Healthcare Dilemma is beyond Sociopolitical Rhetoric

in healthcare •  3 years ago 

The Intricacy of the 21st-Century Healthcare System doesn’t exclusively have its place in the U.S.

Originally Published by Being Well on Medium

Photo by Jesper Aggergaard on Unsplash

The essence of the healthcare enigma lies within the scope of perception. It pertains to genuine quality and value within the boundaries of a given system and society. An outwardly apt description, there seems to be continually something fumbling within the recommended solutions. For those citizens, especially those who live in the United States, controversies around the National Health System (NHS) are prevailing.

Metaphorically speaking, Universal coverage is like the Grass being Greener on the other side of the fence. It improperly theorized that having a government-run single-payer system is the ultimate remedy to the ever multifaceted corporate medicine, even though it linguistically sounds the perfect solution in today’s high-cost, low yield healthcare arena. However, In the U.S., unless the fundamental constitutional solution is delivered, applying government programs will further complicate the problem through further subsidizing the corporate cartel, increase government mandates, place the burden on taxpayers.
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There is no such thing as a National Health system in the US because it is not free.