11 Golden Rules of HEALTH

in healthyliving •  5 years ago 

#1. Fast! Intermittent fasting - each day & a few times a year on Water or Juice.
#2. Once a year do a herbal anti-parasite cleanse.

#3. Replace amalgam fillings.
#4. Get enough sun.

#5. Adopt fresh plant-based diet. Remove all processed & chemicalzed substances from your personal space.

#6. Restore your personal connection to NATURE.

#7. Stay active. Walk/ Dance/Run/Swim/Yoga/etc.

#8. Meditate at least 20 mins a day.

#9. Work on your mental state: let go of the conditioning & old beliefs that weigh you down, develop new habits that serve your state of well-being.

#10. Have FAITH in what is SELF. You are a pure consciousness, higher intelligence expressed in a human form.

#11. Challenge your beautiful SELF to continuously LEARN & GROW spiritually.
Nothing ever is but is always becoming, as Plato put it;
Fall in LOVE with what you are becoming.

extract from " Eat to Be Happy" by yours truly

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Loving the quotes!

I'll add one...."Eat food like medicine, because if you don't eventually you will be eating medicine like food"