There at the dawn
When man first thought
There in a cave
From the rain sheltered
A fire was lit
As man learned to build caves of his own
He carried the fire with him
And with it learned the arts of worship
Of your divine spirit
O Hestia of the fire pits
There in their fortresses
Where rulers dwelt
Surrounded by his fellows
Of clan and tribe
The fire was kept
The fire of the hearth
And of the altars
Where sacrifice is made
And herbs burned
Wafting scents into the heavens
For you, O Hestia
Eldest of the Gods
Through land and sea
In the cities and the farmhouses
Where you dwell among us
O blessed Hestia
Your fires do us aid
As man moves forward
To new worlds
At the head of flames from rockets bursting
And when we stand upon those worlds
Your fire we will carry with us
Not in hearths
Or in pits
But in our very hearts
Art: Timothy Lantz
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