To be healthy, turn the briquette instead of turnover

in healthdevelop •  6 years ago 

Take a turnover instead of biscuits. Reduce fat to turnover What is the cookie with tea? Is your child always eating biscuits? Do you know, being thicker than bits of fat can be diabetes?

Looking for a five star hotel to eat tea or a living room in the house, pick up tea with tea. Otherwise the risk of danger.

The morning snack means that we understand tea and biscuits. Tea Party, free movement of biscuits at the company's small meeting or friend's house And at this pace, defeat.

Biscuit means flour. Vitamin supplements during preparation. Constipation due to decreasing fiber Slowly increase weight gain.

Biscuit trans fat Bad cholesterol continues to grow in the body. Increases weight. Aggression continued to grow. The risk of diabetes and heart disease increases.

Biscuits have more sweets. If it is a biscuit with everyday tea, then obesity is confirmed. Suddenly the blood sugar level increases. Doctors say so

Children may be allergic due to eating regular cookies. Due to the high amount of sugar in the market, the possibility of twelve market

Then the way? Change the definition of tea with tea. Take a turnover instead of biscuits. Benefit a lot. Doctors say so

Filling of low calorie stomach foods means turnover. For those who are often hungry, but most of the time in the office or at home to work at home, calorie demand is low, for them between lunch and dinner, in the middle of the afternoon or evening, ideal food may turn.

One cup of 14 grams contains 56 calories. Carbohydratees 12.6 grams, protein 1 gram, fat 0.1 grams, fiber 0.2 grams, potassium 16 mg, iron 4.44 mg, magnesium 4 mg, phosphorus 14 mg, thiamine 0.36 mg and niacin 4. 94 milligrams

Helps reduce weight, turn it into turns

Blood pressure is regulated due to very low amount of sodium.

A lot of water is filled with stomach for a long time.

Benefits of dry twigs in the dry mouth of the stomach or the wet twitch in the water.

Due to the abundance of Vitamin B and Mineral Enhances Disease Control. Reduces the chance of a heart attack.

Do not biscuits with morning and evening tea, if you do not want to go to the more convincing diets.

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