When you are eating seafood and drinking beer, gout and kidney disease are waving at you.

in health •  6 years ago 

It is the season when seafood foods are heavily marketed. How do you know about seafood when people are full of food?
Nowadays, the transportation is quite developed, and the logistics industry is developing rapidly. The seafood that was previously not available inland has become visible. However, as people enjoy the delicious seafood, health problems also follow.

Many people now suffer from gout. Western medicine teaches that gout is closely related to uric acid. Our body's daily metabolism produces something called purine, which is also eaten by foods that are eaten. Uric acid is metabolized by purines. Come from.


Purine is an organic compound, molecular formula C5H4N4, colorless crystals, purine oxidation in the human body into uric acid, the body's high uric acid can cause gout. The purine content of seafood and animal meat is very high.
Under normal circumstances, 70% of the body's uric acid will be excreted by the kidneys with the urine, and 30% of the uric acid will be excreted through the stool and sweat. However, due to the relatively small depth of uric acid, excessive intake of purine will produce too much uric acid, and uric acid will accumulate in the body to exceed it and the solubility will crystallize, and these crystals calm in the joints causing gout.

The site of uric acid metabolism is in the kidney. The first step of metabolism is to filter the glomerulus. When the glomerular filtration is reduced, the metabolic acid in the urine is high.
The second step is the reabsorption in the renal tubules. When the reabsorption of the renal tubules is weakened, the metabolic acid in the urine will also be high. When the uric acid concentration is high to a certain extent, the uric acid crystals will be filtered and reabsorbed. Damage to the kidneys, persistent uric acid bias may even lead to urinary tract stones, incomplete renal function, kidney failure, uremia, etc., and eventually endanger life.

On the other hand, alcohol-containing drinks can accelerate the decomposition of purines. So as to speed up the formation of uric acid. Alcoholic beverages also affect the kidneys, slowing uric acid excretion.

The flesh and soup of animal viscera and brain and seafood are high purine foods. Normal people must also enjoy moderate diets, and these foods should not be used together with alcoholic drinks. If friends are in physical fatigue, Or if you are working overtime for a long period of time, be sure to pay attention. It is best not to eat seafood together with sprinkles.

Conclusion: Money can not be bought for health. Only by maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle can we truly obtain a healthy and long-lived body.

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