!

I will admit, it wasn't the last time I did it! lol

thanks dear for this post..

I think it's time we stopped fearing the sun and instead start trying to understand how to harness its power for our health and vitality. I know that sunshine make me feel vibrant and alive.

i completely agree. looks like spinach is an ally in more ways than just nutrition! this was really informative. also an agrarian here, i concur that the wide brimmed hats and covered arms if you're out for a while are great! i didn't know about the build up of melanin or supportive foods one can eat. yes! so thanks for this informative post. i've resteemed it :)

Thanks so much! It always seems to come down to what we put in our bodies doesn't it?

I thought you might appreciate this short video.

sunscreens inhibit the innate intelligence of our skin cells.

Wow I loved that video, very eye opening (@birdsinparadise check it out 👆👆)... seems we’ve been getting it wrong all these years. Good news for us outdoor workers ;) thanks!!

Wow, this is very interesting, quite scary actually. What is the consumer to believe these days!

Damn! I never knew you could EAT your sun screen but it makes so much sense!

Have u heard about uv blocking sunglasses actually hindering our bodies natural reaction to the sun which makes it fair to produce melanin? Not sure if that was just a rumor or not...

It all seems to come down to common sense. I read that as well ... they say not to wear sunglasses all of the time because there are wavelengths that the sun gives off that actually benefit your eyes. I can't find where I read it but it made sense to me at the time.

Mmm I agree! I've ready about the benefits of early morning sun gazing as well, so probably best not to deprive yourself from that full spectrum that body needs too much :)- you're right, common sense is usually the best way to go <3!

Great article! I did not consider the dietary factors when it comes to natural sun protection.

Being a ginger I wear wide brimmed hats and long sleeve shirts all summer long. Even still, I sometimes need to apply sunscreen to my ears and back of the neck because I am often bent over while working on the roof and the sun will still hit me there despite the hat. I also find that the beard helps to protect my face.

I will have to look into the more natural zinc based options.

yes, when you are working outside all day it really is a challenge to keep your skin protected ...which is especially important when you are ginger! I've been thinking about getting a really big umbrella that I can move around with me in the garden so I don't have to come inside when it's scorching.

I use the natural sunscreen when I have to be outside during the noon heat and I think it's very effective. Just be sure to always shake the bottle well before applying. I really do recommend giving it a try.