1. Reduces Harmful Cholesterol Levels
Cinnamon decreases bad cholesterol levels while raising levels of good cholesterol in the body. By gradually raising the blood sugar level after meals, regular cinnamon ingestion can also help lessen the effects of meals heavy in fat.
2. Joint-Strengthening Aid
Arthritis is a painful condition brought on by stiffness, edoema, and inflammation around the joints. Although there is no concrete scientific evidence that using honey will help avoid pain, it is nonetheless advised to take a daily dose of a cinnamon-honey mixture to assist manage pain. This is so that the pain can be reduced and subdued thanks to honey’s anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, honey is believed to boost immunity, keeping you guarded against joint issues. Additionally beneficial for supporting healthy joints are cinnamon and honey.
3. Possibly Cancer-Protective Effects of Cinnamon
Uncontrolled cell development is a dangerous illness known as cancer. For its possible role in the treatment and prevention of cancer, cinnamon has received extensive research. Overall, the evidence indicating that cinnamon extracts may prevent cancer is restricted to in vitro research and animal studies. It appears to be toxic to cancer cells, leading to cell death, and works by slowing the growth of cancer cells and the development of blood vessels in tumours. Cinnamon is a significant stimulator of colon detoxifying enzymes, inhibiting the spread of the cancer, according to a study in mice with colon cancer. Test tube studies that demonstrated cinnamon triggers protective antioxidant responses in human colon cells backed up these conclusions.
4. Diabetes protection
Cinnamon has been demonstrated to reduce blood sugar spikes after meals by slowing stomach emptying and increasing the sensitivity of the body to insulin. Additionally, a University of Georgia study discovered that cinnamon helps reduce tissue deterioration and inflammation brought on by high blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels cause sugar to bind to proteins and generate advanced glycation end products, or AGEs. The immune system is stimulated by AGEs, which results in tissue damage and inflammation that are linked to ageing and diabetes. The antioxidant content of popular herbs and spices, including cinnamon, and their capacity to prevent the formation of AGEs were found to be strongly and directly correlated in the study.
5. Lowers Blood Sugar Levels
Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels in various ways besides its beneficial effects on insulin resistance. According to Dr. Lee, diabetic patients in a randomised controlled experiment published in the International Journal of Preventative Medicine were given the option of taking a placebo or 3g of cinnamon daily for an eight-week period. At the end of the trial period, the cinnamon group displayed statistically significant improvements in weight, BMI, body fat, and fasting blood glucose.
According to the study’s findings, three grammes of cinnamon consumed daily by type 2 diabetic patients may have a modest impact on glycemic status indicators but had no positive impact on blood pressure, blood lipid profiles, or body composition measurements.
6. Help Clear Acne
Cinnamon may aid in clearing breakouts because of the antibacterial properties of bioactive phytochemicals, according to a review of studies published in 2015. Two teaspoons of raw, organic honey (another antibacterial goodie) and a dash of cinnamon can be combined to make a straightforward topical face mask that fights acne. Apply to your face for approximately ten minutes, and then gently rinse with warm water and a washcloth.
Reducing your intake of foods with added sugar, according to Jaclyn London, MS, RD, CDN, the nutrition director at the Good Housekeeping Institute, is also associated with cleaner skin. Sweetened beverages, cereals, crackers, breakfast bars, pastries, and sauces are among the main offenders.