In the midst of uncertainty and concerns about security and economy world over, everyone focusing on their challenges. Please permit me to share a little thought of mine that resonates with the truths of the scriptures.
In the words of Jesus Christ
"John 16:33 says these words of I spoken to you that in me ye might have peace, in the world you will have tribulations but be of good cheer I have overcome the world".
These words as seemingly with no immediate effect are the assurances that Christ gives to the believer,the grace to remain calm in the midst of storms are hidden in these words and by understanding can it be received.
I know you might be going through a lot but I tell you as a popular hymn says "count your blessings and name them one by one". Most of the time the devil steals our joy and peace by projecting to us an enlarged version of the actual situation.
Only with the eyes of gratitude will you be able to comprehend the actual picture of what God has prepared for you.
Apostle Paul speaking in 1 Corinthians 2:9 assures us " but as it is written,eyes hath not seen,nor ears heard,neither hath it entered into the heart of man,the things which the Lord has prepared for them that love him.
In the midst of pains you can see peace,this in itself sounds absurd but I tell you the truth gratitude opens the you up to the realities of God's promises. Scriptures says " therefore with joy shall you draw water out of the well of salvation" Isaiah 12:3
When you see through the eyes of gratitude you see positivity, hopelessness becomes hopeful, sorrows becomes gladness,delay becomes a process. What you become is not really dependent on what others see,more often our eyes are needed to picture what becomes of us.
Just rest on God's promises and realise that what you are going through is just a phase and it will soon pass.whatever has a beginning must eventually come to an end,you are not a product of a random swing in the wheel of chance God has purposed an expected end for you which is according to his will.
The dangers of ingratitude are these,
- it makes you trivialise what you have.
- Focuses more on your weaknesses than strength.
- Saps away positive energy,makes you into a victim and keeps you at a disadvantage.
We navigate the world with the understanding of scriptures knowing that our hope is built not on the assurances of men,but on the immutable guarantees of God. Try gratitude and believe me you will soar on high altitudes.
Shalom and thanks for reading.
Jesus loves you totally