In Aramaic the name "Jesus" Hebrew: ישוע Yeshu(a) would be pronounced "E'sho" ....
In Aramaic it looks like this:
Reading from Right to left .... yoot - sheen - waw - ein (yud-shin-vav-ayin)
And sounds like this "E-sho" (Video)
Aramaic Original NT by Victor N. Alexander for $34.95
Aramaic Bible Translation Project Proposal Victor Alexander ©1997-2016 :
The most accurate original texts (of the New Testament) are the Galilean Aramaic that Jesus, the disciples and apostles spoke and wrote in. These are the primary texts. They are preserved only by the ancient Church of the East theologians. However, all other English translations are important, since they are the reason why a new, authentic translation is valuable insofar as comparative studies in the humanities are concerned.
The appropriateness of the (translation)will take into consideration the use of the best and oldest sources of the Books of the Bible. The different modern Aramaic versions of the Scriptures will be compared and carefully studies for intended idiomatic meanings, in the context of the texts and the cultures that embodied the specific scholarship that produced the variations of the idioms and styles of the Scripture. Furthermore, in the final index section, there will be references to the ancient literature and mythology of Ashur, Babylon, as well as all the other Biblical lands that corroborate and enrich the meaning and scope of the content and style of the Old Testament.
The quality and expertise of the staff and other contributors applies to my capacity for undertaking the translation, transliteration and stylistic considerations of the Scriptures in both languages, the original Galilean Aramaic and American English. As a translator, I bring to the job a thorough, native Aramaic language competency, education and knowledge of the cultures of Biblical lands, together with a US University education and a degree (BA) in a communications field.
My expertise in translating is eclectic. I speak Aramaic (native language,) Arabic, Persian and Norwegian. I'm fluent only in English and Aramaic. I have a profound interest in dialects of various languages. I understand cultural perspectives through extensive travels and have studied anthropology at the university through elective courses.
The quality and usefulness of the resulting publication will be significant and extensive, because of the revival of Christianity in the last decade in America, especially as evidenced through the numerous religious broadcasts on television and radio. There is a tremendous need for a translation of the Bible that can withstand the acid test of our times, both negative and positive. And I intend to deliver it.
The benefit to the audience is a renewed appreciation for the elegance of the texts of the Scripture, an enjoyment of the poetic impact of the verses, a fuller and more idiomatic understanding of the Bible. American readers can finally have an authentic translation, no matter what faith or background they come from.
The soundness of the dissemination plans in print are obvious, especially since the US religious institutions and missionaries are deeply committed to disseminating the Bible throughout the world. An authentic translation of the Bible will present the American people's intentions of good will to all nations through the support for an unbiased translation of the Bible. A Bible translation that does not include deliberate distortions of a racist and bigoted nature, which were designed over centuries by church hierarchies for the specific purpose of excluding certain people or religious groups from the power and financial control of religious institutions.
Furthermore, all people can appreciate a translation, which is free of errors. And then it can also generate a sense of unity and reduce friction among all people, because the Bible in its pure form is the instrument of God's Grace upon mankind.
My interest in translating the Bible from Aramaic started out a long time ago, however I was not aware of the lack of an authentic translation, until my wife prodded me into studying certain specific passages and Books she was interested in. Originally, I was interest in the religious heritage of the Ashurai people. Being a descendant of a very small ethnic minority, the Ashurai, I began reading the Bible to corroborate some of the historical books being written about Mesopotamia and the cultures that emerged from that land. I discovered that the Bible contained certain strange and unintelligible passages. At first I was not very concerned about these, because like most people I considered the Bible as a strictly religious book, esoteric in scope and somehow the domain of religious people, a sort of private phenomenon that need not be the concern of the "man on the street."
However, a revival of Christianity and the proliferation of religious programming on television are a growing phenomena of recent years, and they have begun to show their effects on the secular world of the average American. Furthermore, religious groups and institutions now are fielding their own political candidates for office. Although somewhat naiive to think that religion was not a big influence on American politics before, I see now that religion has always been a major influence.
