This DETOX cocktail is very useful for the kidneys

in health •  7 years ago 

Grapefruit - the ideal fruit for dietary nutrition for a very good reason: it is packed full of nutrients such as lycopene, vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. Moreover, studies show that this citrus fruit can help lower cholesterol, prevent the formation of kidney stones, and even protect you from certain types of cancer.


Grapefruit Detox Cocktail
Not to mention, that grapefruit is very good at this time of year to maintain immunity.

We suggest you to prepare this simple tart-sweet detox cocktail


Servings: 2

1 grapefruit, peeled, remove seeds
1 large sweet apple, without peel
2 cups spinach (you can have an ice cream)
1 large ripe banana, pre-sliced and frozen
Unremunerary almond milk, water or orange juice (~ 1/2 cup)
1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger, peeled and grated

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Very healthy drink, taste of grapefruit is bitter though full of benefits. It helps lose weight also.

Detoxing with drinks is one of the simplest and most beneficial ways of cleansing the body and feeding it the nutrients it is really craving. What seemed like just another fad has stood the test of time

be careful tho! you shouldn't drink or eat a lot of grapefruit if you take statins or if you have low levels of testosterone!