Hearthstone Witchwood: March 28th Card Reveals

in hearthstone •  7 years ago 


Another day, another list of cards.



Mana Cost: 4
What appears to be a horribly over priced card, this card is much like a "Hammer of Wrath" but with the condition of must kill the minion, and instead of drawing a card you get a coin, which many people consider half a card. With Hammer of Wrath seeing no play, I would say with confidence that this card will not see any competitive play. In arena, this card is also terrible and will see no play.

Overall this is a horrible card and will see no play.



Mana Cost: 4        Attack: 4        Health: 4
A slightly poorly stated card that runs off the "Holding a Dragon" effect, this card is coming into the game in a state where the "Dragon Priest" deck is no longer being ran, esspecially after the standard rotation. Due to this, unless there are more power dragons to be revealed in the set it is unlikely that this card will find a Dragon deck to even be tested in. In arena this card is unlikely to see play but may be picked if the other options are horrible.

Overall this card is unlikely to find a deck to fit into and likely will not see play.

Coffin Crasher


Mana Cost: 6        Attack: 6        Health: 5
A card with high potential to pull cards such as "Obsidian Statue" or even "Cairne Bloodhoof", Coffin Crasher seems like an extreemly strong card with the ability to swing the game. Quest Priest may have seen itself fall from the top ranks of competitive decks but with this card, it may have a chance to see a return, although Tempo Priest seems a lot more likely. In arena this card likely will not see play due to the difficulty of building synergy decks but there is still potential in decks with just even 3 deathrattle cards.

Overall has high potential and is likely to see competitive play in many priest decks.

Blackwald Pixie


Mana Cost: 3        Attack: 3        Health: 4
A well stated card with a battlecry refresh similar to "Garrison Commander" however only refreshing your hero power once. With the new hero power buff Legendaries there is a chance of this card seeing play but looking at Garrison Commander which saw no play, this card is likely not powerful enough to find a spot in competitive decks.

Overall this card is decent but not strong enough to see competitive play unless "Odd Decks" gain traction and find the need for more hero powers.

Clockwork Automaton


Mana Cost: 5        Attack: 4        Health: 4
A poorly stated card with an effect similar to "Prophet Velen" but only on hero powers. Clockwork Automaton has potential to see play in decks along side the new Hero Power buffing legendaries in theory, although it may be too slow in practice to pull off. Due to this, I believe this card may see a bit of competitive play but is unlikely to succeed. In arena this card is likely too weak to see play.

Overall this card is likely too slow to see any competative play.

Vex Crow


Mana Cost: 4        Attack: 3        Health: 3
A poorly stated card but with an "after spell cast" effect. If this card is not killed the turn after it is played it has high potential to snowball in value making it a high priority target. Even if a single spell is casted after this card is played it will have made up for its cost in stats. Due to this, this card is decently strong and has potential to see play. In arena this card is unlikely to see much play due to the scarsity of spells but could do well in a spell heavy draft.

Overall this card is strong but not ridiculously strong and will likely see a bit of competitive play.

Overall Thoughts

It seems that the Hearthstone Dev team wants Rogue to maintain the Coin theme, however, are developing their cards around "Gadgetzan Auctioneer" in fear of another OTK deck rising and due to this are purposely overpricing cards. This is likely an issue they cannot fix anytime soon so any cards involving the coin in rogue will likely be extremely weak which is disapointing but understandable.

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