Before starting my translation project, I looked around me and saw, in this town where I live, over fifty churches. Only fifty thousand people live here. A dozen religious broadcasts a week, that I am aware of, reach us here. There are hints from every one of them that they have the "True Gospel." There was such a tremendous inclination to dust off the old family Aramaic language Bible and find out a thing or two. However, it was finally my wife who urged me to translate. Her study and devotion to the Words of Jesus Christ compelled me to undertake the work.
After I studied the Bible and compared texts between different versions, it suddenly dawned on me that there really was no competent translation! I searched some more. As unbelievable as it seemed, it was true. Then I thought, surely, who am I, a layman, to even think of translating the Bible? Did I truly have the competence to do justice to the job? I looked around me and talked to many experts, scholars and clergy alike, and I came to the conclusion, amazingly, that I was probably one of the rarest of translators who had the most extensive and powerful understanding of both the languages of the Scriptures and modern American English.
Yes, I do understand Aramaic to a profound level. I went to an Aramaic language school. It was a Presbyterian Church school. Our two teachers were both from Urmia, Iran, where the Aramaic language scholarship was the dominant force in Ashurai cultural life and where most of our best literary people came from. I studied religion and language from the first grade, in the language Jesus spoke! I continued my education at an American Jesuit high school, from the time I was twelve, entering the seventh grade. I studied religion with Father Merrick. I got an "A" in the course based on my presenting a final assignment on the "Proof of the Existence of God." I studied Latin at Regiopolis College in Kingston, Ontario, during my eleventh grade. Later, I completed my high school in San Francisco in 1962. I entered college and finally graduated in 1970, from the San Francisco State University, with a BA in Filmmaking.
Aside from my interest in world literature, I have studied American literature extensively. From the early sixties, as an eighteen-year-old, I began to write and kept a journal. In 1967, I began my first novel. I have taken many writing and literature courses. I have recently published a book on my knowledge and experiences in the film industry. I have made documentaries about Mesopotamian artifacts in the museums in London and Paris, the British Museum and the Louvre respectively. My knowledge and expertise in American English is extensive. I bring a great deal more to the job as a translator, but this for now is sufficient with respect to an overview of my competence in the two languages.
Project Methodology
The original texts of the Bible are strangely enough available in print. The Christian world does not know that they are the originals, because almost no one can read and understand them, or even discern their authenticity, since the original language is dormant. Therefore, I am not affected by the controversy as to which is the oldest found version of the Bible at all. As I am dealing with the original Aramaic idioms, transliterating the verses and maintaining true idiomatic readings, as well as Aramaic poetic construction, my main concern is recovering the original meanings of the passages, especially the words that Jesus spoke. Authoritative texts are freely available and shall be used for comparison, such as the 1611 King James version, the Standard American Bible, the Concordance, the New American Version Bible (the St. Joseph Edition,) the New International Version and so on, including the Greek and Latin versions as well.
My interest is primarily in translating the Aramaic into American English, since Jesus' words are the most important from the perspective of what Christianity and the Christian Bible are all about.
Dealing with errors is a very sensitive issue when it comes to the Bible. I intend to provide extensive and ample footnotes whenever my translation corrects an outright error; however, if the passage or word in question is acceptable but poorly translated, then I will merely give a better idiomatic translation. However, I will use extensive notes on the translation in the forward to the Bible.
There are no serious problems posed by the translation, except for the fact that some of the concepts that have been embraced by certain denominations have created major obstacles to a clear understanding of the Bible. Only careful, comparative study of my translation against all other translations, including the Greek "Original", can lead to a clear understanding of the true words of Jesus Christ and the holy Bible.
The introduction and annotations to the translation will deal with the main reasons why a new translation is essential, namely that Jesus Christ spoke Aramaic and that the idioms and the poetic elegance of his words have never been properly translated before. There will be ample annotations to identify various passages in Aramaic, both in literal and idiomatic translations, and I will clarify all relevant details and differences between my translation and other translations.