Health Care Reform Basic Outline

in healthcare •  6 years ago 

Health Care is in dire need of Reform. However, a Monolithic One Size Fits All as in Medicare For All OR Single Payer which will of necessity by run by an INEPT CONGRESS AND MASSIVE BUREAUCRACY. Such as system will eventually collapse under the weight of its own Ineptitude and Excessive Costs.

What is needed is a 3 Part System that that would preserve Competition among Medical Providers and Allow for Maximum Patient Choice neither of which exist in the Present System. Anti-Trust Laws specific to Medical Providers and Institutions should be passed and enforced. The present Governmental Policy of Safe and Effective (which guarantees neither safety or effectiveness) should be replaced with Imformed Consent. The would eliminate many costly Law Suites that only raise the Cost of Medical Care and Enrich Lawyers at the expense of the population at large.

The should be a 3 Tier System Governmental Finance System of Patient Care:

  1. Health Savings Accounts (HSA) for all from Birth until Death. These should be generous enough for routine Health, Eye, Dental and Drug Care. These accounts should be liberal enough to provide for Alternative Treatments to Orthodox Care.
  2. Catastrophic Health Insurance to cover Major Medical & Surgerical Expensive Treatments, Rehabilitations and End of Life Care.
  3. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants to cover Exotic Diseases & Experimental Treatments with Patient Informed Consent.

The HSA’s would eliminate large sectors of the present Governmental Corporate Bureacracies the presently rule our Health Care System by putting the Patient in Control. Doctors and other Providers would have to react in a Free Market Supply and Demand Competitive Manner causing the Costs of Health Care to fall.

The Anti-Trust Legislation would introduce Competition into the Major Medical and Surgical, Rehabilitation and End of Life Systems. Patient Choice would force into a Free Market rather than Bureaucratic System.

NIH Grants would be funded as Medical Research on Exotic and Rare Diseases and would be funded out of the present tax system.

Employers may fund the HSA’s and Major Medical directly to their Employees as they now provide Traditional Health Insurance. Employers who choose not to provide such insurance would be subject to a Social Security like Tax. Those who cannot afford the tax or need to supplement the tax would be required to do some sort of workfare to pay for their Health Care. There is much to do as pertaining Workfare with the Building of Infrastructure being one Hugh example.

With such a basic outline, the disasters of Universal Fascist and Socialist Health Care can be avoided and a Free Market System Implemented. The only problem with such a system as this is the Extreme Libertarian who does not WANT Health Care. These people would be rare and would have to pay for Health Care out of their own resources and would be required to pay a special personal tax for their Catastrophic Health Care.

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